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File: 5d24b2e19d72e4b⋯.png (154.68 KB, 539x702, 539:702, Isabel.PNG)

File: 6d611c1f5bca61f⋯.jpg (338.19 KB, 1784x946, 892:473, herzl_quote_1.JPG)

7ba460  No.217164[Last 50 Posts]

She's a Jew. The scam is simple:

>Jews create the problems

>Jews expose the problems

>Jews offer their desired solution to the problems (Zionism)

This is what they did in Germany and it's what they're doing right now. The "Anti-Semitism" scam gave Jews a state in Palestine and now they want the world.

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51174f  No.217532


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1838b1  No.217547

>anyone who named the Jew is a Jew

A shitlib on Twitter is going to tell us who is a Jew and who isn't? You schizos and retards are so self-defeating. This girl gets in front of a large crowd, names the Jew and praises De Revera and the Blue Division. In the process, Jews get mad and try to cancel her.

But yes, she's a Jew. Anyone who has the balls to say something is a Jew.

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834858  No.217552

File: af3dbd9549806fe⋯.jpg (30.4 KB, 1122x562, 561:281, peralta_jewish_roots_name.jpg)

File: 98319bc8cb2a501⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 1040x708, 260:177, peralta_the_jew.jpg)

File: aa1a205a01ba17f⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 1030x667, 1030:667, peralta_jewish_surname.jpg)


You jews are so pathetic. We are not falling for every cunt you elevate as our 'leader' for your own purposes in continuing our genocide.

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c81a74  No.217590


Even if, for argument's sake, she has jewish ancestors, under nuremberg rules she'd qualify for citizenship. Good enough for Hitler but not good enough for you?

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834858  No.217596


One drop is too much. Also, female. So anyone who sticks their dick in that demon gets what they deserve.

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834858  No.217597

Q: Why did Hitler loose WWII?

A: Because he thought a 'little bit of demon' was acceptable in the population. This is like thinking a little bit of the worlds most deadly toxin is good in your cup of coffee as well.

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834858  No.217598

And while we are on the topic, if you would put your dick in a jew, you would put your dick in anything…a dog, a nigger, the tailpipe of a car, your infant daughter, you mother, your Subway sandwich (and eat it afterwards).

It just shows a level of discrimination that belongs to the subhumans and not in civilized society.

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bd9545  No.217607


a little bit of cyanide is harmless

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b05e61  No.217614


Wow , the jidf doesnt even try anymore. You glow so bad.

(((Dude if hes an undercover cop why did he sell drugs?)))

Checkmate kike

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dd6b2c  No.217616

File: 274e4425d94b380⋯.png (47.2 KB, 614x128, 307:64, Peralta.png)


Listen faggot I'm going to tell you this once not because you don't get it already but for other anons and newfags to see.

Back in the day when sephardic kikes used to hang out in the Iberian peninsula, they would often adopt as surname the place of the place they lived in. but not everione with that surname is a jew, as the Spanish also followed the same practice.

>Did you know that 13377 poeple have Peralta as their first surname in Spain, 12809 as the second and 134 as both.

Even if that woman was a kikess what she said does not benefit jews in any way, they already have total control over the west. However, Europe is probably the place with the most potential for a genuine fascist revolution right now.

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1838b1  No.217625



Everyone gets hysterical and schizophrenic for no reason.

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834858  No.217626

File: d1813eb980ddc40⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 1033x574, 1033:574, European_nations_science_p….jpg)


Jews always play both sides anon. The reason she is a dangerous kike is because she has your dumb fuck cocks support already. Since you are incapable of using your head to reason once that is activated and you want to nail some good ol' pussy. The damage she can do now that she has secured your dumb fucking cock on her dog leash is incalculable. And just waits until she says "I'm pregnant" and you are owned until dead as a slave to a FORIEGN people who will raise your offspring as a corrupted form of THEIR OWN, teaching it the devious poison and parasitism that comes inside the genetically altered DNA of all kikes.

If you can't see what is going on, that is because you are too stupid to fathom the differences between races or the value of your own people. Either way, the woman is BROWN and not White like we are so she will always be a foreigner to our people. Spanish people do not participate in civilization like we do their DNA is corrupted and they only marginally contribute anything of value. They are lazy (for lack of a better word) whores (because the will fuck anything) who have 'Mediterranean values' rather than European values. They are also much lower IQ due to their inbreeding with niggers and muslims.

Where is 'Spain' on this chart, oh that is right, it is at '3' just one small step above the niggers but for some fucking reason (probably because you are not high IQ) your cock thinks that 'breeding down' to BROWN is the best and most reasonable answer…and not just your cock (which is bad enough) but you want to be ruled over and have offspring with someone who is REMARKABLY LESS INTELLIGENT than your own people. So you are advocating for 'breeding' and 'following' the 'leadership' of the second stupidest race in Europe…fucking brilliant. You have quite the 'future' anon. Sure they might be 'nice' people but the AVERAGE in Spain is less than 100 IQ which means that the women are significantly LESS than that (10-20 points less).

I wouldn't be so offended if I didn't think that your porn addled (race cooming) cock was the one making the decisions for you. Are you even capable of using your big boy brain to come to a beneficial conclusion about the detriment of race mixing?

Oh and just so your cock knows (as well as the cocks of all the 'other anons' who will be considering this dumb fuck position you have adopted, if she is 'jewish' meaning race mixed with niggers, the average IQ is 84 (in research documents not where it is manipulated by lies to 93 online) which means that her average IQ is going to be 10-20 points less than that because she is a female. And as we all know, the female is the decider of IQ in the offspring because she is the weak link. So the only place for your children or offsprings IQ to ever go in this unsuitable pairing is DOWN.


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834858  No.217627


Shut up you manipulative fucking kike.

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79b92d  No.217633

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dd6b2c  No.217642


You have not adressed my arguments at all, which I will repeat clearly:

1. Many people have Peralta as a surname in Spain, and not all are jews.

2. What this woman is doing, regardless of her race, only harms kikes.

Instead you ramble about completely different bullshit. First you talk about sexual excitement etc. but guess what, we menthally healthy males are NOT like that and actually can control our emotions (including sexual urges). No one gets excited about a woman talking over a screen anyways. Second, you accuse me of not caring about race, thus derailing the topic again. but that's not the subject of the thread at all, is it? Lastly, you engage in some ol' D&C, that whether true or not, WAS NOT THE SUBJECT OF THE THREADS AND NEITHER OF MY ARGUMENTS. I hope me writing this in caps makes it clear for you nigger becase I don't want to be repeating this to you over and over again.

Adress my arguments and don't deviate from the subject of the thread. If you want to talk about something else, open a new thread.

