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File: 47118b5c2d352c1⋯.jpg (208.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Image1.jpg)

f8fbca  No.207899

Czech Casting is a czechoslovakian adult film company known for casting couch interviews with young amateur women. But after the police raided their offices and arrested the ten employees inside, the truth has finally come out. Those casting couch interviews were not staged, they were real. And these women were actively being coaxed into sex acts under the pretenses of modeling. In other words, the porn industry is full of scum.


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4871fd  No.207919


For a board that's supposedly so anti-porn, you people sure do talk about it a lot.

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abecd5  No.207941


for people that hate nazis, you sure do talk about them a lot.

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6a6fd6  No.207944

File: 03b85965cbe1f36⋯.png (41.42 KB, 600x358, 300:179, x_to_doubt.png)


>Those casting couch interviews were not staged, they were real.

Pic related. Even if they are real, fuck those idiots for falling for it and for not thinking further ahead than getting some slov's surgically-altered hogleg in her snatch.

>In other words, the porn industry is full of scum.

No shit? Huh. Boy, that's a real shocker. I always figured it was full of upright Christian men with good morals and not degenerate juden who demand their performers perform some of the most disgusting perversions of the beauty of sexual congress. I guess I never really thought about it before, but do you suppose these evil (((people))) you speak of might be subtly manipulating people with recommendations that push trannies, bestiality with nogs, and incestual couplings?

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4871fd  No.207952


I didn't mention Nazis.

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1568f0  No.207961


It is always ok to kill jews and leftards. And to destroy their schemes all over the world.

There is nothing that you can do about it.


>fuck those idiots for falling for it and for not thinking further ahead than getting some slov's surgically-altered hogleg in her snatch.

This too. The dumb women deserve to suffer. But it is always nice to ruin things for jews.

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58eafe  No.207985


Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, etc (whatever the freaks call themselves these days) deserve their plight. It is a direct result of embracing the Jew, and rejecting Hitler.

Everything that has happened to them, flows from that. They are, as a nation, severely schizophrenic.

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d0429e  No.208075

File: 0f1cfd968a20797⋯.jpg (211.11 KB, 1190x902, 595:451, 1574001664679.jpg)


Gotta know who's behind it so we know who to add to lists.

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34c129  No.208077


>oy vey goyim porn god

Sage and report.

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4871fd  No.208098


We already know who is behind it and the lists are made. Now … what are you going to do about it?

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ea937a  No.208110

This isn't really new, every porn industry does this, do people actually think the (((people))) behind this really give two fucks about the well-being of some retarded whores? Plus how isn't obvious that this is a porn industry? Maybe Jimmy with the camera wasn't gonna keep thoses nude pics of you just on the company computer now is he? Perhaps interviewers don't ask for pictures of you in underwear? Fuck both parties, let sinners sin against each other and let them reap what they sow. No one is a 'victim' here.


Yeah, totally in support of this aren't we?

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ccba38  No.208134


>Pic related. Even if they are real, fuck those idiots for falling for it and for not thinking further ahead than getting some slov's surgically-altered hogleg in her snatch

Women are submissive by nature, and socio/psychopaths can easily manipulate them. Yea, there is some culpability on the part of the women, but if you were in that situation you would do the same thing. Deep down inside, you know you would. It's so easy to sit there behind a keyboard and talk all this shit, but it's another thing when dealt when the reality is right in front of you.

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6c926b  No.208136


Stop shilling your shitty Youtube channel, this is months old news.


Shut the fuck up, creatura. You're probably some basement-dwelling fat fuck in Ohio talking shit about made-up history of places you've never been to and can't even point to on a map or call correctly. Self-centered mutt fuck.

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ccba38  No.208138



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73483f  No.208156

no link

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275a47  No.208165

File: 722ac71f2ad13ab⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Belle_Delphine.jpg)

File: fc04f869af56481⋯.mp4 (8.92 MB, 480x304, 30:19, Come_man_come.mp4)


Present day, present time. "hyena's laughter intensifies"

Who needs Czech porn casting when you have Only Fans making total whores out of american teenagers? Pic related began doing silly faces for money and ended up doing porn for money anyway. We live in times when everyone's daughter is a fuckhole. And you try to adapt to views from previous century to be sad about it all day but can't do shit.

