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File: 3e21b5f82421593⋯.png (375.14 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, doomschwab.png)

abb1bc  No.207745

Hello /pol/,

your thoughts on the world economic forum and their plans about the reset?

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30c61e  No.207746

>Hello /pol/


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09144a  No.207767


I'm too poor to care. So are you.

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d0b765  No.207818


Nobody here gives a shit about Klaus Schwabach

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60039a  No.207848

File: 46a04fd9eec2dc3⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB, 750x744, 125:124, apu_world_economic_frens.jpeg)

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2ed537  No.207852


Fuck off klaus

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b512aa  No.207871


Sage and report spam threads.

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9e7c96  No.207912


They are fucking stupid. In their heads they think that they will enslave us all and live as happy masters, when in fact all of society and civilization will collapse because they are disturbing the natural flow of evolution via their perverse practices. Assuming they even manage to enslave us, they will quickly start fighting amongst themselves and cull their numbers, and it will never stop. Some jewhomo will have delusional visions of becoming the next Genghis Khan by getting rid of anyone else. The biggest fallacy is that some low-ranking officials/politicians/glowniggers think that they will be a part of the ruling class and essentially are working towards the death of their offspring. Honestly at this point I'm not even mad, with the way things are going we will all end up dead or back in the stone age. Hopefully a new more intelligent race/species will inhabit this planet and conquer the stars and beyond.

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09144a  No.207914


>they think that they will enslave us

Do you make over $10m per year for doing nothing but watching your wealth grow? No? Then you're already a slave. Cope.

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04f020  No.207951

They're going to meet in Singapore around August 17-20, 2021.


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3cf6d5  No.207955

File: c0bec7bbfad1944⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 698x492, 349:246, revelation_cluster_f_k.jpg)

File: 2c19b050132b0ea⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, revelation_porkies_about_t….mp4)


>your thoughts on the world economic forum and their plans about the reset?

Pic and vid related. Get right with Jesus, everyone.

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810bdf  No.207956

File: a9936d33060ced7⋯.png (367.63 KB, 691x2481, 691:2481, sociopathy_hilited.png)

Klaus Schwab and his ilk, Bill gates, George Soros, etc. are nothing less than Sociopaths.

They are unknowingly evil people pushing a path of destruction that will hurt mankind more than it will help mankind.

They are deluded in their visions.

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e3616e  No.207965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Great Reset' is just another name for something that's already been planned for years now. In fact, vid related is from 2013; notice how all the tech they mention is now being justified via the virus?

This is all about the UN's Agenda 21/2030, about 'Smart Cities/Habitats', about shifting trade routes/blocs, and about using things like 'climate change' to justify the 'green' deindustrialization of the nations they are shifting trade away from.

China's 'Belt and Road', the concept of 'Eurasia', and Israel's DOMINATION of the world's high tech sector, are central to this.

In short, it is about the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', and about the fact that (((whoever))) dominates this industrial revolution will dominate the future.

>Look at the ten leading companies in 2006 – five energy companies, one IT company – Microsoft. And a mere ten years later, 2016, a blink of an eye in historical terms, it’s completely reversed. Five IT companies, one energy company left. You know these companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook. Guess what? They all have research centers in Israel. All of them, major research centers. And they’re not alone. There are hundreds more.

>We’re one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population, and we get a whopping 20% of global, private investment in cyber. We’re punching 200 times above our weight. That’s very strong.

- Netanyahu at AIPAC 2018

>[Israel will] break the automatic majority in UN institutions in less than ten years

>With time and a little help from above the decisive majority in UN institutions will go from opposing Israel to supporting Israel

>Now we’re at 37 [Israel’s $37,000 per capita income] and we’re catching up to Japan, it won’t take us long. We’ll pass them probably. Which you might think is amazing. But I’d say ’37,000, that’s it?’ We? We who have the largest component of high-tech in any economy in the world, where about 13% of our people are in high tech. 13%. Okay that’s very, very big to be directly involved in high tech, that’s a very large number. And we’re only $37,000 per capita income? It’s absurd, because we should be a lot more, and we will be a lot more.

