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File: 726f9a4e5c30cca⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 625x476, 625:476, 726f9a4e5c30ccac49afaec8b8….jpg)

6bb01f  No.207294



Scientology ran an advert during the super bowl. What do you think of this?

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98ed9c  No.207312

Scientology is one of the better scams of the last century.

The got recognized by the U.S. govt as a religion, so they pay no taxes.

Their full 10+ year long religious program forces scientologists to dole out over $100,000 per person so they can learn the final, important secret…that an evil galactic alien imprisoned souls on planet Earth.

Imagine paying over $100,000 and then finally learning that shit, lmfao!!

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a37aac  No.207314


>No one cares about muttball. It's simply (((bread and circus))) while your civilization has its treasury raided by Jews and destroyed by Jews.


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b6946a  No.207316


>I saw it on Twitter trends so it's totes new!

Scientology runs an ad every Super Bowl.


>No one cares about muttball.

Except, you know, the tens of millions of people who watch it. Maybe you should re-examine the meaning of "no one" or you need your handlers to teach you better English.

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a37aac  No.207323


>the tens of millions of people who watch it.

Ummm.. I think you missed the point. No-one cares means no-one here cares.

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b6946a  No.207327


>no-one here cares

Also incorrect. How about you learn to speak only for yourself from now on. Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean NO ONE cares.

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cb3e90  No.207332


>I care about niggerball

Kill yourself, then. You don’t belong here and aren’t one of us.

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a37aac  No.207336


>Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean NO ONE cares.

Listen up retard. (((Sportsball))) is exclusively for NPCs.

Why don't you go away and masturbate to cyber pornography or watch a Netflicks televisor programme or whatever else dumbfucks like you spend your time doing.

Go and participate in politics, or read the newsheets, or buy stocks and shares or something.

You don't belong here.

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b6946a  No.207363


You're completely missing the point. You don't speak for anyone here except yourself. When you claim any extreme like "everyone" or "no one", then you are always 100% wrong. How are you ever going to properly debate (this is a DEBATE board) if you can't even grasp a simple concept.

I didn't say I cared about football. I merely pointed out that you don't speak for me. Cope.


Shut the fuck up, faggot. Go back to posting BBC porn.

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e146a3  No.207485

File: 2a8209ae62588b5⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 413x500, 413:500, l5k2pej20ki01.jpg)

What a douchebag

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