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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d4769f900878e07⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 541x417, 541:417, MIND_CONTROL.jpg)

e11824  No.217756


Learn how the new vaccines are made for mind control by the evil doctors and researchers out there, to be given to the gullible populace, that attacks the brain with special viruses that induce a viral-created lobodomy that destroys peoples' spirituality and religious thought. Contains lots of files and videos that reveal the truth about vaccines!


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cf0088  No.217758

File: 0dd18bc3a6cb652⋯.png (12.66 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1500990654766.png)


>Contains lots of files and videos that reveal the truth about vaccines!

>link of 4gb zip file hosted on google server

<the second download finishes glowniggers break down my door and arrest me for cp

Is this how it was supposed to be? Was OP a faggot?

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6f4d35  No.217779

File: 2e22703f0de1e4d⋯.png (6.94 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)



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53d4a4  No.217784

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0f952f  No.217791


Dude, like put the docs here like pics or something or make a video and put it on like bitchute or dlive….

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