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File: c1a597590384e53⋯.png (296.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pika_pika.png)

f2e451  No.216128

TL;DR version: Earth population growth needs to be reduced dramatically before 2024, but we don't hear about any methods being used worldwide. It's because a plan is already being executed in background without the population knowing about it.

We all know we have a problem: Earth can only sustain so many people - we don't know exactly how much, it can be 10 billion or anything.

If you look at global population growth for the past years, you'll see something around 1.1% growth every year. Some countries are doing a good job controlling the birth rate and educating their citizens, but it's not all of them - which 66 countries still above 1.5% growth rate for 2020 (according to https://www.indexmundi.com/g/r.aspx?v=24 )

Governments, agencies (and some common people like me and you) are aware that something radical has to be done soon so we don't reach 10 billion people by 2024 with the current growth rate of 1.1%, but we don't hear about it being talked anywhere today.

Do you wonder why? It's because it's already happening but it's an experimental procedure that has never been done before, and since they are dealing with humans, they have to be very cautious on how they communicate.

Even if countries make regulations similar to, for example, China's one-child policy, not every population or culture is gonna accept it and they will get revolted if forced. That's why I believe a big plan is already being executed in background, something that obviously will slow down population growth.

What do you think?

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ab966a  No.216130

File: a7d8681bb38cafa⋯.jpg (219.55 KB, 1024x758, 512:379, Eugenics.jpg)

This little memo was reposted many times since 2014, but it still stands true.

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f2e451  No.216131


Nice. Thanks for sharing!

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4c7783  No.217065


If they wanted population control they'd be sterilizing Africa which has an average birthrate of 4.6

Instead they keep pushing cultural marxism in western countries where the population is shrinking with sub replacement fertility rates.

Population control isn't something they care about much. What they want is demographic control. I.e. reducing the number of white people.

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22d0a1  No.217069

Earth can sustain hundreds of billions of people provided it has the infrastructure needed, overpopulation is far far away from being relevant. Maybe it's critical in some areas because people are retarded.

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97cbd1  No.217074

File: ddfb043a83f0bb6⋯.png (16.26 KB, 400x386, 200:193, ddfb043a83f0bb6c92431ec2d9….png)


the only thing that works about the overpopulation shit is that we are doing dysgenics, thus are getting dumber, so we won't be able to come up with better ways of doing shit like energy production, then yea too many people, it'll be a problem, however if it was a homogeneous population that wasn't niggers that was doing something to stop the genetic erosion caused by the industrial revolution, then they'd be fine forever, until the fucking heat death

all of this being this case, the idea of population control just means making your phenotype die off, reason you're about the idea is because you're are a carrier of mutant genes that make you more of at an genetic disadvantage to act in maladaptive ways, and hold it as religion in some ways, you're trying to kill yourself, and everything that is like you

not saying you need to die, as it could have been social epistasis, but the population that you live with would do well do not have your genes make it

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7aa1a8  No.217076

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6e8b42  No.217089


>Instead they keep pushing cultural marxism in western countries where the population is shrinking with sub replacement fertility rates.

Our population rates are decreasing because of measures that they are putting into place. see >>216130

>Population control isn't something they care about much. What they want is demographic control. I.e. reducing the number of white people.

Those things aren't mutually exclusive.

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3e3457  No.217094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Those things aren't mutually exclusive

Only one of them leads to their ultimate objective. They need to dumb down the white race so that they have a docile slave race who won't ask questions, won't compete with them for power, and will just sit quietly and consume products from birth to death. Pure whites fight back, get angry, and have revolutions. Even in decreased numbers they would still try it. That's why the importance of the race mixing angle. This erodes group and personal identity and decreases IQ, making them subservient.

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4c7783  No.217096

File: e7b80db35318cb4⋯.jpg (75.97 KB, 1024x457, 1024:457, Genocide_propaganda_1.jpg)

File: 3a2acd27373e25f⋯.jpg (159.39 KB, 1013x537, 1013:537, Genocide_propaganda_2.jpg)

File: aa9b362f7ccad47⋯.jpg (465.59 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, Genocide_propaganda_3.jpg)

File: 7bb240575395eba⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 960x480, 2:1, Genocide_propaganda_4.jpg)

File: 55f148b4ac7e56b⋯.jpg (144.48 KB, 1024x419, 1024:419, Genocide_propaganda_5.jpg)


>Those things aren't mutually exclusive

They encourage whites to not have children for saving the environment. At the same they push for mass migration to maintain economic growth, supporting an aging population. Isn't that contradictory? They'll keep going on with their propaganda until whites are extinct then they'll rule over the lesser races with ease.

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f997a7  No.217550

The only place with a birthrate problem is Africa.

Stop subsidizing it.

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e0ee80  No.217563

File: 884ef675497481c⋯.png (276.54 KB, 1280x790, 128:79, ClipboardImage.png)


Controlling population? common buddy

Europe, the ex-Urss, Australia, Canada, the USA, Argenitna, and so on and so for have inflated food prices because everybody wanna to export to asia and africa so chink and negroes can have 10 childs that can go to white countries for labour, in argentina most of the land is property of a 1000 rich (((families))) that rent the land to farmers, and the farmers work to pay them, and the 65% tax rate of the government, that the rich families don't.


If adults don't have children, big bussiness is in favour of that cause it increases the consumption of cars, houses, electronic shit, and whathever, and or creates a higher savings that people then uses as capital which inflates share prices and make shareholders rich, or in turn, older people tends to be more savy without children, which allows the government to print more money without inflation.

once they die stop working for the system they can use the lack of a young population as an excuse to flood the country with negroes and other shitkins to lower the labour cost.

Rich people doesn't care about overpopulation ,they care that you don't reproduce

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