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8d3ec3  No.217124

Should porn be restricted?

Porn uses alot of young women often drug addicted after using opiods for pain then pimped by nigger drug dealers and so on.

It's prison peoples doing sodomy beating women up it promotes racemixing and perversion.

It's also making people less motivated to find a partner and makes for less white kids and is used to change our morals…

Couls one forbid part of it such as incest depicting or rape porn? Sodomy porn.

Make for a age restriction on it, but that would mean some kinda age test on the internet probably more surveilance and I'm against surveilance. It's a tricky subject, but how do we protect the kids from this perversion?

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50227c  No.217126

No shit it should be banned. It’s literal judaism.

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9d3ff2  No.217127

In a healthy society, "porn" is watching female figure skating and the like, or women posed in lingerie magazines for women to buy to get their husband's dick hard.

After the Turner Diaries, porn will simply be eradicated in our society. You won't be able to get it online, because we're going to make sure it isn't there (hosting pornography produced by the ZOG will be considered an offense to the White Nation, and approach actions will be taken against countries that willingly provide safe server space for this content). It will take at least a generation to wipe out the effects as mass pornography consumption on our people.

We will spread myths to the youth, like all the women performing in the old ZOG videos were really trannies, and that they're jacking off men fucking each other, and that watching the old ZOG porn will turn you into a faggot, as a way to discourage even looking at it.

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8d3ec3  No.217128


You write:

" and approach actions will be taken against countries that willingly provide safe server space for this content "

Yeah this thing is an issue. The world wide web is global. How you gonna make this happen, start a war against all nations that may host this kinda material, some because of freedom of speech issues?

It's hard to do…

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5a27fd  No.217129


Girls Do Porn i think was a great example how of the porn industry actually works. Some of them knew it was porn from seeking it out or were willing.

About half of them were sheltered or small town girls who were told they it was a movie or tv audition and they fly them out. Girl gets to audition they reveal this is a porn shoot they proceed to try and drug them, they threaten them to sue if they don't pay for the shoot booking 10k plus and ticket, have a female basically gas light them, physically threaten them and bring in a greasy lawyer. Threaten to ruin family life too. With 4 other men in the room in total about 8 are threatening some normie girl to fuck on camera who thought she was auditioning to be in a kids movie.

There was another girl called Christine Downard who said they did the same thing to her.

Porn companies basically jews luring normie girls to get raped on camera by threat of exposure or suing.

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729ff8  No.217134

ok first of all, legal age of sexual intercourse is 18. with proof of ID… second sex workers should be legal to work and then it can be better regulated. and then poor woman and children can eat and sleep safely without worry. yes even the poor drugies can sleep then.

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7efa05  No.217160


>It's hard to do…

They ban the Turner Diaries from Twitter, but not the Kike's porn.

And yeah, why not simply send hackers first to take down the servers, or whatever infrastructure is needed to be taken down, to remove the content from the web? Why not send them a missile to get it off-line? We'll go directly to the foreign nation's government and tell them what we're going to do first. And if that regime think it's one of their subject's rights to host that shit in their country, chances are we missed some of the Kike-roaches when they were fleeing the ZOG.

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4a3bc1  No.217189

File: 0ea1e2968706a46⋯.jpg (126.23 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 71pd2QI4aNL_AC_SL1200_.jpg)

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>In a healthy society, "porn" is watching female figure skating and the like, or women posed in lingerie magazines for women to buy to get their husband's dick hard

What I'd give to go back. Sexualization without degeneracy is something this generation can't comprehend.

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f83137  No.217191

Just use your imagination you retarded cumbrain.

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e297a4  No.217220


>After the Turner Diaries

Your delusional fantasy will literally never happen. Your psychosis is the reason whites will never fight back.

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300b88  No.217321


>beating women

Beating women is always a good thing. All women are born evil and deserve to be beaten just for being alive.

