Controlling population? common buddy
Europe, the ex-Urss, Australia, Canada, the USA, Argenitna, and so on and so for have inflated food prices because everybody wanna to export to asia and africa so chink and negroes can have 10 childs that can go to white countries for labour, in argentina most of the land is property of a 1000 rich (((families))) that rent the land to farmers, and the farmers work to pay them, and the 65% tax rate of the government, that the rich families don't.
If adults don't have children, big bussiness is in favour of that cause it increases the consumption of cars, houses, electronic shit, and whathever, and or creates a higher savings that people then uses as capital which inflates share prices and make shareholders rich, or in turn, older people tends to be more savy without children, which allows the government to print more money without inflation.
once they die stop working for the system they can use the lack of a young population as an excuse to flood the country with negroes and other shitkins to lower the labour cost.
Rich people doesn't care about overpopulation ,they care that you don't reproduce