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7ba460  No.217643

File: cf951187e678299⋯.gif (294.98 KB, 498x258, 83:43, damage_control.gif)

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834858  No.217645

File: c0c27605be00c29⋯.jpg (482.97 KB, 891x921, 297:307, AOC_jewish.jpg)


1.She is not from Spain, she is from Argentina (surprised you couldn't tell under all that 'white' pancake makeup)…this is like wanting a FEMALE MUTT from Brazil as your 'fearless leader'. How far the ideals of Germany have fallen if this is what you think your 'salvation' is…just pathetic.

2. No it doesn't. All governments are kike institutions. She is just swapping out one form of kike control for another. If she was a genuine threat to them and not part of their agenda of even more race mixing and oppression (remember she is a fucking low IQ south american mutt) she would be dead.

3. She is a packaged product just like AOC another brown retard that can barely speak a coherent sentence.

>If you want to talk about something else, open a new thread.

Also, go fuck yourself, race traitors and the slaves of part niggers don't get to tell me what to do.

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834858  No.217647

File: 02318f38aec603d⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 509x754, 509:754, isabel_medina_peralta_butt….jpg)

File: 28e7921c0340e0a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1548x876, 129:73, el_goblino.png)

Your 18 yo brown kike mutt fashion influencer and leader of 'european national socialism'.


I am going to enjoy watch this south american (Argentinian) brown mutt jew puppet go down in flames as well.

This is what she looks like when the kike rag that is pushing her as 'alt-kike' doesn't bleach the shit out of photos of her mestizo ass. Not to mention the actual critique that the translations are incorrect and that she is really exceptionally weak on criticizing the jews at all. That is when you all should have know that this little brown bambino wasn't going to be the new national socialist leader you dream of…never mind that grown men are looking to a 18 yo fashionista for political guidance. I thought I had seen every last mockery of White masculinity up to this point but this is clearly a new low.

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834858  No.217649

File: 1d3d7143c654fe7⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 1003x892, 1003:892, isabel_peralta_el_goblino_….jpg)

more el goblina unbleached photos

Why have someone who is our kin lead us when this el goblino AOC wannabe will know and understand how to lead European men to a glorious future (off a cliff)?

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16d6ef  No.217654


Hey kike faggot, that isn't evidence of jack and shit. Nice damage control, but you have failed.

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16d6ef  No.217655


>You jews are so pathetic.

You're pathetic? Yea, you kikes are pathetic.

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16d6ef  No.217657


> If she was a genuine threat to them and not part of their agenda of even more race mixing and oppression (remember she is a fucking low IQ south american mutt) she would be dead.

Notice how stupid the kike is. He can't even figure out that there are others who are genuine opposition and are not dead. His retard tier logic falls apart before he can pat his head and sip water.

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aa74d4  No.217665


They are trying, That's the best they've got. These jews are retarded inbred trash.

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7ba460  No.217666

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)

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16d6ef  No.217674


Fuck off kike with your projecting. This site needs to be defumigated, because it's full of filthy kikes.

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7ba460  No.217675


simp harder for your jewish nazi lmao

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79b92d  No.217685

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fc10dc  No.217695


Why do we care.

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0b850e  No.217701

File: 42be8f0133cec2b⋯.jpg (288.65 KB, 1091x2254, 1091:2254, isabel_medina_peralta_butt….jpg)



All hail you kikes fashionista Argentinian brown mutt leader.

You couldn't manage to pick someone with intelligence who would not jump in front of a crowd/camera as a publicity stunt and instead work quietly and efficiently in the background to wake people up thereby doing more for our people without drawing negative attention (what the jew wants) to us instead.

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dd6b2c  No.217702




Ok kike looks like your neanderthal genes are in full swing today so I will be as clear as I can.

1. You are making assumptions about anyone that argues against you (muh racemixer etc). This is literally how kikes argue. Textbook namecalling.

2. She is not from Argentina, that's a lie (another thing kikes do).

3. 21buttons is a fashion website were rich kids post their favourite outfits, regardless fo who is wearing them. Most of the pictures you posted are not her, in fact, if you weren't this dumb you could clearly see that.

Looks like you still have nothing. Please kindly kill yourself.

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0b850e  No.217705


What attributes does she have (other than your wanting to hit her pussy) that make her qualified as a leader of European men?

You are dumber than fuck anon. First off, do you think that anyone can just show up to a public meeting and start 'lecturing' without it being prearranged? I go to plenty of meetings and random 18 yo girls are not allowed to lead them or speak at them, AT ALL, because no one gives a shit what an uneducated and inexperienced 18 yo girl would have to say.

The only reason you are pushing this mutt (?rich?) bitch forward is because you are thinking with your dick and not your head.

>21buttons is a fashion website were rich kids post their favorite outfits, regardless fo who is wearing them

>you should know this or give a shit about some dumb mutt twinks fashion page…

Fuck off already anon. Why the fuck would I know what some dumb brown bitch does or even care?

How does this IMPROVE YOUR ARGUMENT that she is some vapid rich cunt with special privilege's that we are supposed to listen to or give one shit about?

PS I am really 'sorry' that I don't know what is trending with all the rich teen twats like you do… :^) NOT!

If you yourself were not being PAID TO push her agenda you would realize what a fucking fool you sound like to anyone who is serious about fighting the kikes.

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894b68  No.217706


Regardless she is a Spaniard and most of them are partially mixed like 11 % arab / north african. Which may be below the 1 /8 the natsoc ss used as a bench mark.

Wasn't Hitler part berb also (whiteish northern africans that are mixed).

I personally have some very bad experiences wit Spaniards (thieves and liars these ones), nut I am usre many are nice.

But wouldn't it be more logical to have a union of the countries wuth a northern / western Eurpean base (Nordic countries, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Chezhia, Denmark, Poland and the like) than to cling to this kinda thing.

Largely mixed countries tend to not have geniouses, and an economy that is inferior. Compare Spain to Germany.

But I'm not natsoc so whatdo I care.

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894b68  No.217709

And if an etno state / ethno state is formed in the USA that could also join this kinda union.

We could still have free trade with like Spain and also Japan or something.

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894b68  No.217710

Also isn't the mixing with finns and sapmi in Sweden and Norway an Issue. They tend to be like 5 to 8 % asian the finns (no geniuses) and sapmi are to a larger part asians of some kind.

COuldn't racemixed people just get their own region instead of trying to mix us away?

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b3542e  No.217711


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d91fca  No.217713


Halfchan says she is from Argentina.

