>The Bolshevik Jew movement is falling apart.
[citation needed]
>Watching Joe Biden outright saying nigger in public
Literally irrelevant.
>an inability to do anything productive
You mean like the entire economy of the world?
>all the corporations failing to hold up the anti-white crap having their diversity shit exposed constantly
Exposed and… what? Nothing happens to them.
>the media stumbling to now saying critical thinking = bad
Stumbling? How are they punished? Nothing is happening to them.
>health officials at the CDC now being sued because of an electron microscope analysis of “COVID"
“This lawsuit has been dismissed for lack of standing.”
>a dumb diversity hire Harris
You mean the communist nigger who… what, isn’t having anything bad happen to her.
>it's safe to say the Bolshevik revolution the Jews have planned is running off the rails.
They have more control than they have ever had in human history and no one even pretends to fight back in any way, shape, or form. Not actively, not passively, not even by withdrawing from society. Everyone just goes along with it.
>It's all Influenza A/B
No one cares.
>The troop surge in Iraq is a massive optics blunder
MUH OPTICS isn’t an argument. Nothing has happened.
>Joe Biden in Munich announcing that America is back to the very reason why people were angry with the ruling class is perfect for dissidence on all sides.
No one is angry. Anger implies action. There is no action.
>I have an AI
You have no such thing.
>So this "COVID" hoax by the Jews is falling apart.
It really, really isn’t.
>The passport is now being rebranded as a "certification", meaning that's falling apart.
No, communists change the name of anything they don’t like every time they need to push it more.
>We need some anons to use laws against genetic editing and Canada will be free
Oh yeah, bastion of freedom, that place.
>The Jewpublican party is falling apart. The DemoJews are falling apart
You’re clinically insane. You live in a fantasy world.
>oh my god the stimulus bill these retards passed
Right, and? They passed it. No one did anything.
>The only domino left is asset seizure of the ruling Jews in 2024.
You’re clinically insane. Nothing even remotely like this will happen.
>What I recommend everyone do: cut out the black v. white stuff
>Get your guns loaded and have a few months supply of food/water.
But never use them, right? Never do anything. Never fight back. Never even passively resist. Consume, goyim. Consume and never question and never act and never separate and never do a single goddamn thing. JUST. KEEP. WAITING.™
>support redistribution of wealth