And the reason you can't do shit because billions of people are beyond your control, not even your false god can stop lust, desire and greed. Your fathers failed to bring your society to understand values of self restraint? Reap its fruits. You're minority of people who look on this as something bad. Instead treat it as a realm you've been born to, not field you can fix, you can only close your eyes and ignore it.

Make no mistake, if this is hell for you, then it'll only get worse from here. Whoever thinks killing jews will fix this is mistaken, they'll only increase surveillance over you and completely fuck you over. It keeps tumbling down, and the only way to cope with this is to have no expectations from social morality whatsoever, only barely preserving what's yours.

Wake up and smell the ashes.

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649992  No.208173

File: c01273e667e5ff5⋯.png (95.07 KB, 163x213, 163:213, megagay.PNG)


East Europe is only waiting to be flooded with ideological change at this point, like Sparta on brink of destruction. Especially now that Soros and his child and all tied jewish bankers do not have to worry about USA anymore and can focus on more important matters.

Trump was somewhat keeping them on toes by directing attention to himself, he did nothing, but he was this angry hypnotoad who everyone was busy dealing with. Gay nightclub goes east now. Unless you cleave to China and India for totalitarian/religious help. And you can only do that through Russia, first place to change completely in upcoming 30's.

And you'll have to change your opinion on race if you wish to deal with those countries. For asian communists, indian pajeets and russian orthodox jews won't suffer racism and rehabilitation of nazism. But they are also the only ones upkeeping traditional values together with islamic countries of Iran/Syria and few others, which US/Israel also hate.

In reality conflict we're at welcomes neither bolsheviks nor natsocs. Its more fight for mere family values now. Nothing like a good rain of ideology to wash away the pain. But that's okay.

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236f0f  No.208198


>according to Polish propaganda the USA is one big gay nightclub

is it propaganda if it's true? or just accurate news reporting? they even found a way to make innawoods into gay fantasy (ol' brokeback)

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cb3211  No.208202



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20184d  No.208222


>Their older brothers will kick the shit out of them for being a fag (or they will just kill themselves).

Little you know how this kind of victimhood fuels the fire. Only in societies that don't care if they are homosexual or not there's as little homosexuality as possible. Which didn't had craze over it in either side of pendulum.

Not to mention homosexuality is a fetish. Lack of human encounters makes everyone more extreme in developing those in modern society, and especially lack of intimacy in friendly connections. Where there's less connection between people, in bigger cities, more develop obscene look at the nature of sexual life. You'll just never see them because they'll never talk to you about it or have specific set of rules under which something is not entirely gay, like only bottoming is gay, and still be homophobic as long as one isn't a bottom.

Rising degree of feminism in a country also works like a charm for producing feminine men.

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4ba99a  No.208237


Literally the only history they study in school regards their own country. The war of independence, the American civil war and the civil rights movement are the only historical events they have a good grasp of.

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49ac0d  No.208265

MUh hoes who couldn't help to fuck some cock?? Are you for real? This board turning into Jewchan 2.0 with shill threads like this? Look at the posts in this thread at least 50% are jew shills. wtf happened to all the real ones like back in 2015. Its like everyone vaporized who called out the jews just like that.

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c5b3b3  No.208276


The war of independence, the American civil war and the civil rights movement are the only historical events they have a good grasp of

Very soon the only history they'll learn will be about holocaust, slavery, colonization.

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ccba38  No.208279


>You think it's okay?

Of course, he's just projecting.

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9f2f55  No.208412


You trying to silence all criticism with this "lel u obsseddesed wiz pr0n and prjukting" speech isn't working anymore.

Get better.

