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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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bbf280  No.218087

Consider watching The Lobby, Al Jazeera's undercover investigation of (((their))) influence in the politics of the US and the UK, to understand how (((they))) organize at lower levels, and methods to counter them.

Unfortunately, there are very few similar investigations. If there were more, their conniving groups would break apart due to fear of infiltrations; the same tactic they use on chans to sow distrust among posters by incessant accusations of shills. In the four years since release, the documentary has garnered less than 1M views on the official Al Jazeer's YT channel. Spread the normie-tier redpill if you can, and discuss or share any others below.

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13434a  No.218119

File: 3e92d7ffa430daa⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 644x800, 161:200, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>shill detected!

>Zionist shill, please don't watch this! We need to keep da goyim under control!

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2ade21  No.218130

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bbf280  No.218176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bbf280  No.218177

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395994  No.218307

Consider checking out Ron Unz's American Pravda series of articles, on the Unz Review and available as a free download.


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395994  No.218310

If they're educated, have them check out the White Nationalist Manifesto and/or White Identity Politics by Greg Johnson. Also the articles at American Renaissance and the Occidental Observer.

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bbf280  No.218392



Those are way beyond normie-tier. The idea is to influence the masses, so materials from "reputable" sources is best.

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