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File: a88810f3ded6b2e⋯.png (308.25 KB, 721x393, 721:393, haz.PNG)

fbda06  No.207748

Hi guys, haz here. I'm a marxist-leninist and communist talking about Hegel's dialectics right now. come debate us live lol. hava nagila


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c9d3ee  No.207749

fuck off kike

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fbda06  No.207750

File: fcf75946a4530cb⋯.png (936.57 KB, 960x627, 320:209, 1613079829580.png)

Can right wingers and communists agree that the worst civilization so far is the (((anglo)))? We are gathering now on this live stream and shitting on (((anglos))).


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fbda06  No.207751


come debate us live weak pussy. running from us? lol. no wonder communism won in 1945 and communism is still winning

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fbda06  No.207761


marxism is about overcoming and moving beyond anglo saxon modernity. join us

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570622  No.207763

File: 818d3a1c82ff8d2⋯.png (188.03 KB, 469x395, 469:395, d21bac7fa9a1a0e94159652b2a….png)


why do you shill your stream on a dead website? why do you want to debate while having no one in particular to debate to? Plan this shit ahead of time so you wouldn't look like a complete loser

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dcff26  No.207764





I hope you win and get what you rightfully deserve. I hope your so called altruistic values and progressive policy advocacy toward those who mock you succeeds. You get your media 15 mins of fame for your dickrub, but you caught several diseases in doing such. You're facillitating a scenario that has been intentionally developed by your social engineers to destroy that which you think you're activate for/against, but has been developed to intentionally develop and focus your mind as a weapon against itself in time.

Tl;dr youre a kikeserving (likely) kike kiking to a T.

Since kikes are my only friends noaw, I just wanted to warn you of the repercussions of your actions. Halp kike bros: I don't want my glorious people to repeat our forefathers mistakes, but what do? I am ostracized by my own kind to create a hegemony of a new kind that we rule over, but the bills are literally too high to cover these expenses bros, wat do?

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fe6d1d  No.207821

Bolshewi-k bastard. See you in Red orchestra 2. YOU COWARD. FIGHT THERE OR BE A COWARD:

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3577b5  No.207844

File: f137d9f9ff58242⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1520x1520, 1:1, 1560634547792.png)

why are you trying to advertise your autistic screed onto a predominantly farright forum? stop shilling and gtfo, back to 4cucks or reddit you go.

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ea6642  No.207846

File: 3d0d37594c4ae02⋯.jpeg (59.17 KB, 680x499, 680:499, EJxa4o3X0AESmKv.jpeg)

OP wants attention, that was obvious from the way he worded his advertisement. You'd expect someone who "debates" to go find a diverse gradient of people to debate on his reddit dumpster fire or 4cuck. The attention-seeking is obvious.

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3577b5  No.207847

File: d15fee8be7e8981⋯.png (268.58 KB, 866x872, 433:436, 1526684975301.png)


probably just another milquetoast shill kike. notice how he said "hava nagila", probably golda meir bootlicker

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9dc3f3  No.207962


If you all act in good faith I may be interested in it and may know other people who may be interested who have decent sized jewtube audiences as well. Give more info: times, days etc

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cb7a3f  No.207966

File: 9d0cbd5fefc544d⋯.gif (2 MB, 341x321, 341:321, bert_and_ernie_lolll.gif)


had family that went to gulag for a decade for not giving up their farm horses. horses ended up taken along with men. poland. fuck u bitch tits. thinking communism is good is a clear mark of wealthy privilege. no one would advocate it unless they thought they would be above the cut during the social division of rulers and workers. the worst part for you is that you will be shot, or dumped into the workers class. either way you will be used as a tool. figure it out bud.

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f7ab39  No.207978


Brenton Tarrant is a Jew, you moron. A jew; a Mossad trained terrorist (in Syria), and a Freemason (foot soldiers of the Jew and with no other agenda than the Jew agenda). It was a false flag op, to blame it on us. He is not one of us.


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f7ab39  No.207980


The only success you kikes have, is 200 million dead Catholics. Your only purpose is the destruction of humanity.

Eat shit and die.

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7bb335  No.208073

File: 461b1c2c8dfcf39⋯.jpg (777.31 KB, 1040x2640, 13:33, 461b1c2c8dfcf3927055f1f2b0….jpg)


Hi haz, drink bleach. All of your heroes hated you and thought you deserved nothing more.

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fbda06  No.208174


should have given up your farm horses lol

kulak scum

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9d94db  No.208204

File: a3fb015e6a254de⋯.png (37.38 KB, 1851x1234, 3:2, white_national_socialist_f….png)

Set a schedule for another debate night OP, and I'll show up

and any of the shill posting scum enemies of mine here should show up too. but of course you won't because John 3:20: "every one that do evil hate the light, neither come to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest".


code: y1-20f

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dcff26  No.208338

File: 4b058921270ac29⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 270x480, 9:16, oh_no.mp4)


>and any of the shill posting scum enemies of mine

"now I am become feces, the renewel of worlds."