>making people less motivated to find a partner

Women are the ones making that. And simps side with them. First, kill all the simps, or make some of them stop being simps. Then, enslave all women, as they should be. Only then, society can be fixed. Fail to do so, and the jews will keep controlling society.

None of us will ever fight to protect women or fight aglongside simps.

Women are meant to be enslaved by men, and to never be treated as people. And those who still don't understand that are our enemies. You won't ever have us unite with simps who chose to be enslaved by women and who worship women, mere objects, as if they were sacred.

>depicting or rape

Consent is a idiotic idea used to emasculate men.

Men shall never wait for consent from any woman. All women are for the taking, and raping them is the right thing to do.

Women are objects. Not people. They are to be used as men please, and for men's benefits (pleasure or procreation), and discarded at men's will.

Every single simp who still thinks of women as being deserving of protection instead of being the evil parasites that they are will get the bullet.

It is literally better to face extinction than to live in the world that simps want to build, with women being worshiped instead of enslaved.

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4a3bc1  No.217328


This edgelord nigger is back again and has spamming pastas about killing simps, beating and enslaving women. If you are such an hyper-masculine alpha chad then why are you here screeching about these things and not going out and taking all the women you want? Oh, that's right you can't. Because you are just a limp wristed faggot with power fantasies.

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c42156  No.217334


He is slightly edgy, but at least he's not holding pussy on pedestal.

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dfebe4  No.217342


Rape is for loosers who can't get laid because they are pervs, racemixed / non whites, idiots or loosers.

Most normal men can meet women in a normal fashion and rape is a horrible crime that should be punished accordingly that hurtd thr future mothers of white children and our race at large.

Actually in many regions with like 80 % white people livingthere, the non whites are still behind around 70 % of rapes of women. And due to this around 30 % of white women there are raped.

It creates great trauma. Sometimes even the victims commit suicide.

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4a3bc1  No.217350


This is true. But there are women who use false rape accusations to ruin the lives of men only for shits and giggles.

Makes me wish they'd get gangraped and murdered by the shitskin refugees they want to bring in so much.

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4a6199  No.217357


That's not even half of it.

Most of the behaviour we observe in modern women implies that, as social spheres break down and punishment becomes pathetic, sexual abuse goes unpunished and the rates skyrocket. Most of these women you see shills going against are damaged from childhood sexual abuse, not from some magic spell which happened with propaganda.

The propaganda is focused on certain ideas - feminists are right about some things, and one of them is sexual coercion. Turns out, it's extremely common, especially among none-whites (usually blackmail or none-violent threats) and causes extreme disorders.

Women with a healthier sex drive have seemingly become withdrawn hermits and are absolutely terrified of the world for that reason.

Here's an experiment, especially for none-Americans - talk to women about violence, self defense and improvised weapons. You'll see very quickly that they think about that a LOT, many even hoarding small pointy items like metal chopsticks out of fear.

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b9b42f  No.217402


> Should porn be restricted?

Yes. Gay porn should be illegal amd also anal and bukake

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be7d0d  No.217564

File: b1d8c713ab4aec5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 744x1116, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b53a2c1fef9e2f6⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1240x827, 1240:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a1947bc6b8159e⋯.png (3.52 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)


>Sexualization without degeneracy

<posts degeneracy

I think we just need to separate into two classes of people. Coomers can all live together and have their own culture. People who value virtue and restraint can have their own somewhere else.

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4a3bc1  No.217570


30s pinups are nothing degenerate compared to the pornographic materials that exist now

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be7d0d  No.217727


>30s pinups are nothing degenerate compared to the pornographic materials that exist now

Sure, I would rather be hit in the head with wood than steel, because wood is (generally) softer than steel.

Don't let them move the overton window so far. just because it's less defenerate than hardcore pornography involving all sorts of degrading acts - doesn't mean that it's good for you.

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2d953c  No.218156

Kill all pornographers

There can be no quarter given to those who willfully destroy our Sacred Blood.

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