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37769e  No.217202

How do I bypass a 4chan ban?

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ef976c  No.217211


>unplug router

>wait 10 minutes

>plug back in

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37769e  No.217215


I'm using VPN+4chan pass. I tried unplugging router, clearing cookies and cache, changing IP in the VPN, but it doesn't work anymore. I think the ban is somehow tied to my 4chan pass login. I'm probably not banned on my actual IP, but I feel less anonymous then. Then again as I said the ban seems tied to the 4chan pass so to 4chan mods I'm probably not anonymous anyway when using VPN+4chan pass. But I'm a little more anonymous to users when I have the ability to change flag. Anyway I'm fucking tired of my paid VPN, slows down everything and makes some things not work at all.

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dee355  No.217216


What if someone has static ip and is range banned?


Which vpn do you use? No matter which one I use regardless of free or paid I can't post.

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ff85e4  No.217218



Kill yourself, retard.

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37769e  No.217222


>Which vpn do you use? No matter which one I use regardless of free or paid I can't post.

as I said I use 4chan pass

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e69610  No.217224


>billing address pls

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b2910d  No.217228


Drink a gallon of bleach for using 4chan in the first place and then coming here to whine about your ban.

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c0b9b8  No.217401


IDK, become unbannable.

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