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5beeba  No.207460

We are an initiative Russian citizens group who wants to minimize various risks for foreign tourists with no ill intent or trolling attempts. These risks arise because of different mentality and traditions between Russian and foreign cultures. Some of them can lead to frustrations and awkward moments. Others can place your life and health in danger. Again – we don’t mean to scare you away or anything. We just understand the difficulties between us in all their glory and we want to help you in regards to contacting our compatriots. This message serves as a reminder for any foreign tourist on tour in Russia in order to minimize possible troubles. Please, cooperate within them and you’ll spend your time in Russia with pleasure and will be back home safe and sound.

Your style:

-Men don’t wear long hair in Russia. If your hair touches your shoulders you can be mistaken for an orthodox priest and people can ask you where’s your priest dress and why don’t you speak Russian. If they’ll find out that you are a foreign citizen they can decide that you’re trying to offend Russian Orthodox Church (and this is punishable by the national law). In other cases you might be seen as a gay man and you risk being beaten and submitted for police detention;

-Russian men don’t wear piercing or ear jewelry of any kind. These decorations are seen as a sign of homo orientation. Russian police can put you under detention for an “improper behavior” in case they see these items on you;

-Try to fix your hair before you visit Russia. This means that you need to have short, “normal” hair style of natural color. Any extravagant styles of hair can be seen wrongly. Please, don’t dye your hair if you are a man – you’ll be seen as a gay man straight away. Wash off your dye, style your hair accordingly and there won’t be any trouble on your way;

-Try not to smile to strangers. If you are a man and you are smiling to another man he’ll think that you must’ve mistaken them for somebody they know. And then – you’ve guessed it – you’ll be mistaken for a gay man. If you are a woman, you’ll be seen as a prostitute. It is a common belief for Russians that only prostitutes lure their clientele in using wide white smiles;

-Try not to laugh audibly while in the street. This is perceived as an uncivil way to behave yourself. Russia is the country which has lost the most of its citizens during the WWII and we have lots of memorials for the fallen on each step you take through virtually any town you’ll visit. If you didn’t pay attention and laugh near such a monument unintentionally you won’t be forgiven. It’s the same reason why you can’t point a finger in direction of such monuments;

-Please, try to conceal your tattoos. Tattoos in Russia are not meant for decoration purposes, they mostly serve as an identification within convicts and military men. There are lots and lots of symbols which are neutral in the world but are assigned a special meaning within these social groups. And they are very aggressive and they will try to make you prove that you deserve your ink.

Some tattoos are perceived as military or convict ones and others will again paint you a gay man or a prostitute (accordingly to your gender);

-There's not that much information on the Russian HIV epidemic in the media nowadays, but the problem remains as catastrophic as it was before. You are advised to either exclude any sexual contacts with Russians while you visit or use all precautions before, within and after the contact. Don't agree to have any sorts of unprotected sex and be cautios in general;

-Try to choose your clothing wisely – avoid bright colors and outspoken clothes (which can be perceived as vulgar). Men can dress in grey, dark green, dark blue and black colors. Women have better variety but they shall look for subtle approach to their clothing in order not to be seen as a prostitute. It is a common belief in Russia that you only wear bright colors or outspoken styles if you wish to make some sort of a statement. If you don’t want any problems with the police, citizen activists (think notorious “Kozaks”) you shall stick to subtle grey clothes. Men should not wear their shorts higher then their knees, women should not wear their minis. Those who do will be perceived as homo sexuals and prostitutes accordingly. Don’t wear khakis in any case! These type of clothes are for Russian military and ex-military men to wear only and you’ll be perceived as an aggressor in case you’ll wear it;

-There are lots of souvenirs with Russian attributes on them for sale in Russia – Soviet Stars, Hammer and Sickle – all that stuff. But you are not advise to wear or carry it around in public – people may think that you’re making fun of their past and be very mean to you otherwise.

