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File: 16269be26344f46⋯.png (302.99 KB, 538x522, 269:261, 202_21_1.png)

f8a142  No.217257


The blackouts in Texas were sabotage by Obama / Biden Administration, disguised as green energy.

The grid will be federalized and energy prices increased 10x


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f8a142  No.217262

File: 47798a4f3235eb7⋯.png (353.46 KB, 960x1222, 480:611, 1.png)

File: 22d27150ba79bcf⋯.png (342.15 KB, 967x1225, 967:1225, 2.png)

File: 609584d21bd6c15⋯.png (319.04 KB, 958x1217, 958:1217, 3.png)

File: 5a089fa92522513⋯.png (331.05 KB, 983x1213, 983:1213, 4.png)

>PDF is blocked on reddit

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4fcc2b  No.217263


>Republicans 100% in charge of Texas for 30 years

>Blame Obama

You faggots are sad as fuck.

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218ebe  No.217264




First the country turned against Zionism and now, with Biden, Bolshevism.

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f8a142  No.217269


Its not a democrat vs republican.

Its globalism designed to bankrupt a company by increasing energy costs

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bf956f  No.217271

What I've stated elsewhere to receive only (((pushback)));

>TX's system was intentionally left vulnerable and vulnerabilities were added for this specific event to happen. The Grand Solar Minimum has been known about for decades. We've been in the downward trending temperature path for years upon years. This wasn't known to happen this year, or last year, or next year, or 2 years from now. But it was known that it would happen. That it happens now is just icing on the fforeskin for the rabbi.

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bf956f  No.217282


>the communist (((republican))) party is different than the communist (((democrat))) party

Same side of the same coin. Don't be so fucking obvious moshe.

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