>Because the intersection of big data, connectivity, and artificial intelligence, and what it does in robotics, and genetics, and all the other fields – that is changing our world in rapid, rapid succession. And the future belongs to those who can *seize* this change. We are positioned *right* at the cusp of this change, right at the centre of this change. We can take it, and we are. It’s changing us – it’s giving us powers and prowess that we *never* had before. It is a force-multiplier.

>Cyber is the *real* domain of power. It’s a huge domain of power.

- Netanyahu at Sheldon Adelson’s ‘School of Entrepreneurship' in Herzliya, 2016

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e3616e  No.207967


Israel has recently been striking similar deals with UAE too

>The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE

>"We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.

>"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added.

>The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally.

>“The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”


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e3616e  No.207969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole

>The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack

>It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.

- Klaus Schwab, vid related

And (((who))) would be behind such an attack? Who dominates cybersecurity, 'internet of things' etc? Who does the main 'research and design' (read: backdooring) for Microsoft and Intel, whose products the vast majority of the government/military/financial sector etc. still use for their own systems? Who founded and funded 'Adallom', who does the cloud security for Microsoft; who themselves recently won a contract to do the cloud security for the US PENTAGON?

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d85e17  No.207982

File: dddb04bad5fc24b⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 1080x1065, 72:71, EATBUGS.jpg)



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60e0b7  No.207989


You are correct. It is largely a matter of behavioral momentum. If a tiny group manages to subvert the entire world into a homogenized mono-ethnocity via destructive and deceitful means, they aren't going to just stop. Being so insulated from the world they rule, they will only get worse, and faster. "Elites" already conspire against each other all the time. Literally every living thing on Earth, including the prime conspirators, have only to gain from them being blocked from achieving their new modern feudalism.

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73c7ae  No.207993

File: ffaafe78703e08c⋯.jpg (597.31 KB, 1417x1620, 1417:1620, World_Economic_Forum_Conte….jpg)

File: 5fa046a051d168b⋯.jpg (635.5 KB, 1408x1554, 704:777, World_Economic_Forum_Conte….jpg)

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73c7ae  No.208064

File: f43a4a5116af285⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1411x2486, 1411:2486, World_Economic_Forum_3.png)

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0d25a5  No.208066


>I'm too poor to care. So are you.

True,but they're going to make you even poorer.

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0d25a5  No.208067


What about reparations for slaves that went to the Middle East and Norther Africa?

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539730  No.208076


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73c7ae  No.208125

File: 8a4ad2f411f4eaa⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 475x473, 475:473, Klaus_Schwab_in_Reset_Wear.jpg)


I guess it only matters if they can squeeze money out of whitey.

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e1443d  No.208126

File: 7718d49ac9e452c⋯.jpeg (31.47 KB, 375x500, 3:4, pizza_food_Hitler_deliver….jpeg)


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d444a5  No.208129

File: 4b1e880358d01a7⋯.jpg (497.05 KB, 1130x1707, 1130:1707, R0ea4f2d0d2b6aa6cf7ff75097….jpg)


Fuck off back to Remus, Shinzon.

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3bbfda  No.208161

Absolutely essential viewing.

>the great reset is a ploy to socialise all corporate debt with a global policy of infinite bail ins which will be enforced by a compulsory system of CBDCs.


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640c65  No.208432

The part I dislike the most is vaccine passports.

>As countries around the world work to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and restart their economies, they all face the challenge of how to reopen their borders and allow travel and commerce to resume while protecting their populations’ health. As they contemplate relaxing border restrictions, quarantine and lock-downs, governments and industry need a more trustworthy model for validating individuals’ health status.