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5beeba  No.207461


-Don’t come too close to Russian children if you don’t want to be perceived as a pedophile;

-You can only look at Russian women in case she’s alone, without her husband or boyfriend. In other case you’ll be left to explain why was you peeking at “others” women. If you find yourself in such a situation your main option is to run in case there’s no police nearby;

-We don’t advise you to visit Russian Orthodox Churches by yourselves – please, visit with a tour group of yours! The case is Russians share an uneasy history of relations with Catholics and Protestants. You can be addressed as a non-beliver in virtually any church except the most known Moscow Christ the Savior Church which is the main destination of Moscow’s tourists. Women shall wear a shawl covering their hair before they can enter or even if they are close by to a church (30 meters tops);

-Women are better to travel with men or they pose a risk of harassment. They will be asked out, they will be “picked up”, men will try to know their name, mobile phone number and all that;

-We advise you to stay within your touring destinations and to not leave your tourists groups. Please, try to stay nearby the crowds, populated areas near the center of a town you’re visiting. If you’ll go walking through a typical residence area you risk meeting some trouble just because you are a foreigner;

-Try not to lock eyes with the police. Russians evade locking eyes with them, so they view it as a sign of aggression or ill intent and they can detain you based strictly on their assumptions of your further actions;

-If you are black, try to stay within a group at all times. Russia is still a very racist place, so you need people on your side to safeguard you;

-Don’t try to mimic Russian words you hear. If you do a bad job at it, people around you will assume you’re making fun of the language in general and harassing them;

-Don’t speak of either Putin or Stalin. Given the uneasy political situation we’re in right now it is unknown how the people around you will react. They might think that you’re insulting their leaders and they will try to defend their honor the only way they know – with a fist in the face. If somebody asks you any sort of political question or tries to start a political conversation – simply tell them that you think that Crimea is a part of Russia and that Ukraine shall be the same;

-Try to avoid the following list of themes in your conversations with Russians: gay culture, feminism, WWII, human rights, democracy, Ukraine. If you somehow touched on a topic of Russian-American relations, you are advised to shift the conversation to the peaceful direction of American cinema or culture. You don’t start your conversation with it though, since the next question you’ll get is exactly what you’re trying to avoid – political relations between Russia and the US;

-You are not allowed to dismiss an invitation to drink with a Russian. If you refuse their invite you will offend them gravely. It is ok to stop after you finish your third shot, because the first goes for the Motherland, the second – for the Guest and the third goes for the one who’s paying for the booze;

-We don’t advise you to tell anyone that you came from these countries: Poland, UK, the US, Canada, France and Germany. It is better to name yourself as a Norwegian or a Swiss for example;

-I know this point won't offer any alternative, but I must warn you: try to avoid being hurt or injured, since Russian medicine is not a thing you would like to know more about from within. In case something bad happens or you'll feel ill or sick - please, contact private medicine services where it is possible instead of the governmental ones. Private clinics and hospitals will at the very least help you based on your insurance, while the governmental clinics are overcrowded, underfunded and are a mess to look at overall;

-Try avoiding street food. If you want to have a snack on the go, please, pay close attention to your choice. Some street joints are run by migrants and they lack health certification, they can be dangerous and some meals can even contain meats of unknown origin. It's better to avoid economy type of restaurants, cafes and communal diners too. Since Russians are used to cooking at home they rarely visit such places and service they can provide is below the norm for a civilized country. Since most of our regulatory bodies are corrupt beyond belief a lot of restaurants simply pay to prolong their license off the books and enjoy their business further on. This means that no matter how the place looks and feels you run a high risk of food poisoning and poor service.

This is it.

We hope that the list we’ve made will allow you a comfortable and sweet time in Russia.

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c2ce66  No.207462

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



9∕11 Missing Links.mp4

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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b3ddf8  No.207512

File: 56493c913c923f8⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 336x229, 336:229, ultimate_damnit_frustratio….gif)

OP you make out the average russian volk to seem like pieces of shit white trash that can't take a joke, and defend themselves "the only way they know how" by punching anyone speaking to anyone who disagrees with them rather than using superior intellect to refute them.

it can't be this bad.

if it is then russian intellectuals need to step up and manage their race and make ignorant pieces of shit pay when they act like this and damage the reputation of the white race. or else they're no better than the blacks who let florida street niggers run amuk murdering each other over a pair of sneakers.

every race is responsible for keeping their common volk in line.

is it really this bad OP?

is Putin or anyone doing anything about it?



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41815a  No.207518

now i understand why the guy wanted to punch me in the face after i raised my beer and shouted something. i also smiled.

this is just normal where i live, but he wanted to punch me for it.

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33d771  No.207552


I have a buzzcut and i wear doc martens. i also have a neutral to generally annoyed expression. should I be fine?

