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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: aef2e1db98b962d⋯.jpeg (381.62 KB, 828x1301, 828:1301, EF92A37D_272E_494F_BD12_E….jpeg)

10e0d6  No.217638

What’s your score for RightValues

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10e0d6  No.217639

Bump 1

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10e0d6  No.217640

Bump 2

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152eac  No.217641

data mining

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d8744d  No.217653

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



9∕11 Missing Links.mp4

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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270987  No.217700


Global report for spam.

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a17a7e  No.217728

File: 1849204729e1a0b⋯.png (178.47 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, download_1_.png)

This is a scam

It asks you a bunch of questions and then tells you that you are a progressive and hate nazis, regardless of how you answer.

I'm fairly hardcore ethno-nationalist. It says i'm 50/50 on race. bullshit.

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10e0d6  No.217745


Wtf how If ur full ethno nat you should’ve gotten identitarian hmmm did u just click neutral on the questions

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a17a7e  No.217748

File: 0aa5ea7318e9454⋯.png (21.04 KB, 775x289, 775:289, ClipboardImage.png)


>did u just click neutral on the questions

I'm not gaming it to try and get the "right" score. The questions are designed to make you seem less extreme than you are.

>Culturally Right-Wing parties generally fits my views.

What should a natsoc put for this?


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a17a7e  No.217752

File: b84b7ae608b92e9⋯.png (19.02 KB, 836x303, 836:303, ClipboardImage.png)

If I someone agrees with this, does it know whether its for feminist or eugenic reasons?

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fd086d  No.217785


Yeah, the questions are always WAY too open ended. You have to know the author’s intent and answer based on its worldview rather than being able to answer honestly. The thread is also datamining spam.

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10e0d6  No.217830


Well bro look NatSoc are somewhat agree in a way

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10e0d6  No.217831

>>217785 what did you get?

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