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File: 650780ec0543d8c⋯.jpg (153.86 KB, 1359x571, 1359:571, 22One_Vote_Matters2_.jpg)

27120f  No.207428


#diebold #esands #sytle #unmasked #biden #dominion #election #trump

In November 2020 after the election, we began reviewing the results of the 2020 election and looking for election or voter fraud. Hour after hour, day after day of reporting on unquestionable fraud, we uncovered significant finds. – Join the conversation on Telegram @ https://t.me/SurviveTheNews45/

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6e0687  No.207431

You are not wrong; the evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming. However, the problem is no longer "where's the evidence of voter fraud", it's "what are we going to do about it?"

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b22de0  No.207509


>it's "what are we going to do about it?"

yep. and nothing happened apart from a glowing riot and endless internet screeching. you could've used your cars to blockade the entire DC until your demands were met, but no, tRuSt ThE pLaN and other retardations… now you get what you deserve…

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161962  No.207513

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)

>muh telegram

fuck off israel

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6e0687  No.207536


Why are you talking about this as if you are detached from this you nigger? Unlike you, I actually go to shit to IRL. Me, you, and everyone else needs to stand up to this bullshit whether or not its caused by a small group of jews. Who's at fault != who will fix it.

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5c6c40  No.208005


I've seen the video the article is referring to. It's a dead vimeo link at the bottom of the page, but here it is working: https://phibetaiota.net/2021/02/video-1629-unmasked-have-we-uncovered-the-truth-about-the-2020-election/

Can anyone provide the source/link for the vote dump tallies?

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