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219a5d  No.217717


still a womyn, only good for having kids

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5c20fc  No.217720


I hope that you will ask more from your wife than that anon. Women have a long lifespan and a good half of it they cannot bear children. You are asking for a world of trouble if you think that having someone who is bored out of their mind and idle for half their life is a good idea to have in your household. It is about time that women were forced to grow the fuck up and stop being parasites on men.

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894b68  No.217722


Dude you sain housewifes bad.

They do make life better for your kids.

But maybe in the future more will work from home with the kids around whatta I know.

Or part time jobs.

Do ya wanna have ya kids inna kindergarden with male teachers?

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5c20fc  No.217725


No I am just tired of seeing women pampered, babied and excused because ‘they are women’. They need to pull their weight. This system is ridiculous and it makes for weak and corrupted women. If men don’t expect more from women they will keep abusing men and male good will. It is time for men to expect women to pull their weight in every way and not just to be a baby machine. Women are capable and keeping them busy with meaningful work (including offspring but not limited to that) will keep them out of trouble. Anyone who doesn’t want this is totally naive about how much trouble women can really cause or get into if they are not fully engaged in the struggle to survive.

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dd6b2c  No.217737


>What attributes does she have

That was not the point of the thread, it was: wheter she is a jew or not, and if her actions benefit kikes or not, nigger

>other than your wanting to hit her pussy

Don't make shit up, nigger

> First off, do you think that anyone can just show up to a public meeting and start 'lecturing' without it being prearranged

This is a good point, and a few other things like her "accidentaly" displaying a natsoc flag in a video and then apologizing make me feel suspicious too. But still, i do not see how her actions benefit the kikes. Please, adress that point.

>Why the fuck would I know what some dumb brown bitch does or even care

It took me 30 seconds to find out, something you apparently could not do despite your "extensive" research, maybe because you are a nigger sourcing your shit from cuckchan or maybe because your are simply a shill. You could also have used your eyes to realize the women in the multiple pictures were different, but i guess you didn't because your are a nigger


>most of them are partially mixed like 11 % arab / north african.

Bullshit, most are not mixed at all, and the few ones that are have very low admixture as you say. This is due to various factors: low arab population moved to the Iberian peninsula, people in the past were way more race realists, religion, social presure not to mix, blood purity laws… but you are a shill so you will repeat your lies over and over, nigger

>Which may be below the 1 /8 the natsoc ss used as a bench mark

That's 12,5% nigger

>Wasn't Hitler part berb also

sure thing shlomo

>Largely mixed countries tend to not have geniouses

Spain is not largely mixed

>and an economy that is inferior. Compare Spain to Germany

This is due to kikes choosing financial capitalism for the EU barring Germany and France (specially Germany, whic follows industrial capitalism). This way both of those, where kikes hold a lot of influence plus are right in the middle of Europe, absorb the indutrsy of the rest of Europe and channel Euros at their domestic industry development at the expense of the rest of European countries (which are not allowed to do so). In the particular case of Spain, after Franco died its industry and agriculture was moved to other countries such as Germany and France. And now the country is used as a skilled worker factory for other countries. Have you ever noticed how higher education is very accesible in Spain but young unemployment is so high? That's made on purpose to have those skilled workers move to wealthier EU countries, mainly Germany. If you were not and economic illiterate you would already know some of this, nigger

>But I'm not natsoc

We know you are a shill, but stating it openly is only redundant at this point, nigger

>Also isn't the mixing with finns and sapmi in Sweden and Norway an Issue

Yes my nigger, because 8% admixture with asians and arabs (who were once white) totally overrides the other 92% of white genetics, nigger


>Halfchan says she is from Argentina.

Halfchan says you are a feral nigger

Now adress my fucking point, which I will repeat ince again: How does her actions benefit kikes? 8and no what you posted in the OP makes no sense, kikes already run the goverment) nigger

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2ce872  No.217738

File: a7b932d025b3237⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1175x951, 1175:951, Screenshot_2021_02_23_20_4….png)

File: d69f6c0cefd35f7⋯.png (918.8 KB, 1078x888, 539:444, Screenshot_2021_02_23_20_5….png)


It's never a good idea to use thots to promote this cause. They will always turn out to be rotten.

Some of the speakers at that rally looked like reasonable people. She looked fucking retarded.

What we need is a charismatic MAN.

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840113  No.217742


>What we need is a charismatic MAN

A guy saying the same things as her would be in jail by now for antisemitism, racism, white supremacy.

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2ce872  No.217744


>A guy saying the same things as her would be in jail by now for antisemitism, racism, white supremacy.

Yeah because he would potentially be dangerous, instead of a retarded thot who is probably gobbling nigger dicks.

Wasn't threre some leaf eceleb people were cooming about that turned out to be a coalburner?

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834858  No.217753

File: 02dfd620bc84908⋯.jpg (66.72 KB, 600x846, 100:141, eastern_european_girl_gun.jpg)


>instead of a retarded thot who is probably gobbling nigger dicks.


>Wasn't there some leaf eceleb people were cooming about that turned out to be a coalburner?

Yes, they are all corrupted despite the fact that this total FAGGOT >>217737 wants to support them…and coom in their gash.


>your "extensive" research

it took me all of 5 minutes to find out that kike golbino was a 'fashion influencer', if you can't figure out what is going on here after that, you don't deserve my time. Why is her account still up when anyone who is serious is persecuted and even locked out of their bank accounts?

Look you faggot, if you want to find someone that will be a leader for you go find the fucking handler >>217685 she was looking to in her videos and fucking source THEM instead of an 18 yo airhead.

Leave the thots (not to mention the goblinos) out of politics…how many fucking times do we have to tolerate this e-celeb kike crap and be embarrassed by these rich bitches before you get tired of it.

How does this benefit the kikes? Well it tells them that you all are fucking retards who think with your dicks…that is one way it benefits them. Now that they have you hooked they are going to parade out the big black buck to fuck her and 'break your widdle hearts' and spirits yet again by showing (in their minds) that you have no one on your side or who will lead you. She will be forced into this blackmail (or whatever other blackmail they have) because she is a RETARD who will not want to lose her social status.

I mean you are already scrapping the bottom of the barrel by trying to source el goblino mongrel rich social influencer to rule over you; wait until the porn of her taking 10 black cocks blackmail comes out or is produced to humiliate you and embarrass you even more for supporting her. THIS IS A FUCKING MIND WAR ANON.

I am seriously beginning to wonder if ANY OF YOU have a brain in your fucking head and can see beyond the shit that the kikes rub your nose in daily; because this was ALL SCRIPTED OUT TO A TEE.


WHAT ARE THE QUALITIES THAT MAKE HER VALUABLE AS A LEADER? Education? Organization skills? Military strategist? Weapons (biological or chemical specialist)?