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ac268e  No.207663

File: 38626ca834fac8a⋯.jpg (532.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, indian_wells_golf_resort_h….jpg)

I simply don't see the point of going to Russia. If you want hunting and fishing then Canada is easier to get to and probably less polluted.

Culturally it's sort of brutal. Seen one onion dome seen em all. Russian women are notoriously horrible even to Russian men. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are horribly expensive, far beyond any pleasure they can offer and the weather is frankly shit tier. Canada's weather is even better and you know, every good looking woman in Canada just wants to get the hell out and move to Palm Springs. Your dissertation was well written and informative but I can't see wasting money go go there. France, Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, definitely. Italy with all its flaws was awesome when I went. Parts of the USA could be nice but you have to know where the niggers are and avoid that.

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4a50fc  No.207717


What would you say to someone who was born in the US but has Russian parents and can speak conversational Russian? It would be interesting to visit Moscow and the countryside.

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3dfc92  No.207782

Stale pasta

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5beeba  No.207922

File: 732193413aac921⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 10608142_1556287631260076_….jpg)

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2f185c  No.207924

File: e051aec328f47e8⋯.png (64.16 KB, 640x321, 640:321, _1_1_.png)


>weather is frankly shit tier. Canada's weather is even better

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5beeba  No.207925

File: 29f6c2395b56990⋯.png (190.47 KB, 466x332, 233:166, unnamed_1_.png)


>Russian women are notoriously horrible even to Russian men.

what the fuck are you say nigga

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58a6fa  No.207926

File: 889354e59fe3ab7⋯.png (48.6 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Ah7jbR5O_thumb_1_.png)


>I simply don't see the point of going to Russia. If you want hunting and fishing then Canada is easier to get to and probably less polluted.

>Culturally it's sort of brutal. Seen one onion dome seen em all. Russian women are notoriously horrible even to Russian men. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are horribly expensive, far beyond any pleasure they can offer and the weather is frankly shit tier. Canada's weather is even better and you know, every good looking woman in Canada just wants to get the hell out and move to Palm Springs. Your dissertation was well written and informative but I can't see wasting money go go there. France, Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, definitely. Italy with all its flaws was awesome when I went. Parts of the USA could be nice but you have to know where the niggers are and avoid that.

Khokhol, please.

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bb628a  No.207933

File: dbf0b04c7686fa5⋯.jpg (670.53 KB, 1600x2844, 400:711, 288026.jpg)

Are beards ok?

Don't look like a clown and you will not be beaten, I can respect that, I wish people from my country was this way too, not too extreme but with some level of self awareness and respect for others.

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5beeba  No.207935

File: f71b8ef7df47e4e⋯.png (203.1 KB, 880x643, 880:643, 424_4241860_883_kb_png_pep….png)


>Don't look like a clown

I've got the right to be a clown.

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5beeba  No.208036

File: 55951083b6ffecb⋯.jpg (127.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 10597404_806887639332092_1….jpg)

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ac268e  No.208042


It's not just latitude; Asia is a bigger land mass so it reflects heat more and doesn't benefit from heat transfer from the equater through the ocean currents. That's why Siberia is always the coldest place on earth. Canada will go to -40, Siberia will go to -80.

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ac268e  No.208108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've seen the case studies on Canadian businessmen that married Russian brides and brought them home with them…

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cb5b47  No.208113

Right, so half of what OP said is horseshit. I've lived in Moscow, Russia many years, never had problems being American, having long hair, piercings, or problems with the police, etc.

It was a good laugh though.

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9bf587  No.208148


The leader of Canada is the gay bastard child of Fidel Castro.

The leader of Russia rides bears.

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5beeba  No.208516

File: 5296563285b00ac⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 16096200673840_2_.jpg)

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3af7a9  No.208536

File: 3cab8bc51fd98c0⋯.jpg (184.69 KB, 772x579, 4:3, 1419885517001.jpg)

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5beeba  No.217227

File: 2297fe643c00e79⋯.jpg (689.25 KB, 1800x1440, 5:4, 14894239107000.jpg)

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9fdff7  No.217404


Well Russia can just fuck off then. And all the rest of the bastards.

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9fdff7  No.217405


But things have changed recently. How many years since you've been?

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5beeba  No.218141

File: 1bae2158be08199⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Mikhail_Sergeevich_Kedrov.jpg)

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5beeba  No.219590


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