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File: 473bb0b6aede5dc⋯.jpg (192.75 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Foreign_Born_Population_En….jpg)

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d060c5  No.217234

This thread is for compiling and sharing evidence about TGR.

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40835b  No.217236

>implying the UK was white to begin with

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f68773  No.217238

>The Great Replacement

this is a retarded phrase. It's a genocide. White people are the only people in the history of mankind who are told not to call their genocide an actual genocide. Stop falling for kike word spells.

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d060c5  No.217241


Yeah, but that would imply Renaud Camus was a Jew or shill. It's a genocide, but it's happening in the form of a replacement.

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f68773  No.217243


Gay icon Renaud Camus? Yeah bro he's totally /ourguy/. Literally the next Hitler. When he wasn't putting cocks in his mouth he was denying the reality of European Genocide and calling it a "replacement" to stun the emotional reaction to "genocide." Wtf is with you people?

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f68773  No.217244




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a4ec59  No.217308


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

Christfags think White Genocide means Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes are gonna get genocided. Christfags think they're the adopted children of the Sky-Kike, and that the Kikes are their father's legitimate offspring.

They show their devotion to Sky-Kike-Daddy by destroying their real nation for their adopted Kike-family.

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f68773  No.217309


who the hell mentioned christianity you low IQ faggot shill? kys.

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a4ec59  No.217310


>i'm a faggot

The Great Replacement began with importing hordes of nigger servants into that thing called "America."

They needed a replacement for expensive European labor. Europeans wouldn't work for a slave's life, when land was cheap and they could just work for themselves on their own cheap land, rather than making someone else rich.

So the Christfag nigger-lovers found a solution: import in hordes of niggers as their property.

The Gang of Nigger Fuckers that created that thing called "America" in the first place knew what they were doing. The second amendment wasn't just to go chase after their run-away merchandise. It was to protect their nigger-cattle from the rest of the population, that didn't want them there in the first place.

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f68773  No.217312


>the great replacement

It's a genocide and Jews are responsible. Fuck off faggot kike shill.

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315daf  No.217338


Why bother? What are you going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. You will never fight back. Piss off already, jew supporter.

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315daf  No.217340


>hey goyim, I’m totally a real user

>ha ha Christians believe [thing they don’t believe] because I say so

>lol you’re all dumb now fall for my D&C

Global report.

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9bf7fa  No.218018


> Sky-Kike

1. God is not Jewish, you God-hating faggot. You can reframe it any way you like, eg. calling God "sky father" or "sky kike", but that does not have any effect on the facts, or on others, it just proves you are a lying faggot that reframes a concept to demean it, instead of dealing with the concept.

2. If there were a single monotheistic God (as proved by Aristotle 350bc, using scientific methods, not relying on revealed truth), He is God to all people.

3. Since you are arguing about what God is and is not ("sky kike"), that fact in and of itself, proves that you believe in it. Otherwise your argument is baby puke:

< Christfags think they're the adopted children of the <nothing>, and that the Kikes are their <nothing>'s legitimate offspring. They show their devotion to <nothing> by destroying their real nation for their adopted <nothing>-family.

Corollary: if you genuinely do not believe in God, that such a being does not exist, you would not argue about the properties of the thing that does not exist.

The logic in that may be too straight for your crooked and perverted brain.

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9bf7fa  No.218020


>So the Christfag nigger-lovers found a solution: import in hordes of niggers as their property.

The whole slave trade was a Jew enterprise, you freaking imbecile. Read up on it. Get educated. There are good boards here.

All you are doing is demonstrating how much you hate Christianity.

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0158e0  No.218048


>God is not Jewish

The Christfag lives in a fantasy, where the mythological history of this thing called "Israel" is the center of the story. They think Kikes derserve to rule over the masses of the White Nation, that this is all part of a divine plan.

Hint: the Christfags think ZOG-niggers are part of this divine plan with them. This is why they forced integration with them on the White Nation 50 years ago, and called it "Civil" "Rights."

>He is God to all people.

Christfags think the Sky-Kike created niggers to be their slaves.

>Corollary: if you genuinely do not believe in God, that such a being does not exist, you would not argue about the properties of the thing that does not exist.

Christfaggotry is a mind-disease that even conquered the European's mind.

The ZOG is a creation of the Christfags. The Kikes didn't buy hordes of niggers and flood them into North America as a form of cheap labor.

And they sure as fuck didn't stick Christfaggotry into their minds. The Christfags that bought their nigger-cattle did.

These are the same people who split our real Nation in two. The single English-speaking European Nation.

These people lived and live in a fantasy world, populated by Bible characters. The same impulse that existed to import in millions of niggers is the same drive behind the Great Replacement.