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840113  No.217757

File: a07a6953d0f1e9d⋯.jpg (212.61 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, Southern1.jpg)

File: 22524f5a5622e93⋯.jpg (68.28 KB, 595x703, 595:703, Da8BVrA.jpg)


>Wasn't threre some leaf eceleb people were cooming about that turned out to be a coalburner?

Yeah. I won't be surprised if a few months later this thot with a cypto-kike lastname shows up with a nigger.

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d91fca  No.217759


Don’t you just get tired of watching while the kikes make fools of European men? It just get so old to see them humiliated continuously like this. Has this little girl ever had a hard day in her life? I don’t mean that she broke a nail or had a zit show up before a celebrity gala, I mean, had the bitch almost starved to death, or seen the aftermath of a loved ones attack because of some stupid nigger the kikes encouraged to invade? Do you think she has lost everything before and will just keep soldiering on in the face of total devastation or how about just having been in a fist fight ONCE, even if it was on the losing end? All of this is just a game for the kikes to see how humiliated Whites (particularly White men since White women don’t look for thots as leadership) can actually be before the collapse under the weight of their own corruption. It is pathetic, embarrassing. I wonder what MOTIVATION they think this thot has that will ensure her loyalty to Whites (or fuck it, she isn’t going to be loyal to us because she is brown) but loyal to Browns? She is basically a dick prize to see how many brown nationalists they can get to line up against the wall (after they have registered them)…she has no greater potential and nothing real to offer a Nationalist, outside of some cool earrings or a nice fluffy blouse. There they go, just like Charlottesville, lining up to be classed and cataloged by our mortal enemies for 1st round ticket to gulag…all for some e-celeb pussy that is never ever going to materialize for them. It is fucking sad. I don’t relate to Spaniards at all but damn, what a fucked up and stupid way to get culled by the kikes.

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16d6ef  No.217760


>You have not adressed my arguments at all, which I will repeat clearly:

Of course, that's what kikes do to shit up this board.


>simp harder for your jewish nazi lmao

What section of the JIDF shilling manual did you get that from?

We have to figure out how to purge this board of these kikes.

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16d6ef  No.217761

File: 2a4b3d9c9b6ba5a⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 492x493, 492:493, post.jpg)


You're not even trying.

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2ce872  No.217762


That's the one. Fucking ecelebs.

People just need to check out of mainstream society altogether. This is just "alternative" mainstream shite.




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16d6ef  No.217763




>>Wasn't threre some leaf eceleb people were cooming about that turned out to be a coalburner?

This cunt never ever named the Jew or even said anything remotely like she was even trying to be any sort of white nationalist. She specifically said she was a civil nationalist. You kike shills are beyond stupid with your bullshit.

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840113  No.217764

File: 03ad8d267960222⋯.jpg (266.76 KB, 1237x495, 1237:495, Humiliation.jpg)


>It just get so old to see them humiliated continuously like this

>All of this is just a game for the kikes to see how humiliated Whites can actually be before the collapse under the weight of their own corruption

The jew will keep jewing. But must the White man have to keep falling for it? Perhaps it's the fantasy of coombrained wignats who like the idea of a nationalist woman glorifying their views. And being the retards they are they can't but get culled up by following her.


>be a kike shill

>accuse everyone else of being a kike shill

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a15fd7  No.217765


>Why is her account still up when anyone who is serious is persecuted and even locked out of their bank accounts?

Yeah many things of her are suspicious, but the fashion influencer thing is common among rich kids in Europe. If you read the press you can see how they are aknowledging that sharing her video undeited was a mistake as Fascism and kikes are now hot topics in Spian again.

>if you want to find someone that will be a leader

Of course this woman is not my leader, but that was never my point, remember, you are constantly making shit up.

>How does this benefit the kikes?

Finally you adress my point.. .o wait:

>Well it tells them that you all are fucking retards who think

but again you are making up bullshit

>Now that they have you hooked they are going to parade out the big black buck to fuck her

This could be true, but let's see who would be the target of this campaing: redpilled people like us who are well aware of kikes and the nature of women? i don't think so

Normies that are programmed to dislike fascism? Peralta burning coal would leave fascism in a bad spot… but it already is for normies, plus racemixing is already being pushed hard so i think tha the costs outweight the benefits on this one as now fascism has gone viral again in a country were people has living memories of fascism (boomers and older poeple), and were fascism is still big ( they literally have parades of this). Also most poeple in spain think jews are scammers and untrustworthy.

That this could be used as an argument to ban those parades? maybe, but the truth is that nothing violent happened and it is clear that she was just invited to give a speech (anyone with knoledge can apply anyways).

That this is happened organically (or not) and is being exploited to make teh west look antisemitic so high tech kikes move to israel? perhaps, only a russian media otlet was there to record it, which is very suspicious

>I mean you are already scrapping the bottom of the barrel by trying to source el goblino mongrel rich social influencer to rule over you





This was never the point, nigger


>Don't fight back goy, do absolutey nothing.

>that fascism goes viral? No, goy no, how many times I have told you that you can't talk about it with your peers

>No goy don't focus on her message

>G-goy she is not huwhite

>GOY STOP talking about fascism, rememebr she is a thot


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a15fd7  No.217766


notice how this turbofaggot never adresses any argument, he just derails . that's the definition of shilling

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840113  No.217767


Who do you think you are teaching the definition of shilling to? Everyone here isn't a migapede, newfag which you shills are used to in 4/pol/.

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ffc02d  No.217768

File: ff7cc5cd9ddd000⋯.jpeg (227.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download_2021_02_23T17540….jpeg)


> She's a bait to fetch any Spaniards or outsiders who know the truth that the kik3s are screwing up this World and its inhabitants.

She's a MARRANO.

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ffc02d  No.217769

File: 371cb783fb04d9a⋯.png (160.5 KB, 474x232, 237:116, qwe3ra3.png)

It looked to me really strange that 4chan /pol/ were cheering her up so much. And the Glowies were quiet on those posts. Of course she's an undercover Sephardi Kikerta.

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16d6ef  No.217770

File: 591f0b3e9e45851⋯.jpeg (103.76 KB, 1199x676, 1199:676, Euir22sXAAgFA6K.jpeg)


>>accuse everyone else of being a kike shill

Obviously, the people afraid of a woman are kike shills. There's literally no other reason to take all this time to make up all this bullshit about how she's an Argentinian Jewess. You're afraid of a woman.

Further, I have never seen a productive thread on this board that does not contain a half dozen idiots vomiting bullshit and sageing.

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16d6ef  No.217771



That's what they're here for. Just to derail any productive conversation.

