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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b92abab7b2c4cbb⋯.png (97.03 KB, 500x408, 125:102, external_content_duckduckg….png)

4f2d5b  No.218045



Now you guys have problem with experimental vaccines being forced on you. Nutinyahoo is not your friend, but you Jews keep acting as if there's some kind of unification of your people. You spy on non-Jews but you let Jews stick needles in your ass and force you to take drugs against your will.

Why are you Jews so steadfast on being human experiments and forcing yourself tp make dumb decisions? You'd have to be crazy to take an mRNA vaccine, which isn't saying a lot as Jews are crazy. I laugh at Americans for being pets to Israel, but Jews are pets to Israel too. It's almost as if your state and the Likud party, the insane Zionists who want global domination are also a threat to Jews.

I think it's time for Jewish shills to finally resign. You are part of Amalek/Edom now if you have any common sense. Forget the idea of "goyim". You yourself, the JIDF "nationalist" are a slave to your own government. Israel is not an "ethnostate". It's a dictatorship for the ruling elite. Now you get to take the experimental gene altering vaccine like a bitch.

Dr Anthony Fauci calls you Iswheel.

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f6c3d3  No.218046

File: 246d153dc94e8e1⋯.jpg (154.85 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, putin_jew_4.jpg)

File: 48bef7ee0bb55ba⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 552x603, 184:201, china_jews.jpg)

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c98e79  No.218047

They didn't get the mRNA vaccine in israel OP, they got placebo's. Regardless, you are right about the attitudes of israel's political establishment vs. their citizens. The average israeli lives in absolute squalor despite their politicians receiving billions from foreign aid / blackmail.

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838123  No.218056

Death to all jews.

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b900eb  No.218072

File: 95b6f4fa8ee2893⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 95b6f4fa8ee2893a2ce6148fa2….jpg)


The Moderna/Pfizer/Sputnik/Austrawhatever are not necessarily for the purpose mass human sterilisation. Their principal purpose it's to modify human DNA in a way that their bodies can receive 5G transimissions - so they can track every vaccine person without need of a biochip or any electronic device. They could manipulate you as puppets once they implement it.

That's the REAL purpose of the vaccine. Of course it includes mass sterilisation, genetic engineering to reduce testosterone for men; but those are their secondary goals. Their main goal it's to track people with something they can't rid off.

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4f2d5b  No.218105


James Weiler did a paper on it. No, it has nothing to do with 5G. It causes sterilization though.

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1dff0e  No.218106


>heir principal purpose it's to modify human DNA in a way that their bodies can receive 5G transimissions

Any idea how this could be accomplished in a biological lavel?


>The average israeli lives in absolute squalor

Yeah, looks like the jewish elite doesn't care that much about the rest and sees them in a similar way as goyim. I wonder when this started…

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bf104c  No.218110


No, you don't. And I have the right to kill you for disagreeing with you? Why do I have this right? Because I want to. And nothing will stop me from doing that.


All jews and all leftards will be killed.

There is no future for any of you.


You don't make choices. We do. And we chose to kill you all, leftards. And we WILL kill you all. There is nothing that you can do about it.


We ARE an army against you all. Personal armies for ourselves and our racial brothers. To kill all racial traitors and all jews.

Nothing can stop us.


We will have OUR freedom ,and take away yours, along with your life.

There is no choice nor safe space for you.

WE are in charge. Not you.


>Projecting this hard

The world will be what WE want it to be. And you can't control us, nor stop us. Nobody can.

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369d6b  No.218111


>WE are in charge. Not you.

Not him, but it doesn't look like that tbh.

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3e3176  No.218114


You are in the wrong thread anonbot.

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1db576  No.218137

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>WE are in charge.

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