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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 58c08ad231a067d⋯.png (286.9 KB, 1052x1137, 1052:1137, yet.png)

a8b167  No.217780



Americans, after going to war for Israeli Irgun terrorists, after having your nuclear devices stolen by Israelis, after repeatedly having intelligence stolen and sold to China, oh now because of your dumb love for Israel now they are right in your central demands.

Now you glow niggers are literally dying for Israel, under the command of Israeli generals. You morons won't do anything to stop Jewish supremacy. You are now the clowns of the world.

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7888cc  No.217783


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a8b167  No.217786


Repeat after me: "Iseel is my leada". Now bake the Jew a cake.

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cd807f  No.217793

Do you gusy think that this deterioration of relations between Israel and USA due to Israel courting China could lead to genuine tensions among kikes?

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3acfa7  No.217798




Israel has been losing its grip on the United States and it's only accelerating. This is why Israel is being so bold in their abusive control of our country. Very bad play by kikes because it makes their abusive control obvious to everyone within the IC. The more exposure Israel receives the better.

Sage because OP is an anti-American kike instead of opposing kikes who subvert our Country against the wishes of the white majority.

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cd807f  No.217802


Interesting, I wonder how far China will be able to get before bing forced into war agains half the world.

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3acfa7  No.217803

File: d09eba945e2dea8⋯.jpg (448.98 KB, 1250x954, 625:477, china_israel.jpg)


Everything our enemies plotted to do against us we will do to them. Many will die, maybe even you and I, but in the end it will be worth it.

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83a2ca  No.217809


Yup. The Jews are trying to get a tighter hold on their Golden Golem.


I don't see how the relations between America and Israel are deteriorating.

With regards to China, it seems obvious that Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora are trying to soften them up. I guess they see China as a Plan B in case America goes under. It may be harder for them to tame China because China is:

1) Not liberal like America

2) ethno-nationalistic, socially cohesive and homogenous.

If anything, I can see China taming the Jews instead of the other way around. If the Jews piss China off, they can always vote against Israeli settlements at the UN and give support to Palestine, which they have been doing for a couple years now.

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54a258  No.217810


I don't think it is going down like they dream.

I think the bug people are nationalistic enough that they will turn on the kikes and glass the entire region of the ME (nothing of value will be lost) as well as many others (be realistic, there isn't a nation in the world that hasn't been fucked over by israel) there is no way they are going to be allowed to continue to exist. It is not the hyper rich that are going to cause the problems it is the rich underneath them that don't want to be relegated to the poor masses that will cause the imbalance. All of world history can be summed up as the superrich trying to keep the rich in check by destroying them strategically or vice versa.

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3acfa7  No.217815

File: 48bef7ee0bb55ba⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 552x603, 184:201, china_jews.jpg)


Israel was created to be destroyed. Again: The goal was ending and replacing the United States with a Eurasian world super-power (meaning that Russia and China will conquer and subjugate Europe).

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10d8cc  No.217825

File: 0ebde335d857a2f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1199x1199, 1:1, royal_family_portrait_upda….png)


What will the be-niggered crown be doing in all this? They are Russian greatest ally according to the jews.

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0fd2ef  No.217845


Boy, good thing you saged this thread the Jews will surely give up now. They're in control of our banks, academia, media, gov't, etc, but along came the sagefag, and BAM! That was just too much for the Jew. He's done for.

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2b3724  No.217899


Anyone who doesn't kill his enemies deserve to be killed or enslaved by them.

Kill federal agents and their families for working for jews.

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5e5152  No.217918



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5e5152  No.217919



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a8b167  No.217943


Who cares? VPN IPs are cheap and widely available.

Go fight and die for IsWheel

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bf242e  No.217948

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a8b167  No.217950

File: aaac9c5fcd1f266⋯.jpg (206.53 KB, 1500x826, 750:413, IsWheel.jpg)


>I support IsWheel!

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bf242e  No.217952




>because his jewish paid shilling thread was exposed and refuted immediately

Sage. Report.

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a8b167  No.217954

File: 0183eb80a758c4f⋯.jpg (91.47 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, ee.jpg)


>By sharing the fact that Jews are in central command, therefore you're a Jewish shill!

>Checkmate, bigodt. Sayze

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bf242e  No.217959




>because his jewish paid shilling thread was exposed and refuted immediately

Sage. Report.

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a8b167  No.217968

File: 1393d8d14f23fe0⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 654x368, 327:184, ee.jpg)


>Savze! Weport and savze! We at du JIDF cunt let du goyoom sare it!

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a30dbb  No.218289

File: 49827eaa858f088⋯.png (165.49 KB, 812x727, 812:727, 1611407544982.png)

File: 206e712d00ef866⋯.png (455.83 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1612195851256.png)

Ah the USA is practically owned by zionist jews and shabbos goys.

but then again so is the entire west, what's new pussycat?

Without the west the jew will lose it's armor.

Once the west goes into decline(happening rn) the Chinese will become the alpha. The jew will have 0 leverage over it.

Unlike the west this alpha does not have mercy, it will gleefully wipe every kike, nigger , liberal, muslim, christian out specifically.

It might keep white women around as prize concubines.

pics related

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188635  No.218295


>by zionist jews and shabbos goys.

And…they are all doomed to destruction. Both of those groups destroy everything they touch. There is only one real way to be rid of both of them and that is to let them take the wheel. You concentrate on surviving them once they do and everything else will work out. Once they are allowed to take control their downfall and the downfall of everything they ever touched will happen swiftly. Just stay out of their way and let them self destruct. That is all you need to do. Seems simple. Also kill anyone who wants to have power over you.

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188635  No.218298


You are textbook anon. This one is for you.


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44bb07  No.218299


>jew(s) will have 0 leverage over (china)


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