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9580ae  No.217773


Yes but if no one does newfags and qtads will never learn. Did you forget how you learned in the first place?

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894b68  No.217775


First I read between 4 % and 20 % of arab / north african DNA in southern Europeans:

The team found that for Southwestern Europeans (those from Italy, Spain and Greece), between 4 and 20 percent of their genomes came from North Africa, compared to less than 2 percent in Southeastern Europe.


We have analyzed Y-chromosome diversity in the western Mediterranean area, examining p49a,f TaqI haplotype V and subhaplotypes Vb (Berber) and Va (Arab). A total of 2,196 unrelated DNA samples, belonging to 22 populations from North Africa and the southern Mediterranean coast of occidental Europe, have been typed. Subhaplotype Vb, predominant in a Berber population of Morocco (63.5%), was also found at high frequencies in southern Portugal (35.9%) and Andalusia (25.4%). The Arab subhaplotype Va, predominant in Algeria (53.9%) and Tunisia (50.6%), was also found at a relatively high frequency in Sicily (23.1%) and Naples (16.4%); its highest frequency in Iberia was in northern Portugal (22.8%) and Andalusia (15.5%). In Iberia there is a gradient of decreasing frequencies in latitude for both subhaplotypes Va and Vb, related to eight centuries of Muslim domination (8th to 15th centuries) in southern Iberia.

Then here it sais 1/3:rd of spaniards are part north african.


So are all spaniards mixed? Maybe, probably most of them just like most jews are.

I think Spaniards are the most mixed of the southern europeans. I think it is around 11 % on the averege.

Dude, I am also WHITE so stop calling me nigger, nigger.

It's just a fact that mixed countries don't have geniouses that much. I don't mind a small part of the population being mixed.

It is an interesting question though. Is a bit of mixing really bad or good or a disaster.

Personally I do hink I am 100 % WHITE. I am also a genious. But I haven't done a DNA test.

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894b68  No.217777

File: 0641cde68566cab⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 303x452, 303:452, lappar.JPG)


Hitler part berb or jew:


It states:

” The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

Since the publication of the Knack article on August 18, 2010, academics have been quick to point out that this does not necessarily mean the man who inspired the Holocaust was either Jewish, African or a combination of the two. The E1b1b haplogroup runs in other ethnic groups, for instance, and DNA analysis remains an inexact science. But one thing about this study’s results is certain, as Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack, remarked: “Hitler would not have been pleased.”


Regarding the sapmi they tend to look quite asian. Alot of finns also look a bit like that but certainly less

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834858  No.217781

File: 2e0a96cfac39776⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1646x1122, 823:561, Chafariz_d_El_Rey_c_1570_8….png)


Spain and Portugal were totally wrecked by the kikes when they imported niggers in them. All of them, IMO are lower IQ than Northern Europeans. They are enough of our people that we should aid, with money or food or supplies, them if they are attacked by niggers but I would never die for them like I would for Northern Europeans.

For God's sake look how many jews and niggers are in their artwork from a couple hundred years ago showing how 'multicultural' they are. Is it any wonder they are a good 10-20 points below in IQ than Northern Europeans? Nigger templar on horse front and center…ummmhmmm and the kikes are literally all over the place in this painting.

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834858  No.217787


>It is an interesting question though. Is a bit of mixing really bad or good or a disaster.

For an advanced civilization it is a disaster. Just imagine intentionally breeding an underclass that will never be competitive into your people. This is why it was ILLEGAL in the USA up to the 1950's because it means you are intentionally breeding parasitic violent criminal trash into your civilization.


The only way it would ever be acceptable is if you forced them out of your civilization at the age of majority and forbid them to ever return.

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894b68  No.217788


I think it was mainly the arab invasion of Spain and Portugal that caused the issues.

Also arabs and the ottoman arab/turks took alot of WHITE slaves pirating them away and the like for long periods and they occupied Greece for a long period. I heard a lot of Greek women killed themselves not to have a half turk child after being raped by them… So, it probably has many reasons. But the jews if involved, it was probably during the slave trade when alot of niggers was brought to Portugal and that did indeed cause some mixing there also…

Like you can't really blame jews for northern Swedes and Norwegians mixing with sappmi and finns can you?

But sure, jews did benefit from the occupation that lasred several hundred years I suppose.

Sure they are still our European friends. And spaniards do great things no doubt.

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894b68  No.217789


Even eastern europeans up to like chechia (Bulgaria, rumania, parts of serbia…) is a bit mixed with arabs but only like 2 % on the averege due to the occupations.

But probably not so much in Poland and Chechia and the like…

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894b68  No.217790

Or actually it's a bit under 1 % for most of eastern europe…

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9580ae  No.217792




Great responses anon, I genuinely thought you were a shill up to this point.

>Dude, I am also WHITE so stop calling me nigger, nigger.

I know that you aren't a nigger, I just thought you were a shill. You shouldn't taking that seriously anyways.

>Is a bit of mixing really bad or good or a disaster.

Good question, how many % of nonwhite blood do you think ruins a person? Is 10% too much as you say?

>Hitler part berb or jew:

I'm very skeptic of this one, but I'll take a look

And of course jews bankrolled and planned the whole arab invasion of the Visigothic kingdom in Iberia

Have my respect u earned it

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9580ae  No.217795

File: f05ff4a2b4adf07⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 658x465, 658:465, hajnal_line_IQ.jpg)

On another note, looksk like norther Spaniards are not mixed, or very little, as thier IQ seems to be 100. The problem seems to be Andalusia, with an IQ of around 95.

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7ba460  No.217796


>What we need is a charismatic MAN.

I believe that what we need is to realize National Socialism doesn't have the monopoly on normal living within a society or addressing the Jewish Problem.

It's been nearly 100 years since NatSoc's defeat and in that time Jews have weaponized NatSoc for their own agenda. Jews have a long and proud history of promoting NatSoc, just as Weev or Andre Anglin.

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7ba460  No.217797

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b78d50  No.217801


True, initially jews helped muslims in some cities because they were getting fucked by Visigoths but later when the muslims were losing,kikes were helping the Chrisitains by making many muslins thier debt slaves and the Chrisitain soldiers were also helped by the Jews in many cities.

This is because jews got their ass raped by the almohad Muslim fanatics who were berbers and expelled all jews from Morocco and iberia.

So, basically,jews help anyone who protects and supports them and is powerful.

First it was the Muslim and then it was the Chrisitains.

