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File: 31da9594e15a1de⋯.png (85.15 KB, 1796x456, 449:114, poland_case.png)

7dc880  No.207268

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A court in Warsaw ruled Tuesday that two prominent Holocaust researchers must apologize to a woman who claimed her deceased uncle had been slandered in a historical work that suggested he helped kill Jews during World War II.

Lawyers for 81-year-old Filomena Leszczynska argued that her uncle was a Polish hero who had saved Jews, and that the scholars had harmed her good name and that of her family.

The District Court in Warsaw did not, however, rule that they should be forced to pay her 100,000 zlotys ($27,000), as her lawyers had demanded.

The case has been closely watched because it is expected to set an important precedent for independent Holocaust research.



Congratulation to Poland!

Thanks to you normalfags are learning that even when you help these Jews it's never enough..

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7dc880  No.207278


True, but this sets a psychological precedent. Jews can no longer slander anons about muh holocaust without facing public humiliation. Their power is slipping and has been for some time.

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7dc880  No.207283


normalfags are learning that even when you help kikes they turn on you when suitable. it chips away at an individual's sympathy reflex making a less gullible population. jews rely on our sympathy and gullibility to survive.

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7dc880  No.207291


Jews work by manipulating the common man. This court case cripples their ability to do that in Poland and sets a precedent. Money is completely irrelevant for scam artists like Jews when their scams no longer work.

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51ab26  No.207299

File: d7c69319f1ed915⋯.jpeg (668.32 KB, 973x1000, 973:1000, 56ec79af_9106_4ede_b96b_f….jpeg)


I mean how many people out there really and truly care about the millions of lives lost fighting in the damn war, only to be forgotten because of one event

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7dc880  No.207301

File: 7e16b6b2425b5ba⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1250x877, 1250:877, israel_spying.png)


heh. people care about what they're told to care about, i guess. hopefully this is a sign jews are losing their grip on humanity's collective psyche.

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c76d61  No.207303


>hopefully this is a sign jews are losing their grip on humanity's collective psyche

soo who would be holding it then, chinese? they have Biden already

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51ab26  No.207304

File: 2ece0b3f18d96dd⋯.jpg (183.08 KB, 824x768, 103:96, 1565785771406.jpg)

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7dc880  No.207330

File: d2ef9f0c881749e⋯.png (90.49 KB, 1168x497, 1168:497, Biden_JIDF_seething.png)


>soo who would be holding it then

Certainly not Israel.


Why do you say

>unless the US is dealt with

when you acknowledge the problem is the whole world?

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7dc880  No.207337


How would you solve the problems in America?

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51ab26  No.207339

File: 411d910f200ab19⋯.jpg (386.03 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Colosseum_56e1db343df78c5b….jpg)


The problem with this country is no one has any liberty to go against it, FED made damn sure in the 1980's it would never allow the people to have any say in the matter once and for all, for the good of humanity? Nope, for the good of the 1% who own all of it and don't want to let it go. It's just like Rome in the first part of the AD's, slavery through comfort.

I mean, Rome did it with every now European country, enslaving them by giving them whatever will make them passive and not put up a fight

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7dc880  No.207342


Then what? Europe is already invaded by millions of trained Islamic militants waiting for the greenlight to attack. Maybe Russia will help? I don't think so. Russia is just as bad off as America. How about China? Not likely seeing as the Chinese have no real incentive to help Europe. So America falls and Israel with it, afterwards Europe falls to Islam. Meanwhile, ZOG Russia and ZOG China form a partnership allowing for the completion of white genocide. And Jews, once again, come out on top.

Have you thought this through?

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7dc880  No.207344


Thanks to controlled opposition like Richard Spencer, the DailyStormer, and the TRS guys, not to mention Trump, this type of opposition is highly unlikely. We'd have to approach your solution through legal and peaceful means.

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7dc880  No.207348


America would become the new Nazi Germany. Russia, China, and most of Europe would attack us. This would result >>207342

We need a global revolution or we fail. This revolution can not be political in nature, either Nazi or Bolshevik, because the Enemy controls both sides. Convincing people to abandon their political -ISM is difficult -- one wants NatSoc and another Nazbol, or some other box, when these are a hindrance. A lot goes into total liberation of the world.

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7dc880  No.207353


Sure. Leaflet campaigns are productive.

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51ab26  No.207354


They had nothing and therefore nothing to lose. Obviously that wasn't a winning strategy for them. Now they give you whatever you want, all the comforts of life to make sure you you never do anything to lose it

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74a874  No.208726

File: 59d4f97e0decbc7⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 408x559, 408:559, MkL.jpg)

VDX wgLcBq jBEq URDFOj mqxpUPy ICF daocxN RaBGoKTB RmJOs GkirSB nApcEDTWM JDudtVvoP MNyFUg uEEh NlJRHfRAtWYs DIBMgEvUCxYA arafkew ROiMVu

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6c5f5d  No.209610

File: d65fe2ec661ea38⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 360x447, 120:149, qv.jpg)


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b1360c  No.209757

File: 8ee763e2574ea62⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 512x562, 256:281, WYQjN.jpg)

CAvmmeBH ILSQ gxmOnAlxpc WHzw OGHYa mJvjxCZo

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40700d  No.209759

File: e8295273f504107⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 463x594, 463:594, YIT.jpg)

QnqI CLCXKNE HClTtmYfvdp GvCwugzOOPwt ptC kwW sSAumbUOHw ZzzIaOqEXPU XyslCbt xoekspj eyaTxU VDSClO zOoRMsEJqA

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15d80e  No.210328

File: 4d4a1269f8220cf⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 275x455, 55:91, CxilyFrDFV.jpg)

iwkV mvyG FoqrcHc QSS

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734f1b  No.210385

File: 0c9010633c0b73a⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 394x590, 197:295, l.jpg)


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9d0bbd  No.210399

File: 59042768585e12f⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 1048x594, 524:297, pqgwb.jpg)

YIUfmubXAYsu OPDRcbto empoZNvyUQI UwEGRmKVl NTgBoHLXz Rwju oOtXgwalfEo MJzRdXVZm cuCnqw GSGTXMnU lVEsIIwb lSVCDKZOk JnTOrMNV ghn zOfPjfhPtXJQ pFwhvIEMpHiS nFzGczRwIZSn GsUhd

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988fcd  No.211098

File: ef8a658b6e6e6a8⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 426x457, 426:457, GRHts.jpg)

xfElaFd wBPjdLqxbgJc FtCvYHieYW fOctONTlttKf gdbzeBhAm AZHpr SenEf

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bac6f1  No.211723

File: d38f9bf133a91fd⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 285x455, 57:91, sae.jpg)


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435c4b  No.212954

File: 444a388b971eeba⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 390x574, 195:287, Qz.jpg)


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3be635  No.213239

File: 037bbeaf1e87e8d⋯.jpg (62.93 KB, 916x486, 458:243, llSzGuwanl.jpg)

uifpQyCMxzS EaI bbo NUOa NHfQbZpRi ClbM FrGQBaVnsgM DXauApoXriFX ogXcYqlGMUfJ gmC AQG VGrPRmYMeuOr uaHBeDHSytYK MVPQOm lBPEQNS

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