The White Nation Liberation War is only going to come about when we have destroyed the ability of the Christfags to influence the masses of the White Nation, when they no longer want to hear anyone who squeals about "Demonrats are da Weal Waycists."

Forced integration with niggers has a "Left" wing, and it has a "Right" wing. The overwhelming majority of the Christfags will say anything, do anything for Kikes. They would turn every young white male into a homosexual, and marry off every white women to a nigger, if they thought the legitimate children of their Daddy-Sky-Kike wanted it. The Christfag gooks in Korea and the Philippines chop their children's peckers up for Kikes. They mass-mutilate children's peckers for these people, to make it impossible to just pull down their pants and shoot people who are circumcised.


>you freaking imbecile. Read up on it.

This is actually a stupid lie, one there is no point in refuting in general. It's like the false quote that spreads around about Benjamin Franklin being anti-Kike; people hope these lies will have some influence on stupid people.

The Christfags bought their nigger-cattle merchandise, and then promptly converted them to Christfaggotry, and then fucked their own nigger-cattle and had children with them. The Founding Nigger Fuckers of that thing called "America" weren't anti-Kike at all, and were disgusting degenerates who sired a whole race of half-breed mongrels that don't even resemble other Africans anymore.

And no, the Kikes didn't force the Catholic Christfags to bred with millions of mongoloids in Latin America either. Christfags did all that on their own.

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af5d06  No.218053


You expect people to believe that, jewboy? LOL

We ALL know it was JEWS who brought niggers to America!

Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


Kill your fucking kike self!

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1ee498  No.218184


> the Christfags think <straw man>

You are so deluded, first you TELL us what we think (which you wouldn't know because you are against it), and then you TELL us what you say we thin,k is wrong. You are fucking with your own mind, enjoying a little war between the compartments, fragmented like a jigsaw puzzle right out of the box. Mental masturbation.

It has no effect in reality, on anyone else. Don't tell us about it, we only laugh at you.

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1ee498  No.218186

> The whole slave trade was a Jew enterprise, you freaking imbecile. Read up on it. Get educated. There are good boards here.


> This is actually a stupid lie

In privacy of your padded cell, with the unholy trinity of "me; myself; and I", divorced from reality, wherein you erect your fantasy, because you cannot erect anything worth erecting. Keep on erecting, until you run out of piss.

In reality, for those who can read, without expending any effort required to keep a fantasy "alive":



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35ebeb  No.218192


>first you TELL us what we think

In fact, what actually happens is that you have to deduce what ZOG-faggots think.

They know they can't tell you outright they think ZOG-niggers are, somehow, still their slaves. You're supposed to come to this stupid nonsense on your own, when you believe you live in the Christfag's imaginary fantasy world, where the Sky-Kike has installed the Kikes as the rulers over humanity, along with their Zionist Christfag servants. This is how the "Right" Christfag reconciles himself to forced integration with niggers: he is the secret master over the millions of nig-nogs, and working to serve Daddy-Sky-Kike's master plan.

This is a perfectly natural outcome of believing the Sky Kike created the earth for humans, and in particular, his favorite tribe of them.

The Christfag doesn't perceive the ZOG as a hell on Earth for the masses of the White Nation. For the Christfag ZOG-ling, they see it as a sort of heaven on Earth.



The ZOG-fag is hoping people don't read Pierce closely. Pierce clearly states that, of course, Kikes were just a small part of the North Atlantic slave trade. He does this when he says:

>What the film doesn’t mention, of course, is that Spielberg’s Jewish kinsmen owned many, though not all, of the ships involved in the 18th- and 19th-century Atlantic trade in Black slaves and, in fact, played a very prominent role in bringing Black slaves to America.

The "though not all" part is to say to anyone with of brain that, of course, Kikes didn't rule the British in North America, and that hordes of niggers were purchased in mass by religious nutball Christfags, who then went on to fuck them, creating a light half-bred mongrel race of negroids that can be told apart from pure negroids at a glance. Just like they created a mongrel race in Latin America.

Of course, it goes without saying Kikes have done horrible things, and of course they participated in the slave trade. But they didn't run the whole thing, nor were they the mass of buyers of negroid flesh to begin with.

Revolutionary White Nationalists don't need to blame slavery on the Kikes. Maybe the nigger nationalists in the ZOG looking to save their own people's skins might need to spread such a lie, but we don't need it. The truth of the matter is actually much worse, and helps to focus on the Zionist servants of the Kikes.