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834858  No.217806

File: 9fa103095a462c1⋯.jpg (467.51 KB, 1424x2032, 89:127, jewish_iq_95.jpg)

File: 25d32bcef4ff1da⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 780x474, 130:79, population_IQ_graph_race.jpg)

File: 6bccd47ef923f96⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 867x535, 867:535, jewish_IQ_fake.jpg)

File: 52dc49732c12520⋯.jpg (159.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Jewish_IQ_in_Israel.jpg)

File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1416x840, 59:35, iq_european_countries.jpg)


None of those are really 'accurate' since they are not measuring native populations, this chart shows exactly what is expected, that White northern Europeans are the most intelligent people on the planet, easily outranking asians, which is evidenced in our culture, our inventions and our civilization. That chart is just like the USA and measures all the niggers and spics in with the Whites and calls them part of the native population. See how low all the semites are are on your chart (it is from fucking niggers during the Islamic/jewish slave trade)?

I told you guys that any legitimate (non-online/editable) source of true IQ research places the jewish population exactly the same category as the rest of the semites…82-84 average IQ, so you are always going to be breeding down if you fuck one, no matter how 'attractive' it is on the outside. Who wants stupid offspring? IDK who thinks 'israel' is actually as high of an IQ as is shown on this map, it is really laughable since their entire nation is full of multicultural mutts at this point. Sure they are some sort of 'statistical anomaly', out of all their genetic cousins, kek.

The US military thinks these people should control the world…which is akin to thinking niggers should control the planet…or planet of the apes time. They are about to get a REALLY CLOSE LOOK at what it means to turn your power over to the semitic apes. And honestly, for their betrayal of the USA and everything good/European I hope the part nigger semites totally waste them…that way they will never forget what it means to turn yourself over to ape and bug people voluntarily.

Also, I grew up around a handful of mixed race kids and than a majority group of White kids. The pure European kids (mostly) married other Europeans and the mixed race kids, even kids with 70% White DNA married niggers and other races. I asked a couple of them about it in a covert manner and they said that they were a 'mixed race' person already so it didn't matter to them who they bred with. It is like something happens to them once they are mixed, they will fuck anything because their race is no longer important to them. Which is why I say that you have no future once you 'go brown' (including asians, of course). Your offspring will never be relevant again.

The table: IQ in various European Nations measures ONLY the genetic Europeans, unlike your chart which includes anyone born in Europe or living in Europe, so Turks (88IQ), Niggers (65IQ), Semites(82IQ), and the assorted other flotsam/trash that clogs up our nations.

Also pay very close attention to sample sizes because none of these other trash nations will admit to only testing their PhD and Masters/University qualified people…the average dirty peasant in China doesn't have the same IQ as your average genetic European. Asians live inside our culture, not the other way around.

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834858  No.217807

File: a0b8e7c29a5b53e⋯.webm (2.76 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, niggers_chimpout_in_israe….webm)

Multikulti 'israel'…doomed by demographics to become future ape people just like the nations that surround them.

>"Ooook, oook, we are jews"

Yeah, we know…

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8c4e65  No.217812


Fuck I did not see Israel before picking that map. I agree with the rest, but keep in mind that when that map was made the population of Europe was overwhelmingly white (and still somewhat is).

Back on topic, looks like she opened a youtube channel around 10 hours ago. She only has made an introductory video so far. I found a summary in English on cuckchan.

Video (embed won't work):



>I opened this channel to talk freely without censorship. I hope it lasts long, which I doubt, but if doesn’t we will continue to look for alternatives. Truth will always triumph.

>In the last days we have seen how they ara afraid of certain things being, of certain people being pointed at, and that is due only to the fact their entire system and power is at play. Now, more than in any other time in recent memory we are close to taking it down.

>In this channel I would like to talk about books, to debate with you, and to conduct interviews with people of other ideologies. That’s the main objective of the channel, although it may not last, as Voltaire said, “Tell me who you can’t criticise and I’ll tell you who rules over you., but we are going to try. There is nothing more noble than speaking the truth.

>The other reason of being of the channel is that over the course of these few days, and due to the interviews I have given, I’ve seen people go from mocking me for an out-of-context phrase, to actually asking me for more knowledge and books to investigate. The ask me to please continue talking about this subject.

I see it as more necessary than ever to be able to freely expose these ideas, without the manipulation of so-called “dissident media” that are at the end of the day part of the system (no need to mention who they are). Liberty dies in the hands of liberals.

>The democratic-burguoise system we live in champions freedom of speech, but it’s clear what the consequences are of going against the politically correct consensus. They put you in jail for uttering four words, for editing a book, or writing an article.

>I’m sorry, powerful people, but we will continue to spread the message. The message that will save this world from the end you have milimetrically planned (Bildenberg, etc.). We are going to denounce them. We are going to say it loud. And if you put us in jail, we won’t care.

>In this channel we will talk about two things: (1) Doctrine, and (2) Current politics. Observe current political problems, and try to actually solve them through third-positionist doctrine.

>When I finally convince my critics, they go from ridiculing to saying “it’s a utopia”. But how can it be a utopia, when it already happened? It can happen now just as well, and it only depends on us.

>I hope we can evolve in theory and doctrine, which are fundamental to our liberation.

>Don’t be discouraged. We are few now, but we can be many tomorrow. We are the voice of yesterday, and the change of tomorrow. We have the truth, they can’t do anything about it.

>Hasta que el sistema nos separe.

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683afc  No.217819


I have no idea if this is true or even if there ever was such a video because her channel is closed. If I didn't see it myself, I am going to go with fake; more e-celeb manipulation.

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205cba  No.217822


I posted the invidious link for a reason.

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683afc  No.217824


Try and use the link.


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16d6ef  No.217828


> Of course she's an undercover Sephardi Kikerta.

Yes, and so were all the hudreds of nationalists who also attended the march. It was a march of Jews. I'm so glad to have a based anon to uncover these astonishing secrets.

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ea70c1  No.217832

Can you faggots stop shilling some stupid bimbo from Spain. Like for Christ sake she is some attention seeking whore. I don't need to see fucking 30 threads day on cuckchan from you faggots telling me she is controlled opposition. Like only a fucking incel/simp and cuck pol faggot would take a woman seriously.

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ea70c1  No.217833

Just don't take women seriously. They only do thing for attention.

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16d6ef  No.217844


>Can you faggots stop shilling some stupid bimbo from Spain

Why are you kikes so afraid of a 99lb woman? fucking pathetic

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ea70c1  No.217882


Your a faggot. Women have no place in politics I don't care what she says women aren't leaders. These shills are faggots that day "don't fallow her the women is a crypto Jew" threads followed by other faggot shills going " no guys she is based its clear she is going to kill thr kikes" it's fucking stupid women are stupid and these shill threads are fucking stupid. Don't take women seriously.