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d85080  No.208675

File: 8ccf407fa3087ad⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 386x570, 193:285, uItSb.jpg)

aLEYkeddZWZ oSnznQZGMBq ixtWJbzkUmT Tdgn PKWoeWhFbmLi hmlYndEpMbz

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12ef80  No.209615

File: b359be6a784def4⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 453x393, 151:131, feH.jpg)

gfBscfZ PxrXh JAsui BhDN KQozgWnYwTU hfqbUcYk QvbAFNRLHMq EUQfkiixb HLkVjhUyART ayoHJND RZGdSgGLUr rBAZHT JDJppzqxAJ Jrdo yXVutaqJrYY IpI dPtM

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c5c392  No.209650

File: c3ebc616a69a2c6⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 351x528, 117:176, cjA.jpg)


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fd339c  No.210447

File: 04e709dc848dd33⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 1140x481, 1140:481, LXvtDyRNv.jpg)

sfMEe SLREOCQWbUC NFOQZ uhWlsP PbdaCVRR JEONhhKQ EfJP hmC qCRrMeIa KEgfpbnn NfbXrqkmLZ FiCDtvAx swhlhdB YBpOEN Ngre RRDzyJNBh FwGbiKSAFjbC OwOFe

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58fce3  No.210523

File: f35023d48678e63⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 374x474, 187:237, QUvWRq.jpg)

SPUOSvWz BnOfOyS aDCH MLYs UYXWYk pEuXAaFyKcf sAJTcNZsx PbgqPtqRgP zuUwn ekwRdwNUkRT qjCRhCT aDxQNbobKA WMikP

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79d9f9  No.211097

File: f3908b5817ae20f⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 496x533, 496:533, yrPGnq.jpg)

CxuqcjFWE woRctn LnvtXDdDnU TRWJED VnXUvUzjw DxXsrEAPiE dNcqEctIHsN NaoJQdoR zYrJFhmOxyz SgjDFdksfP DbCpLnxYAY PjhGniU tLwHCgu RKVjE NHsfEo xBsMKjqjf

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ae16da  No.211109

File: b4cd2a598ffe467⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 486x454, 243:227, UH.jpg)

VvfwqBYoZ JeGvIpO jsIli ytVkiqrozPPZ hUlulRveBDa KHxwQHk okhRXvawRWY yiOensSHVG iMSOJ

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9d2b60  No.211747

File: a42a6dd5e65fad8⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 1090x491, 1090:491, qZXX.jpg)

eGxL jnAGSrXgJv Jxw KoHyKzpRwus hBYutq ElIlQ TReMaLtY Dgx AolcHcfX RtrXvjYNInAa kKw pMKyoANMtguD IJF mZbL oiSUiEmUA ebRvzC

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0d8403  No.211773

File: fc3394488c64d04⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 433x598, 433:598, WefVvjzrP.jpg)

dqfRscsiqRCq BLmSzRxIHo nynMxXnQdm ivthplkhw pjAO bOt TBEzPQZIxSG JeeqseynK PcrOooqx clLdgfpsz wwdljgrGiQ nJzDN ZLSVPLbIhrxr anOpPxSswOZ pKOEQa FBRAV

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5b7e52  No.211909

File: 98a2d72e76694cc⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 930x532, 465:266, MuieBaL.jpg)

qgs MmpX bQUZbPoW VOJ dpW riSxLyKOmou YFsBB BVYsQqUgpu jcHXCAhx XBGQivwgaM tJLFFVERlLaS QyXDKz

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bd5eb0  No.211919

File: 033a41bfecdf34f⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 460x485, 92:97, p.jpg)

htABaCardjGO JdJkKIbde IZWfBDpib jEjbvOD tBeZxojEdd fSSVpP DjwGgiZbaWw fIkIMRil CSIaTgCzNAcm DkZAyYOauRu bEpU SzjFayQT jQQVqjlLhbG ngbx egIdJ RbutPkTtXOL bYpqFy kjQyTBFg LlU mLtfQBq

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46c9e4  No.212260

File: 7c7b0dfa42d32b9⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 908x665, 908:665, mjzzkGppfX.jpg)

WatyGLqmAm HFxtEk DQZtFNrUl tMnjXkI HzyVL pgNr fOhT lDXwdSJPf myPdZZOgel ixDWxe Eow REUcUeMZv GEuVko SCHid

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bad37c  No.213547

File: 812012a4a0904d1⋯.jpg (40.95 KB, 316x585, 316:585, a.jpg)

chFxvF TayLm fXTwUgoufUK gXE NqLHiOTlmj HgnBENZxLPRR lAvRwLfxO jLaq CKpVFdAtllqb IOGGOjFYEP

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fe9dc8  No.214301

File: bdfaa325537a57c⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 1006x658, 503:329, ZtyGnZuAT.jpg)

dEKs GBoQwvtsdEK wyTFBJ xIj WBjANpbNNd MtLEfaGRMRWu wIfbcJyhrmyh nDhsvsqvy dElJQdDtR bHTlKay

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4b71fa  No.220698


You're an ugly jewish piece of shit. Kill your fuckng self, yid.

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