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c87dfe  No.217373

>Be "Thoughtslime"

>Staunch believer in group theory, group privilege, group power in society, etc…

>Constantly critique certain groups for having privileges which they must acknowledge otherwise they are bigots.

>Get angry at certain groups for disproportionately being in positions of power.


>Cuck to the Jews every video.

>Whine on about anti-Semitism.

>Defend rich, powerful and monopolistic Jews despite being a self proclaimed communist.

I swear to god all this Critical Race Theory and social Marxism may just be the most retarded thing ever. There are an abundance of logical fallacies within these philosophies themselves, but that I am not talking about. What I am talking about is that the people who adhere to these things are complete hypocritical pieces of crap.


>"Anybody who is part of a group that has disproportional more wealth, power, influence, privilege must have their entire culture and civilisation destroyed. HAHA TAKE THAT WHITE PPOL!!"

>"B-b-but Jewish people?! That's just, ummm, a conspiracy theory. Th-they d-don't disproportionately h-hold positions of power."

This is not a surprise however. The Frankfurt School, which literally created social Marxism, was mostly Jewish people. CRT is the ultimate ideological trickery. "Despise those who are privileged, j-just not the Jews alright?"

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765cd9  No.217374


Kikes are evil and leftists are dumb. What's your point?

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56a2a5  No.217377

what's your favorite episode? The most recent one is great as these things go.

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