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55d29a  No.217957

After Jan 4, there was a massive move from Twitter to Gab.ai.

Mainstream morons called it "alt-right". The dumb cunt from the ADL, Greenshit called it a website for "Nazis".

But seeing the trends, if a website has 20% of the interest, and ~10% the search interest as a major social media company beating out many other alternatives used for chatting, why is this still called "alt-tech" when it's slowly becoming popularized?

Social media is slowly diversifying and it's relatively simple to set up a social media app now. There's no reason why people should use Facebook or Twitter. It's pointless. Facebook became a news sharing site, which is easily replaceable with a simple RSS feed without the need for a Jew to manipulate daily emotions. You don't need Facebook for private messaging, and you don't even need it for any function really.

Twitter is easily replicable with Gab, or with Facebook, or with a million other alternatives. There's no reason the to say "alt-tech", based on the "alt-right" meme other than an alternative to big corporations which has the exact same functionality minus the moderation. But Parler, a supposedly Nazi website is funded by Zionist Mercers who fund Rebel. Oh, that's not very alt-right. Gab has maybe 20% the userbase to Twitter in interest. That's not very "alternative technology" aside from dissenter.

And seeing the daily growth of these social media applications, it's growing with more stupid people who repeat pop-culture globohomo shit, so there's nothing particularly alternative about it.

What does Greenshit, the NYJews, Washington Wash Bezos' Ass get out of their stupid crying?

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898aae  No.217961


>massive move from Twitter to Gab.ai



Who gives a shit about this normie crap.

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55d29a  No.217962


Oh I don't know,

>What does Greenshit, the NYJews, Washington Wash Bezos' Ass get out of their stupid crying?

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1d8785  No.217964


(((They)) like consolidation and centralization of things. It's much easier to control and manipulate that way.

If every group of people with similar interests have their own platform then it's hard to control wrong think and it allows for organization against their opposition. But if everyone uses a handful of popular, well-known sites like facebook, twitter, reddit for communication and online interaction which also happen to be under (((their))) control then it's very easy to ban the bad goyim, silence opposing voices, censor facts that don't align with their agends.

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898aae  No.217965


>What does Greenshit, the NYJews, Washington Wash Bezos' Ass get out of their stupid crying?

Who cares. Jews jewing that's all. Are you going to do anything about it? Didn't think so.

It's time to direct energy into building our future instead of just watching the jew show and tut-tutting.

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55d29a  No.217966


Yeah, and it's idiotic thinking thinking a person has a monopoly over social media. In fact it's retarded. I went over some tutorials for website social media apps and it's easy as hell to do.

Over 2 decades ago it was difficult, but sockets/servers and tons of built-in libraries now in programming languages has made it really easy to do. It's almost retardedly easy for as little as $40 per month on a small server that does everything Facebook does minus video creation for a small population.

It's almost stupid easy, except governments want to regulate social media corporations because of Liberal retards who can't follow a tutorial.

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e6d7bc  No.217988


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78fdaa  No.218368

File: b0f70053cd48a01⋯.jpg (277.65 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1610392325291.jpg)

File: b00151ef92eb6d5⋯.jpg (2.5 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1610463178634s.jpg)


Funny how all of a sudden when it comes to assets that jews control their (((diversity))) shtick doesn't apply.

Ironically the jew has thrown it's own windows in by banning dissidents and wrongthinkers of their platforms… those mavericks now got their own competing alternative tech.

it's a gift in disguise, as this forces people to adapt and diversify, also the precedent has been set they're gonna periodically find new undesirables to cull i'm sure.

Hmm we'll see if my slippery slope theory checks out.

Somehow their big brains forgot to keep friends close and enemies even closer. Nah instead oy gevalt, smear them, shut them down, buy them out , buy out their webhosting services, freeze their bank accounts!!!

Oh they're gonna go all out.

The harder they push to sanitize the web, they just end up with the hydra effect of lopping off 1 head and 3 popping back in it's place.

Thats how movements happen.

Before you know it there is an entire alt parallel economy full of opportunity. server farms, payment processors,marketplaces, finance , business, industry, likely mostly if not fully financed with decentralized currency, because ebil whitey went their own way.

That's wonderful, i fully support this outcome.

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