Let me drop a few thought here:
a) Russia is set to become the world largest energy exporter, but will do so excluively on Eurasia, which is where Rothschild and co. are moving thier financial empire as they demolish the anglosphere and west overall.
b) Not ony is Russia important for energy exports, it also is a key military player as well as what I think will be the one of the new global superpower (not China), the other being Israel. I say this due to the concentrated efforts to get US high tech firms to move both to Russia and Israel using anti-semitism rise to scare liberal kikes away from the west. In addition, Putin has in mind modernizing the country by investing in indutry a big portion of the gains from energy sales, specially to Germany. Russia is changing its banking and monteary system to decouple itself from national Finance, to be able to channel money to indrustry without entering a malicios usurious cicle. Rememebr that Russia is key to the heratland domanitaion theory.
c) I say China will not be a superpower because once the Belt and Road is finished I believe that China and US will be baited into going to war against each other, and while the US will be devastated and most of it will become thirld world (exept certain cities), China will simply be balkanized and divided into more managebale parts, were Han nationalism is no longer porminent and kikes have full control of everything. China auses industrial capitalism (what I mentioned Russia was doing), by printing debt free yuans and inveting them into industry. i don't think kikes run China right now (it is in early stages of subvertion), and are having a hard time getting in as buying their way into China (remember pivot to Asia?) has not worked.
d) On the other hand, native Russian birthrates are low and degeneracy runs rampant there. Putin was in the ideological department of KGB and I would not be surprise if he changed his instance to liberalism and legalized gay marriage etc. in a few years.