<The Challenge

>At present, COVID-19 test results are frequently presented on printed paper - or photos of the paper - from unknown labs, often written in languages foreign to those inspecting them. There is no standard format or certification system for lab results. Similarly, vaccination records are still generally shared on easily-forged paper cards.

>The availability of trusted, verifiable health status information, including test results and vaccination records, can help governments implement more flexible, risk-based policies and develop a more reliable assessment of individuals’ health status as a part of a multi-layered risk management approach. Several countries have implemented digital platforms for travellers to submit their health information prior to departure. However, given the interconnectedness of global travel and the global economy, it is not practical for each country or jurisdiction to implement its own independent methods for verifying the health information of incoming travellers from every other country or region. Such an approach would impose an overwhelming burden of complexity on governments, industries and individuals alike.

<Common Trust Network

>To address this challenge, The Commons Project Foundation and the World Economic Forum have launched the Common Trust Network in collaboration with a broad voluntary network of public and private stakeholders to help ensure that only verifiable lab results and vaccination records from trusted sources are presented for the purposes of cross-border travel and commerce.


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fe9176  No.209728

File: 860d0e655583a41⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 933x559, 933:559, zDZO.jpg)

RAcuZ dAuyuTpBcI vCXBeIqZpv ZzgAanPXO oIc SrnkpBMWPh SPaYxXkfF ifgkHWetMkH hYgjMrN FeibmniJC qmbOfkc MpnA SRWbL jZeG xXfT xPGCy

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20657e  No.210324

File: 1e8065c3732481f⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 975x587, 975:587, LSKMnl.jpg)

FtqVs kLLffkWJQB teBZlxX AowEApltGQ hecHhzgg jgAAxVkx dqoptLxI Xir HIqsWj kRu VgwkPdu ADTaO hpPjG rIwIg HUWztrKA gUlMBYz kLc KMs LblirUDy gqxUkKEi

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0a1f5a  No.210335

File: c3301aee6d6a6c8⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 1058x709, 1058:709, NVTauO.jpg)

lMZyEJwpaXZ dCLzMjxaDJb KCnECfmTiI gDxnjtUzjtD hdOIZGf sCCTpjPWgGn EBgtzIzYa

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2ffd86  No.210366

File: 61e034b203c9e86⋯.jpg (78.65 KB, 1122x541, 1122:541, SRnZyQoY.jpg)

hajK OWGZaOn lHDW aNYDaEyAgmQ Nqi YrvkSSdIzh

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f8f654  No.211180

File: 2de5c23b7c3be90⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 424x605, 424:605, T.jpg)

icEqBQXks MSSQabcitxA rSs WcfU JSckdfdZKJW GUr kyWSIm IXrjeb gtwSQDfxR jfCeof CGA eqIdk LXrMjrU

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6d9669  No.211844

File: 894cf77891edea9⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 1136x663, 1136:663, JZTh.jpg)

Ruc DrRNuxzkGr wsB PLhcfsoY CPEY tYsWWnMIq

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9af4e8  No.212010

File: 20d45f9400a30c2⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 1033x530, 1033:530, KuQVBmEp.jpg)

FcCii BcjmfJlVvZJ sAFBJ wgDSukCwWFP MAQl fJiyvyZbpPSJ CGkuB hyeTiYrs

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17b871  No.212240

File: 078102b9ff99cb7⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 460x570, 46:57, qqRo.jpg)

hWVlMVpkp lrjUX QbL NUFJ AakqPkqZyg

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1c1b45  No.214196

File: e75d54c062c8aee⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 1068x521, 1068:521, J.jpg)

CXyMbFdV TSB iRjR qZjJgx IhNokfx UxVdTtRlXPL UPIH ijZITomaqx dtFCh inOgxXQa IjcgMSD fPgUFy RhBiNMhuchZD pTHuOUxIEp DepvPCbgWnA zZXMSqc sPAClYicunm yHyD IjJCmI hECEXCL

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