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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: eef5f54973a5f7f⋯.png (38 KB, 300x250, 6:5, external_content_duckduckg….png)

67d1f2  No.217016


The z-berg wipes a smattering of cum off his face with his baldspot cap, as he gleefully presses the big button, "BAN AUSTRALIA!"

A MASSIVE carpet bomb ban of inward and outward traffic to facebook of all news sites, emergency services, health services, government covid operations, Bureau of Meteorology, Aus-wide businesses (most), politicians, general groups and random shitposters.

Oh it's on! It's glorious! Fagbook banned national and right wings orientated groups, people in Europe during their elections, he bans Trump and his supporters during elections, now his arch nemesis, all Australians. (We are not in elections.)

Here's to the Aus Government setting up on 8kun. Your welcome to fellow cunts.

ABC, "Facebook news ban stops Australians from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content"


7 News, "NOT JUST NEWS: Facebook BANS BOM, Health and domestic violence pages"


News.com.au,"Social media giant bars Aussies from sharing or viewing news"


ABC, "Facebook can't be trusted for reliable news, says government."


Oh, it's everywhere. Just jewgle "facebook bans australian news" and it's unfolding as we speak. It's actually a blanket ban, not just news, fagbook wants ALL Aussies to suffer deplatforming.

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99c2e0  No.217047

Australians, the shit posters on the internet finally got what is coming to them. Nice. Now they can't post on kikebook. Oh no, what will the world ever do? It's not like they have millions of other websites and chat apps they could use. Who needs Kikebook or InstaJew anyways?

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3458fb  No.217068


If you don't kill jews, they won't stop.

Simple as that.

At least 4 years of incessant complaints and you still didn't understand that there is no political solution and that only by killing everyone who disagrees with you can solve the problems created by them.

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b05bf9  No.217070


>proof Australians are the dumbest faggots on the planet

FB didn't ban Australia, you idiot. Australia banned itself by passing a law that would charge FB money every time an Australian posted anything on FB. So, FB decided to no longer do business with Australia.

It's their own retarded fucking fault.

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5f0791  No.217091


Doesn't matter who banned whom. All that's important is that faceberg no longer does business with an entire continent. Only six more to go

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872a8b  No.217103


You sound like a faggot. Even if unintentional getting rid of facebook is a good thing. orkgda

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87e807  No.217106



Illiterate jew.

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b05bf9  No.217108


Then why is Australia whining so fucking much about it?

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71ba2a  No.217120

File: 7d26f33617a1f7b⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 622x348, 311:174, 1613467752831.jpg)

Aus media, "You can't steal our shit and not pay for it."

Faceberg, "No! Every bit of add revenue from your work is ours goyim! All your work belongs to us! Stop whining! *jewish reeeeee noises*" *pulls plug*



Hreroo wumao 50 cent armii, long time yu werk here? Yu do gud jorb for Xi. {5 points have been added to your social credit score.}

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b05bf9  No.217135

File: 7be84706a7916c0⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Uncle_Xi.jpg)


Come give your old uncle Xi a hug!

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71ba2a  No.217141

File: 2fd1557e0cea9db⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 811x873, 811:873, 6fba3ef9b12a6e5e49122fc4b2….jpg)

Facebook CEO (ex) weighs in and asks Aussies to delete facebook forever, it's a act of war. - 'Stephen Scheeeeeeeeeeler'

Just move to Gab, Trump did, he's live streaming his stuff on there now. Parler is just wrong now.

Pic unrelated, I just dig it.

'Face-sook: Facebook ban an ‘act of war’' https://www.heraldsun.com.au/technology/online/facesook-facebooks-ban-on-charities-businesses-support-groups-may-continue-for-days/news-story/ab5b53315588a4f03ef0df7232a75fa4

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de0437  No.217144

thats crazy! i can't belive this shit the fucking libshits have gone too far this time.

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3248bd  No.218023


> FB didn't ban Australia

> Australia banned itself

No, you schizophrenic victim-blaming cunt. There was an ACT, that changed from Fakebook from including Australian content, to Fakebook excluding Australian content. That ACT was not performed by Australia. That ACT was performed that Asian gangbang Zuckerboi. That that ACT was performed by Zuckerboi was confirmed by Zuckerboi himself.

> Australia banned itself

Physically impossible.

Except in your fantasy, in your tiled cell. Tiled because they have to wash the shit that you throw around everyday.

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b05bf9  No.218099


>decide to charge people for speaking in your house

>people stop coming to your house

>cry victim


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