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e11c02  No.217969


I really don't know what percentage of mixture might be acceptable. Really I have no clue.

Also you may have points regarding Spains industry being sold off or something but what do I know other things than race and partial mixture may affect a nations wealth such as part gypsies in control or in finance and secret service that steal from whites.

Would I marry a fin, NO WAY a sapmi, NO WAY. I had some bad experiences with finns but really most of them may be fine what do I know.

But we can newer be sure racially can we. There might be one hot woman in your country that looks white that is like 30 % non white. How you gonna know, do a DNA test on your dates? And also in the end these tests aren't that exact anyways.

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683afc  No.217976

File: 57e9aa527472dce⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, supposed_white_woman.jpg)


They are close enough. I see nothing wrong with testing someone for their genetic fitness. I would certainly do it before you become attached to them. Sure the tests are not 100% but the margin of error is so slim that 1-2% is not that bad when you consider your own ability to chose with discrimination is pegged (by yourself) at 30% margin of error. I mean, at some point, something inside you must realize that that thing ain't White and no matter how horny you are you have to pass, right (or risk child $1500 month support payments for the next 18 years of your life)?

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e11c02  No.217977


Yeah, but say you fall in love with a young lady it aint smooth to ask for a DNA test.

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683afc  No.217979


Well it isn't smooth for you to get tricked into being a daddy either, but if you know she is part nigger that is what is going to happen without your knowledge or permission, cause parasitism. I think you need to proactively protect yourself. What if your date showed you pictures of her nigger spawn, would you leave the date and never call her back? Of course, right? Well in this case, she might just be the nigger spawn you are trying to avoid. Think about it.

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811d04  No.217997


>She is not from Spain, she is from Argentina

Source, you little cunt.

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16d6ef  No.218025


>"don't fallow her the women is a crypto Jew"

But you're here literally saying that. I'm just saying that she's legit, and everyone criticizing her is a turbofaggot. You don't have the guts to go out there and publicly name the Jew, she's got more guts than you will ever have. That's the natural order. You following someone who has guts, because you obviously don't.

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683afc  No.218033


Guts get spilled in wars but they don't win them. It takes strategy, intelligence, resources, and cunning to win wars…not a single one of these has she demonstrated since she is only an 18 yo fashion and rich bitch debutant. If you need a brooch I am sure she can recommend one.

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683afc  No.218036

File: f56be131ae7a13a⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 1051x409, 1051:409, peralta_juan_manuel_popula….jpg)

File: 3335799bc3cf8e6⋯.jpg (329.6 KB, 1726x964, 863:482, Juan_Manuel_Medina.jpg)


>is the daughter of Juan Manuel Medina

There is only one 'Popular party' and it is in Argentina. There is only one Juan Manuel Medina and he is ALSO a politician from Argentina who belongs to the Popular Party.

WTF that little rich bitch kike is doing stirring up trouble in Spain ({cough, cough} dual citizen stirring up the shit in another nation; is anyone surprised) is anyone's guess.

Kek. But not really, we know why she jet stetted over to Spain to stir the shit. Amirite? I am right!

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ea70c1  No.218038

File: 5420cf368b8fd60⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 753x1024, 753:1024, 1614228461576m.jpg)


You missed my point entirely. She is a woman not also that but a mere girl. I do not care if she is a crypto Jew or a based going to have the kikes woman. They have no place politics and defiantly shouldn't be leaders of any social movement. Especially if this picture is true.

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ea70c1  No.218039


*Gas the kikes

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683afc  No.218040


Enter the BBC, girl has to make money somehow. I fail to see why this would be inappropriate for all the coomers who are drooling over her on the chans. This is exactly what they need; a fantasy that will cause them all to be lined up against a wall an a bullet put through their head because they couldn't stop drooling over some brown cunts pussy. This is why someone who is indiscriminating gets as a result of putting their dick before their brain. Well, that and an nasty STD.

I guess she is selling 'my pillow' now too, eh?

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683afc  No.218041

File: 8a2611639a6e570⋯.jpg (12.5 KB, 188x255, 188:255, mein_kek_hitler_laughing.jpg)

Politicians daughter…

You coomers fell for the oldest trick in the book. Hahaha…

This would be like you guys rubbing one out to Chelsea or Sasha Obama and thinking that she 'represented you' in her politics…

Ha Ha aHa Ha Ha…

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4a0852  No.218049

It's afraid, and they should be. All it takes is a pretty girl to define the new cool, and the boys get in line.

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e3417e  No.218057


You write: "And of course jews bankrolled and planned the whole arab invasion of the Visigothic kingdom in Iberia"

This is interesting, do you have any sources in historic texts or the like on this.

What about Ottoman occupation of Eastern Europe and Greece. Them taking Alexandria, do you think jews were involved there?

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683afc  No.218081


Look into the genocide of Sparta. They were active participants in that as well. Sparta went off the gold standard, shifting to hardened iron so the bablyonian kikes threw all their resources to the persian hordes and purchased a military genocide of the people who went off their financial scam. This kike scam has been going on for thousands of years.


Seriously? So you think that, say, a real man, like a hardened military man is worried about your 18 yo fashionista suddenly 'coming into power' or becoming a leader of a movement? If you had enough muscle mass to push anything around other than your mouse you would realize how ridiculous you sound.

>the boys

Yeah, I don't think anyone is worried about what 'the boys' think…especially because they are all led around by their dick, and not pragmatic or military strategy.

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8def79  No.218102


>do you have any sources in historic texts or the like on this

This video has some, plus its well explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


i can't embed for some reason, try invidious

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8def79  No.218103

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d4b81c  No.218113


Link doesn't work

Give us the name of the video so we can search it ourselves.

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8def79  No.218117


Wierd, for some reasons all the video links I post don't work for others. The name of the video is "The JQ in Spain".


Search "Introducción al canal - Isabel Peralta". It is age restricted (mening you need to verify with an account), that's why I posted the invidious link.

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c525bf  No.218122


I don't know if this Argentinian politician is related to her or not. I don't know if there is anything there or not. But on the surface, I don't see any particular problem with Spain and its "natural colonies" having close political interaction. Argentina and Uruguay certainly fit that bill, perhaps better than some other LatAm countries.

I don't see it any differently than Quebec [and other parts of Atlantic Canada/far Northern Maine] doing the same with France.

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1427fe  No.218123


So you think the Royal family should dictate policy in its ‘former colonies’ like the USA as well, even though we fought a war to kick them out? Basically you are proposing global government so that this little girl can lead you? Anon, your brain is fucked (not in the good way). National policy should be up to the people who live in the nation, not some kike dual citizens ‘international parasites’.