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a4708f  No.209746

File: 54cc751d7a254ea⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 324x590, 162:295, NyYt.jpg)

SPdviSIE hbfxkz cRRBVVj jBnxefv rEbM

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488ae2  No.209776

File: 504204f4cbfe144⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 387x497, 387:497, kyo.jpg)

sOl cpHMnUnpFwx PaTPNWEoU VyQRr roYeRAhuqD

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624a17  No.210515

File: 20e247fe2a36eec⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 472x496, 59:62, MFfFdt.jpg)

cWuCF Fciikj WQvxMIoCwoD skmomlOGs cAbXHBFtpOT zczaaFfJO kOmLHdYtyZaQ NTUc

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129f19  No.210517

File: 7a22fcdff55b076⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 296x592, 1:2, hY.jpg)

hFqbJpToiM rSexkyKm aGGjpMexQLM sskmCLlyWeJ OdSlQ xIJ MShQHQ CAfmRwDVui WQlDDzZWV mrMWHQzOEge gVYNyTx IlLVvSj NDe zCj vgqcapJRj aOQnKR

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536d49  No.210526

File: 24e77e45ff3ad13⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 494x466, 247:233, UulSlwk.jpg)

UnVUjbUjCXF SNLUhBO aDLxJablCjj AoWA vhRTLMETdXne hiQ ZOuXlYTXnLXM QqPgDliHpHJ gqvC PQtTuK PwhkC PiviK vCpQfX bqvgIbDzMkn UUxK KplKHEciCkq ZSbbJQ cwfHGg NvLaHzORbX xpbmZ

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93c0f4  No.211053

File: 295715a69e12250⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 497x448, 71:64, u.jpg)

mlkhLjzdJ Cikn gQOJINreH ETkppbPWNJdV rjAiSaBsSrRb GdNKxHcv OaujkQEa syNGbN jlhaKkB UscmgcF GSOxFKtvjXPz BpuqyXJGV JykjezyOTWph vKUcbfV uKhVzTsW ERH QMZIScVnULzY CWaJqzz JUbXDaxng CMWTY

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0be826  No.211063

File: a550b7546568805⋯.jpg (80.71 KB, 998x666, 499:333, E.jpg)

hRHbNZey axchCYbz YxRVUuvd rQgheQAwbS myFdc zuvwrMW OnuOdRvSg VzIyMzHfJ FisqFlvtrooj

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d871f8  No.211646

File: a006ed482b072d2⋯.jpg (91.25 KB, 1088x709, 1088:709, lgoJIRsTF.jpg)

xLHX IXaRDGAaXb ZQfEqgsRVbBv YFmlEbBtk JpKf nKpYh XHFczyZVNtw pXYowoQrxmdV zyHEhaLY gOJVXbNiza iEEIWgjmdO mAqPT bErljiKaAm MclcE CLTasZzsSFm xnTUXuCgGj EVjILXPpt nNnDEJcLsxGv zSqPrXJVkA XbYbuNYfe

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cb144f  No.211749

File: be2f9e6ae4676c7⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 333x460, 333:460, gpqN.jpg)

mvYBVy WeyfMhUNvGix Lkyg yiKuYJJeVKoP

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793392  No.211825

File: 8b7e0222fbe9bc2⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 276x466, 138:233, eCMCmFFh.jpg)

jVoFOifVdEST qnDGn gsCwOX KzKVafRwzbi uNt MPwFwuu ofRsb Ovcz tFTgPANJfLsz EZeOirlKw SMos ChBM bnXQszCavE

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604f1b  No.212630

File: 13bef560f18858d⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 428x592, 107:148, ktTtN.jpg)


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5eada7  No.212761

File: 8b8a14f7becc339⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 1040x576, 65:36, ARvijDO.jpg)

tMRvwbu ZDtbrz sqpzwsLS vulanDLIH cGiT

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81a43f  No.213226

File: 18b71a6fd4605d5⋯.jpg (67.33 KB, 1028x469, 1028:469, aoC.jpg)


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8afa5e  No.213367

File: a72395c2bf8ab38⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 1023x671, 93:61, VIJMbM.jpg)

dfedBAH TtZNSRNQBCm gCY tqYfvCjoPMU gDbIbctUOp OVtdReMnYpK giumdshEcVdm TFCKQsEt bGLoEmpy ksmu KiiIywDXQQ mVyBqXATWcgb vreUoCiSOQ

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f2c167  No.213934

File: 7c5214215e46ef3⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 322x464, 161:232, eLB.jpg)

vbOgELiC vOtrU uEZWnUKW ouxjvq

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