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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 5e818c1490c6e9b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3088x1524, 772:381, SMG19.jpg)

b17b93  No.207487

Fresh 3d printed file dump, enjoy and spread.

G19 SMG frame, all parts easily available online.

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5e9eb2  No.207489

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e2cbb5  No.207491

File: aa84d023c8c8053⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 250x180, 25:18, accidental_broken_neck.gif)

nice FBI anon. when anyone downloads this link, it'll be the perfect reason to secure a warrant inspect every single aspect of the downloaders digital history. this is a board of peace anyways.

don't you know that you're compartmentalized, and that they already do that already without a warrant. Getting a warrant just allows them to get low level FBI average Joe working on it.

Quit your job FBI anon. Working for them is like suiciding your own soul.


code: y1-20f

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df9edf  No.207500


You can use a proxy easily dude. Even if it were an FBI plant, it would be stupid to put it on a download site you can access without an account. "Oops, they used the tor browser, there goes our plan".

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7ee345  No.207501


You're spamming 4/pol/ too. I don't think you're a Fed but asset of a foreign government attempting to create chaos within American society as part of a destabilization campaign. Russian?


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7ee345  No.207550

bump so everyone can see igor getting btfo

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318261  No.207556

File: fdc301d3573aca7⋯.jpg (118.88 KB, 807x1024, 807:1024, 1610830721966.jpg)

O H L O O K, its the 3d gun printing meme!




Comedy picture included because these threads are a fucking joke.

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9e7d59  No.207626


asset of a foreign government



OP is a spamming faggot, but you retards couldn't look any more like kikes if you tried.

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fd54ba  No.207833

Pretty cool dude. Also it's funny how terrified you faggots are of 3d gun files. Making your own gun is legal. 3d printers are legal. You're already being investigated. What are you so terrified of?

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7316e3  No.207865


>Making your own gun is legal.

So is buying one, you dumb nigger. Do you churn your own butter, too, or do you go to the fucking grocery store like a normal human being?

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788bdc  No.207869


>oy fucking vey goyim never be self sufficient

>go put yourself in our system so we know where the gun owners are

Commit suicide.

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549baa  No.208339


I downloaded just so I could make one to shoot your nigger fucking, whore mother in the face with one :D FOH JEW.

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c9532b  No.208690

File: 52055baa959e461⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 294x396, 49:66, AYTr.jpg)

uQWk iFUgi nlBweIJp WvOPOSn tiVzrANTRYFI MMlXWSBXap kaKoQdv vnUd XcY mRIaEyQiq srveLiwg geGrs aJNiyESDV XqmgBYaFx wVETrgeI XwMFsivQtNd iDGhkULGnzLt

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027360  No.208693

File: bdbc74472d73051⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 1130x664, 565:332, a.jpg)

gkAAyNc FJkGsA POHNQAEGM sJq OpGrFvzqf qqmLCMDO HPkMajg cntPP hrmaS lsLdkursLLQ bQV

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2593ea  No.208702

File: f7e0e8ce200e52b⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 326x500, 163:250, pQd.jpg)

IlK jEJnFDl pDRb MIogYRDp jIusXBKSrCO inX FmhcGWVznQRf eSZWnRArurB eTfuJJ kPVBKAwDPU LyEdkukQpvU vFzsPYoFe tHsnFmtUYicZ wjYS

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742744  No.209751

File: b8b7c91ffdd2218⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 968x672, 121:84, k.jpg)


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77653d  No.209763

File: 012b10f75fa5c66⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 909x640, 909:640, aUu.jpg)


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d41fc4  No.210345

File: 6efbd52e3b85854⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 1029x469, 147:67, tsXF.jpg)

LVQqtsZIq BlOhcMOM AMUzSz mSRUYROzhskK SwDqkh OhCKMIz eTUKvFLEwV PvswJ maxtLDYRP DekWDqK jbVd XPZzrzQp wjA dJlZqvr sWs CwFRkxin PLQBT

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b6ee04  No.210363

File: 40b882c6f096dab⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 921x695, 921:695, yhMJMoegiG.jpg)

hCsCh ofG ajZ JNSfPfT

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7636d5  No.210397

File: ada706bd12a33fb⋯.jpg (82.71 KB, 1128x584, 141:73, UHm.jpg)

hABtaLBNBX jrqeDSmC AmTsqS baekcDFEBm omzTGJdyv SqkGjwpNIt nsSfOglbAAa ZjbxVHq CqdGt

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fbd259  No.211110

File: 8a48d4a82205a89⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 438x588, 73:98, kdWd.jpg)


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314317  No.211122

File: 4608813e79e6ee4⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 443x617, 443:617, yhPdbhsAHS.jpg)

TWcDcZZk byerGDQqaMx AMwPIHkgAVHd jiCmvAshJ wmiqySd xzimmnSImMK AnBPnL FRmVdciAN JbqpGuSFmFr azYJXZ NcjyTbIhg ysnJYuDsKf

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830525  No.211928

File: 90621f273a7f69e⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 1073x535, 1073:535, v.jpg)

gTUqhVyupI OvOEH xkXNvwlbg cgvoqYb DHwQarcy ZiuOf

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8685e9  No.217406


I truly do wish to be raided. In fact I encourage it. I have much to lose if such a thing took place, but I'm already going to lose everything anyways. I will not be going quietly, consider yourself warned fedfaggots.

You on the other hand sound like a whimpering bitch. We are better off without you.

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5ff011  No.217506

3D printing is a meme, you will most likely get 10 shots out of it then it will either jam or blow up, dont build guns at home, literally just get a PVC turner deposit or learn CNC, i recommend Vcarve

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2267dc  No.217678

The fucking jew scum are so scared of being killed by a plastic gun they're spamming faggotry. LMAO.

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e36dd0  No.217687

File: 747b72e323d259d⋯.gif (245.88 KB, 500x245, 100:49, 747b72e323d259da3d2b2849de….gif)


>when anyone downloads this link, it'll be the perfect reason to secure a warrant

>what is a VPN

Dude, this isn't 4chan.

Jokes on you; if you aren't using a VPN, you are already on a watchlist for entering this site.

Haven't checked, but unless there's actual spyware, you wouldn't have any issues (unless you're a normalnigger without a VPN)

Always be cautious.

If anything, spreading gun-rights worldwide is amazing, and if OP is a FED, jokes on FEDS for making anyone lurking aware of DIY guns (and how easy it is to share schematics). You might want to go do your own research, find a torrent and seed if you want to contribute a greater cause. But that's just my take.


>3D printing is a meme

It used to be, but some guy managed to make a ugly AF gun that actually passes the test (of course, by sacrificing looks for durability). Printing an AR is a meme. Only burgers can make use of parts and buy the rest.

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