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8e9228  No.218134


I am saying it makes sense for certain parts of the New World. The US is a jewnigger anti-State and it is united with Britain in that regard, so no what I say does not apply to American regime loyalists. It most certainly the "dual citizen" types in the US who want to keep natural extensions of European civilization separated from Europe.

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aaf306  No.218168


Hajnal was born in Darmstadt, at the time the capital of the People's State of Hesse in Weimar Germany, to a Hungarian Jewish family. In 1936 his parents left Nazi Germany, and placed him in a Quaker school in the Dutch countryside while they arranged to settle in Britain. In 1937, John was reunited with his parents in London, where he attended University College School, Hampstead.

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8def79  No.218172


Good to know, thank you.

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aaf306  No.218173


its really not overwhelmingly white anymore look at england france germany sweden netherlands etc there are a lot of somalians in finland for example and look at what they say about ethnicity and their own demographics >No official statistics are kept on ethnicities. However, statistics of the Finnish population according to language, citizenship and country of birth are available. According to international census recommendations an ethnic group is defined by the perception of its members of historical and regional or national origin, and data or ethnic status should always be based on a person's own statement. Because the census in Finland is based on registries, Finland can not produce official statistics about ethnic groups.[20]

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aaf306  No.218174

>> According to (((international census recommendations))) an ethnic group is defined by the perception of its members of historical and regional or national origin, and data or ethnic status should always be based on a person's own statement.

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5121c8  No.218180

Doesn't matter who wrote it they fear what she's saying.

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6eaa5e  No.218196

No they don't or she would be dead like so many others. No one in power fears the words of their own. And make no mistake as the daughter of a politician this is all 100% scripted and planned out. She is not one of us, she is one of them.

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16d6ef  No.218375


>You missed my point entirely.

Yea, I missed the point that you're a coward. Even a woman has more balls than you.


>not a single one of these has she demonstrated since she is only an 18 yo fashion and rich bitch debutant.

So what? Nobody is saying she's going to lead us to victory.

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16d6ef  No.218377

File: f2a1e335a5daaae⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 768x513, 256:171, 225020_skinhead.jpg)


I think a lot of you (if you're not JIDF shills and JIDF shils are posting on the internet here and other places denouncing her. That is a fact.) don't see her value as propaganda. She's cute and brown, which is disarming to your average normie. When they think natsoc, they think pic related. There is potential here, and I really think that the argument that, "she's a woman" is completely irrelevant.

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16d6ef  No.218378

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6eaa5e  No.218387


How about the argument that she is a politicians daughter and never in a million years would or could ever represent the people since she is the spawn of psychopathic parasites.

Would you run to follow Chelsea Clinton if she did a roman solute and told you she was on your 'side'. If not, then why not? You must also be aware that politics are inherited (along with other traits like parasitism) and that as a politicians daughter she will eventually take up the politics of her parents.

That she might be doing this just to 'get back at daddy' is a real possibility (given her statements and age) and I am not going to be the one who lays down my own life or the life of my own people so that she can get her revenge on 'daddy'. But to each their own…there are no shortages of women who are capable honest, conservatives who have demonstrated intellect and capability that you could chose to support so outside of her being 'cute' which should never ever enter the equation when it comes to life and death situations or the war of survival for our people I don't see what the point of her is. As I said before, teen girls don't get to lead rallies of far right men so this was a total set up.


I will never ever let anyone I know or care about get set up by a tart like that because my own people actually have value and meaning to me.

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16d6ef  No.218547


Why are you kikes afraid of a 99lb woman? Do you have mommy issues, or something?

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16d6ef  No.218548

File: 17eb0685896a622⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 565x580, 113:116, Ilse_Koch.jpg)


Oh no wait…she reminds you of the bitch of Buchenwald. That's what it is.

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7ba460  No.218554


>they fear..

This is a stupid claim. Are Jews afraid when a fellow Jew spray-paints a Swastika on the outside of a Synagogue? Sure, regular Jews do become afraid. But do politicians or Elite Jews? No, they are not afraid. They know that "anti-Semitism" helps the Jewish cause, which is why the most vocal "anti-Semites," like Isabel Peralta, are always Jews.

This truth really exposes how vile such people are, in that they terrorize and otherwise psychologically abuse their own people for political gains.

They will receive the rope.

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6eaa5e  No.218568


>They will receive the rope.

I hope so. This argument is getting ridiculous.

Betrayal, specifically betrayal from within is the way kikes have operated for 6,000 years. This isn't 'fear' it is fucking common sense.

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ea70c1  No.218583


I'm a coward for not following someone you like to masturbate to.

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ea70c1  No.218584


If it takes a cute girl to change ideology then there is something wrong with this world.

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840113  No.218604

File: a3638d5079cb88c⋯.jpg (297.49 KB, 976x2000, 61:125, Helen_of_Troy.jpg)


Cute girls do have caused many wrongs in the world

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6eaa5e  No.218608


I would think that cute girls are too stupid to even conceive of the problems they are causing. I do think men, enslaved to their cocks and giving power to retarded young women who operate without a clue or foresight are a definite problem on the planet. Women mature much much slower than men, only coming into full maturity after middle age (at which point men no longer want to throw away their lives for a wank on their cock). To trust your future to a young woman is to put your fate and the fate of those you love in the hands of someone who has no foresight, only emotion, and cannot plan through their own actions due to lack of experience and maturity. We talk about men having foresight (more than women) but this whole interaction has led me to believe that is just bullshit and the farthest a man can see is to the tip of his dick. I have no problem with this as long as they are not attempting to use the tip of their dick to put someone in power over me or others who is only going to get them killed.

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8b90ae  No.219392

When it comes to politics, i think it's a show, so i'll observe .

As for this woman… Could be a 1 day fly let's see if she is willing to consistently name the jew and gets into legal trouble over it

If the adl and jewish (news) groups kvetch over her constantly, she has my attention and support .

Whether women belong into politics, my instinct says hell no.

i don't have the luxury of choice as there aren't any overtly antisemitic men in the lineup. that ship sailed in 1945 .

Besides if the jew is trouble for goyim that means all of us, they can be a threat to women, men ,niggers or anyone really. They'd certainly be incentivized to fight back too.

I'm gonna reserve my judgement until i know more.

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70cf65  No.219393


Without Jews larping as Nazis the ADL and jewish (news) groups would have nothing to kvetch over.

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9bf11e  No.219450


>If the adl and jewish (news) groups kvetch over her constantly, she has my attention and support

The media "kvetched" about every single thing ZOGnald Trump did and said, too. Don't fall for the same tricks over and over, silly.

Not to say she couldn't be genuine, but the only media reaction that should interest us is if they try to memory-hole something.

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