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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f8d4c0fa6de1cfa⋯.jpeg (30.28 KB, 480x640, 3:4, images.jpeg)

File: ac8a456c999907d⋯.jpeg (41.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, images_1_.jpeg)

e50626  No.217846

What does /pol/ think of blonde syrian arab refugees?

This guy is Mohammed najem,he is a 17 yeard old anti-assad syrian sunni activist.

He is from northern syria and currently lives in constantinople,Roachland.

He looks like he could enroll in the SS.

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59f7a7  No.217847

We're full.

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e50626  No.217848


I am not saying to take in more refugees,just asking what do you think of them

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e50626  No.217849

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37d161  No.217850


OMG! I'm a Jew and I work for the JIDF! I can take no more of the sage!!! PLEEASE STOP!!! It's like a holocaust, only spicier!

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04272f  No.217860

File: 726e5c979a5eda2⋯.jpg (88.58 KB, 600x572, 150:143, Woof.jpg)


We are pro-Assad here pleb.

We don't want israeli wars.

Go to another board to shill.

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ab3cc5  No.217872



He'll get what he deserves

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f562e1  No.217880



Try again, faggot.



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c9a7e1  No.217883

No more mudslimes

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a26731  No.217889


Sage and report spam threads.



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1d3223  No.217907

Kind fuck the hell off.

We think you are an absolute fucking retarded nigger IRL for thinking that 'race' is nothing more than skin or hair color.

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29bd83  No.217942

Fuck off, we're full.

People need an incentive to deal with their country and not run away as soon as things get hard. What is the problem with people from the 3rd world running to the 1st world, the world that people fought to make free? Why can't you dumb fucks fight to make your country free? Is it because you may lose your life? Is it because you may have problems? How many white men sacrificed their life to fight against King George for their freedom?

But oh because it's the middle east therefore it's perfectly acceptable to take in refugees, the very people who should be picking up a gun and killing Israeli/Turk invaders.

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79a840  No.218187


>the world that people fought to make free?

The Founding Nigger Fuckers of that thing called "America" thought "freedom" meant buying boatloads of niggers to work for cheaper than a newly arrived European immigrant would.

You know, the "freedom" to make people live beside their own imported labor-replacements.

Death to Israel! Victory to Bashar Al Assad! Turner Diaries Now!

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2269a5  No.218195


Go do it anon. Why are you still here sucking off European society?

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d34869  No.218198


>He is from northern syria and currently lives in constantinople,Roachland.

Well, that would make him a deserter. He doesn't want to fight for his country, and certainly is not going to fight for some other country either.

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eb1559  No.218205


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29bd83  No.218218


Do it then. Except don't do it to random whos.

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8d5277  No.218353

File: 83a34b771f1bfcc⋯.png (323.07 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 1612156129343.png)

>lookie me i'm white.

a sandnigger from a sandnigger country with a sandnigger culture, which is incompatible…

> little pig little pig, let me in.

No fuck off, your country is yours and so are your problems which are yours to solve.

>that's very selfish .

There is nothing selfish about barring incompatibles that selfishly float to my doorstep and demand entrance plus resources.

>i'm a hard worker and very intelligent .

even more reason to go back and improve your nation.

*red stamp pressed on application form* Bon voyage !

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11dd43  No.218391

File: 4a04e9ad84d6d11⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ed.jpg)


Best post in the chan of late.

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c57f15  No.218467


It definitely deserves a participation ribbon for saying what we are all thinking but too bored to reiterate for the millionth time.

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33dcd3  No.218490


some crusader chad fucked an arab slut 1000 years ago and his master race genes continue to dominate the meditebranniean mudblood to this day

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