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2da203  No.218209


>paid jewish shill jumps into a white genocide thread

>starts denouncing Christianity without any provocation

>gets furious at the goyim for daring to question jewish rule

>claims that Christianity created the ZOG

Report all paid jewish shills.

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c12491  No.218487


> Sky-Kike

> Daddy-Sky-Kike

> Kikes as the rulers over humanity

I have already explained, I won't be wasting any time arguing against your Straw Man, your fantasy. I engage reality, only. You will have to fap all alone.

If and when you obtain the professional help and medication that you are pleading for, there might be a conversation that can be had.

Until then Don Quixote, rant and rail against the windmills in your mind. Hijack WN somewhere else.

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35ebeb  No.218505


>Sh-sh-shaw man!

Christfags see no reason not to lie through their teeth. They routinely practice a Christfag version of taqiyya, the Muslim practice of lying about their faith if they think it will benefit them somehow.

If this particular Christfag were not lying, he would admit that yes, the overwhelming majority of self-identified Christfags do think exactly how I have described, even if his own particular understanding of Christfaggotry doesn't leave him with Kike-cock stuck in his mouth. They would admit that a White Nationalist revolution would need to overcome the massive levels of Kike worship found among Christfags in that thing called "America."

They're not interested in revolving, or even influencing people with a brain. Their posts are written for retards to believe.

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dcca92  No.218522

File: 2a4b3d9c9b6ba5a⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 492x493, 492:493, post.jpg)


When is JIDF going to be banned from 8kun?

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31f22c  No.218534


If JIDF didn't exist, who would live rent free in your head?

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ac7f12  No.218535


IDK anon. He is correct it is a genocide. Not sure why you think 'replacement' is worse than calling it 'genocide'.

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2dcd72  No.218569

File: 4776ea1885e9c04⋯.jpg (247.29 KB, 816x1695, 272:565, Jews_Hate_Trump_Donors.jpg)

File: 52673bada8c42e7⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, Trump_Jewish_Cabal.jpg)


Shills are posting by ip hopping then calling those posts and real posters as kike shill. Look at the thread about isabel peralta. It's a broken record of posters supporting her and denouncing her calling each other jews. No different then the MIGA psyop. Some of them pretend to hate him at the same time others pretend to support him.

>look goy we hate trump so you should support him

>i swear goy he is not controlled opposition he will save white americans

>he is giving billions to israel no don't look at that instead storm the capitol so that we can say he encouraged you and you can be labelled domestic terrorists

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ac7f12  No.218572


And this is why I advocate that you kill anyone who wants power over you. There is only one way to eugenically purge this system (the whole thing) from the planet and that is to treat the people who want power over you as a deadly threat (they are) and aggressors against you and your family (they are) and DEFEND yourselves against them.

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2dcd72  No.218587


Thanks, FBI-chan. Come raid my house one day. I'd love to headpat you.

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89dfdb  No.219214


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4ef835  No.219315




Not really. Read Albion's Seed about how America came to be.

Slavery is a result of Dixie culture. It is subsection of British aristocracy called 'Distressed Cavaliers'. These were the people like Washingtons, Spencers, Clintons, Lees etc…

William Berkeley during his governorship convinced some 30,000 Cavaliers to come to south and they were the basis for southern accent and folkways.

They were distressed because they lost English civil war to Puritans. When Puritans were being crushed they settled in New England. Afterwards Puritans rebelled and won and started cracking down on aristocracy which fled to Virginia and Carolina.

They were not used to working, relying on servants. Obviously in USA there were no willing workforce so they imported black slaves.

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4ef835  No.219316


Everyone wants power over you. And trying to attack anyone for wanting power over you is not eugenic. It is immatute and goofy. I hope you are not older then 16.

Even you telling others what to do is a form of having power over them through their thoughts and behavior.

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4ef835  No.219320


Jews or more preciselly members of Reform Judaism… which is about 75% of American and European Jewery are the most active group among the rainbow coalition working against ethnocentrism of all groups.

Democratic coalition or antiwhite coalition is made out of Reform Jews, most Latinos, Blacks, Muslims, Puritan descendants, Quakers and other underdog groups like Irish.

These are all groups that are either heretical to orthodoxy or historically underdogs.

Prowhite camp is made out of Scots, British aristocracy, German, Swiss, French, Spanish and Slavs. These are all winner cultures, their national mythology is about being a winner and not complaining and asking for rules to be changed but crushing your opponent directly. It is interesting Whites are supported by Ultra Orthodox Haredi Jews, 80% of which voted for Trump.

Loser groups are out to get Whitey because they are seething at Whiteys success and want to throw a wrench into the system which allowed Whites to be successful.

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2dcd72  No.219322


Which jews and how many of them are going in the oven?

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