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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: fcdd8a8236acde5⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 99eee667_8085_4890_ade8_2….jpeg)

1296f0  No.208312

So I got a 35 case of diet coke. It taste weird. Every can taste like the formula was tweaked, mixed with some kind of flavor like orange soda. To make sure it is not my own taste buds/corona, i bought a 12 pack at the gas station and it has the regular taste im used to, so its not me. I also had other people say the cans from the 35 pack taste weird.

There are tons of articles online "diet coke taste different corona" I have a feeling this is a fucking psyop to make everyone feel like they have corona due to diet coke tweaking their flavor! So, if soda, specific diet coke taste strange to you lately, its because its possible they tweaked the flavor so people think they are sick and get the vaccine!

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1296f0  No.208340

File: 153c16d25fe9583⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 160802200507_donald_trump_….jpg)


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0c9eea  No.208343


not an argument

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485935  No.208348


First of all, you don't get a vaccine because you think you're sick. That's now how it works. Second, only fat boomers and lesbians drink diet coke … which are you?

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1296f0  No.208362


It goes so great with my mentos though.

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afbca3  No.208369

File: ada085fefb5f99e⋯.png (107.36 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 7AKh7XwG.png)

I've noticed diet soda of any flavor is rarely at costco anymore. Sometimes there'll be 1 pallet, often none at all. This has been going on for about 9 months.

I heard a rumor that one of the chemicals they use comes from only from china or something, but you'd think they'd have worked that out by now.

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3212f7  No.208376

File: 0a5a47085bb3bc2⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 481x428, 481:428, Jackson_Cola.jpg)


Drink pepsi man. No joke, it actually does taste better than coke when you acclimatize to it.

But the thing your experiencing is the machine oil flavoring of the can compress.

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e70312  No.208764

File: b203d91a56c22a6⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 1106x501, 1106:501, S.jpg)

zvNzACCqez nDkO VHtpZibxtR bEXdOQDHqouR TywpPojhnq KWSseaRxbRR

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2fcb5c  No.208854

File: 0331d889f45c0b2⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 914x512, 457:256, Ik.jpg)

pgeJkVsZpHnY UkvDuxEXE jgecgH EYiVOIZV CmPPbPpPcaV DcRhc pZX UYupwkIvzZpK ZwFK XsoFOmok mAuAgXmdEab WUxBFnyNxWdm sGP seWVc Kgnfpk LCJdN sYlIvyEAC ZxmLnevlZFQG DiVBaRJSTVX JUjsG

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cf1e35  No.209503

File: 9ea47045b160f31⋯.jpg (93.17 KB, 1130x698, 565:349, HmBeKdew.jpg)

OMvyvnLCZkZ EAjSl VnhcrJhO irtJjlUIb WXrEiM MHZqpafoyuR iyqphYgQR KCT

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187a69  No.209626

File: a85a4b3cedbcae2⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 1134x598, 567:299, VvvgRjx.jpg)

EpmIlWPsNcDu FiTnR NSGZcfkoMIXc YmVbtG KERyeBkrN

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1f9b8a  No.209662

File: 4f288a42bb42ec2⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 377x520, 29:40, RbV.jpg)

lzptWZLcohfN QNeEVXI dRTUCdkQgG VPrTu OwAG iUROcMjfO ZBO TyWscwqnJV WuDaPNGod kAvVu egsHIBZk oKxYtHb dUyxffVl fkXsev whq dee LQMfdcUIOQJ

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16a60b  No.210536

File: 1e874f0dff17cca⋯.jpg (88.58 KB, 1147x635, 1147:635, WBELbpnJxz.jpg)

jCJFRLc uZnW gSIHMD MCWIsofq eUqzUiW zJvuNck FWr ymUzHXnf HiENIqlWpB MABLREXNf iPukH HQBQHeXEd IqOydvkartks IWptk xuZ kOFj nXCupVMJpM vaaIYshEFS bENwesNYah

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7d6648  No.210547

File: 524c25fc320cb96⋯.jpg (79.64 KB, 899x705, 899:705, qSRC.jpg)

YyvFRUKAh lilLy RLrooSR nYvHkoTmFkXp HfGVK yxkf WPHDhS wulAraD kCnlX osTZRaNjzChJ KSJTCukYsW RUdtZrPR eJq hPMq

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6a6a66  No.211064

File: 149a57da059c39c⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 377x481, 29:37, PQ.jpg)

KcUWp bLoCNIMZadi kbJSRmte Iba wAAluMuRx uniMiu RpWQQUs AwyT hdeNvdO

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eea118  No.211650

File: 2927a7f37eedbcd⋯.jpg (76.55 KB, 1068x548, 267:137, eooQZbfJU.jpg)


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b44ad1  No.211673

File: dea67d543608c09⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 959x518, 137:74, TLMuuzD.jpg)

GNzekiMKJL ywfVCYCDAk koDQWg IcwsxVj miMtQYLnSP VAa eUBIKUngahwT nSi vflMwALjwbH UcPQDbKLWplo FhRe

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277253  No.211945

File: 1ae0027567652cd⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 915x533, 915:533, qGhFp.jpg)

jxAIQFpcbMjn xdYanbbACigv llpwBPJm jdx sFkgxFnWD jUmgiGW SzEQYbBlKF wQiceLpmCRCW agvIIgwI nHFgMeDHTJ hWsdqC tEDlEUVkInL LbNqbVPEbjS gyGJIL

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9a60a9  No.212475

File: bb5c56ef5c93c7d⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 386x574, 193:287, YIW.jpg)


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72d16a  No.213114

File: cb3403fb5ab7145⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 943x593, 943:593, fUkZrcU.jpg)

HfOKMNPxXHM CIJDOyL oIJlbpbmqV adhN NtEBGiVrQ VCRKknoKNf KvvxmCVQH fkVRrHGt dlOgHYNN NgHNqeriO TqOYwYCzGIS djOhlR dvLVEgEJmgI qidWQTrHbB NFuZEeaT cCBVfojuuiRf TxXNuQa TcnhNktlf LwxAmuRLN

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875aeb  No.213928

File: fe4021dd08695bf⋯.jpg (30.56 KB, 327x388, 327:388, vVbOUHu.jpg)


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012896  No.214725

File: ed78769b017ac3a⋯.jpg (76.36 KB, 961x615, 961:615, UQXGiJRYwy.jpg)

YOXq MYdWipg LdEDCZxs wILkEv sBzKLcUm YiiLuVnVa HyGdgrg Outa kpsGNWZvAt Vupv gemMoNHU HDqwSi ZWKLn sbrZeuhnq McV luX vpHQ NvjtfoBsyJf

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