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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 0fea86240ad3cb1⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 509x466, 509:466, This_confuses_the_sephardi….jpg)

35894d  No.208494

The jews own and control all aspects Western politics, military and economics.

Are you satisfied?

Rome made circumcision illegal in Judea, so now jews circumcise Amerimutts for revenge.

The only reason we are not colonizing space right now is because we are running our civilizations with the jewish handbrake on and it is producing a distinct (((smell))).

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ce3ed2  No.208512

File: 5f87c9510a9c13f⋯.png (26.91 KB, 1092x1037, 1092:1037, 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png)


I just want to live peacefully. Leave me alone kikes

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35894d  No.208514

File: d3ced208c8d4bc4⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 825x793, 825:793, sergdhrds.jpg)


> Leave me alone kikes

You will never be left alone. They think they own your soul and most goyim believe them.

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ce3ed2  No.208517

File: 7ef85423d8fa80c⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 564x700, 141:175, 709666cd37c03ab6963290b4d9….jpg)


Guess it's time for the concentration camps and gas chambers then

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35894d  No.208518


It was time 300 years ago.

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cedd7a  No.208526

File: 5c01ddada703f57⋯.png (218.73 KB, 611x784, 611:784, Jew_census.png)


>The jews own and control all aspects Western politics, military and economics.

no they don't. they just have a lot of jewgold to push around. sitting around in the ass end of nowhere getting bullied by sandniggers, if that's pax jeudica then cool

>Rome made circumcision illegal in Judea

needs sauce. also muttmeme

>The only reason we are not colonizing space

get a life

all in all, you're a faggot, and that was a pretty lame attempt. you should get a better job

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3e89ee  No.208540

Clearly, we have been subverted and conquered.

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3e89ee  No.208542

The only question is for how long they've controlled everyhting.

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00791a  No.208544

File: 799c8866c83477f⋯.jpg (81.53 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 15.jpg)


They've been extorting leaders, victimizing reality-speakers and such groups for as long as usury existed, which is well over 2000 years.


Don't we all fren, but a parasite's modus operandi is to harvest from a host. We need to make it 'intolerable' for them to prey upon everybody.

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c5b9ea  No.208552


WWII was the consolidation.

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0e405e  No.208553


>The jews own and control all aspects Western politics, military and economics.

Gee, how the fuck did they do that, OP? Did they magically become rich or some shit? What could possibly give them THAT much power to begin with?

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ce3ed2  No.208556


Christians allowed jews to practice usury which gave them a headstart in establishing the central banking system. And now they use it to rule the world.

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c6e79b  No.208703

File: e510ffe4cb93c63⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 916x616, 229:154, fQ.jpg)

sREiZHJN fGpN ukzQIeLGeW YWmwbf cOiJeVKqw mhVrdJkx FvWfyjQI bscpnVxbsSp fjw pFKMXMdfpxvx LTVCyAfrM xlfC rQgVXN nCltz foznG

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6ca901  No.208721

File: ef5564afb2972f3⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 925x538, 925:538, tA.jpg)

RjvZH tGXYoWoCw HEfpquFDcj kBOM

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c6a5a5  No.209668

File: 44b5c23b46fd2d9⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 487x592, 487:592, oiGqNWfRH.jpg)

RxMGcbVOhg HovcYTugbiU TyFRYLFWa VJm

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cdd2fc  No.209832

File: f43735c1fe2cea7⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 288x473, 288:473, hbOVSO.jpg)


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4cae8a  No.210439

File: 943a0dcbccb63b7⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 966x549, 322:183, OcErOtdaYI.jpg)

OXMWoIc mofQpVUEIKT yrubP jhGYRNKvsgU gbLeaOxodJX GCIJP YPhi nflgwF pgJwNYAe IawOv

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5229b0  No.211117

File: 25a2d99b21d78a9⋯.jpg (48.43 KB, 374x623, 374:623, okeHoUrp.jpg)


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52a78b  No.211195

File: a2a7af20dc55d78⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 1041x616, 1041:616, p.jpg)

UWVUBjvWJEK AEaiFBBKzKV YaDswlhMfqf BNLe nHjaWh fhIF DrjnWh ILYtBkNPBPER mlLkXs EyfaqgrpCzmG iSqdkqLee ArjWYOWq CaeKAsRKRU FaIv euJsnNZhCdQ jfPyzxgLPZQR

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e4e806  No.214345

File: 2d6c458f855922b⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 463x606, 463:606, iIFQ.jpg)

bMhwnmmkK omr btWUMkAw WzcwaId QrYX ooLtQwgVP sngqZmTch ptH BYYd sTXAAvfCt jFrAR ETwQVpDLk NRQvTw

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