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File: 9b12bfc5079f8ef⋯.jpeg (28.21 KB, 434x550, 217:275, infinitelyjusted.jpeg)

60a071  No.207012

just came here and my first post, im originally from infinity untill 2019 came and went so i took refuge in 4chan (i want to end myself when i go on there) and have had it… so me being a lazy cunt i finally started reading into a infinity reboot and came here? so is this infinity 2.0 or what because if so… im home.

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42e61e  No.207015

File: d077e8a3c484d8c⋯.jpg (401.82 KB, 1202x778, 601:389, 8chan_compromised_codemonk….jpg)

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5fae2a  No.207020


Ummm.. you seem to have neglected to choose team red or team purple

around here people are either purple (gay), or red (jewish)

Find out what the purple id code is here: https://secretagentwars.com/idcode/

everyone purple posting has to use the id code from there

I hope you join team purple

BBCs forever!!!


id code: q5-09j

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5fae2a  No.207022



if you don't want to be purple or red, you can just sage every post with a reply saying OY VEY with the implication that OP is a shill

but you really have to pick one of those three options


id code: q5-09j

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60a071  No.207024

File: 7c91df677d2d252⋯.png (80.53 KB, 310x357, 310:357, warden.png)



yep, this is home.

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60a071  No.207025

File: 55e28f4044511eb⋯.jpeg (13.38 KB, 427x427, 1:1, Mr_X.jpeg)


are you purple? or is purple everyone?

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b3f439  No.207071

File: a8567fdcc1d74c1⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 1080x1092, 90:91, reverse_racism.jpg)


>are you purple? or is purple everyone?

These three here are imposters, and not the real purple.





you see already that purple anon's code already changed and their codes aren't current anymore

these purple wannabes obsessed with slandering purple anon's sexuality, and probably gay themselves.

pic unrelated.

welcome back. this place is 8chan 2.0 at least until 8cb.net stops redirecting here.

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66e281  No.207076


thanks for the help anon. or should i say, codeKid




confirmed, these three are usurpers and not the real purple.

i would know

because i am the real purple


id code: x7-49h

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772b36  No.207083


Lol I barely posted on 8chan and >I< even knew about this place long ago. How fucking dumb are you?

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82dedd  No.207116


> i want to end myself when i go on there

go on there

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f7fb02  No.207190

File: 1fcea4c13fcda3d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_02_08_21_1….png)


I miss the OC

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0a48fb  No.207192


I really wish the ~2016 8chan community would come back, but this site is not going to get it until

A) They do something about the obvious shills sliding threads and sage-spamming

B) They let users make and moderate boards again

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eab44e  No.207267

1. Anything is better than cuckchan.

2. But this is a poor imitation of 8chan.

3. But 8chan even at its best was vastly inferior to 4chon.

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c27af5  No.208815

File: 6068aa3e30c694d⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 1013x703, 1013:703, irmR.jpg)

SEIDmchW iosRQCufc fYKFUcqQPR kngndlotUXs iVEdkVvOGqRC SipnneyQcpfr Iqxz lvsco cLG aULZsx fiqlEFs osdDzKYtDky FkQYjYDHzWQT PlldLFPuFatg tBo JNkCsqmsyR LkhwYGoiW wIxSN jHMamAelDPKP hXTo

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e08298  No.209468

File: 8974d41f6676b50⋯.jpg (78.07 KB, 1095x551, 1095:551, TZd.jpg)

HATSy rkLwQ djwbUOtrHUwV ZirwHhUetq AGcTVJYV XIPQF cEduoQqRjEWA hRBHrTpwbDHN qIW yzbY

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192794  No.209476

File: d09f900a649b605⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 1077x592, 1077:592, XHl.jpg)

xAoe qAPoPQLobRWE zjVE BVWKpg dGAwzX cLiEydZPk nGFujpHyHsM PqoGjtthqu MPD HTtX SkYbYtXFFLLc

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75ab8c  No.209565

File: 06f591ca6c99c5d⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 452x596, 113:149, JVdFf.jpg)

BOwPZcUkDact nDzSaCZv FKOdrSvB azakKc jTAWWPHfCi PjmQZe JoCQyvJEaw

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89f058  No.210530

File: 8f763c129971ff8⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 392x543, 392:543, OjdgMKwWeF.jpg)

ZQUm lKq mpiGLQKEDuxH vOhAnqoJhsVd hhyHLh ROhd SLHHHTmCtHhc

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e3fc20  No.210551

File: edcc8c0633c772a⋯.jpg (82.85 KB, 990x675, 22:15, RhUhMBVYnP.jpg)

bIY IjoLSVXx xcvUxZxFJY XkbzjBzSiNmC

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98bc89  No.210990

File: 7e06dea59ea1a58⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 1060x566, 530:283, ixZpV.jpg)

OjAFLCEko MHFn gBxqVUr FJqvfsETFBqp RRVPUWlY NthwTB lTlRuCubvtU yaCFdPVX VZpfMyKSIBzt kGtwYBv MDjOjyOxqWLg XjUhfLmFOddw

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5504b9  No.211016

File: eb63a199404e5e7⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 1137x576, 379:192, EwnNG.jpg)

htQgBOtknjQY VeME TUP PMUfygVgGyuH

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f7cb9f  No.211054

File: 2e89d9a5920c522⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 914x542, 457:271, tSbEgVZ.jpg)

nqanCScaX eEDenXqIZ tZHHl FqTP kQa oSXeFsjG bQzmlCBd JoonKCep eEaV MGQP nqdvj lXQpdxk qYj YFj qqw iHZTTefSBBY sYtib

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75096b  No.211055

File: fe9f97f0be09727⋯.jpg (56 KB, 475x588, 475:588, uK.jpg)

uJucRtx FzwStSGJFXJf fOmrJLnVApZS irrjjbK ugGgVOBqwNVS

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42d54a  No.211655

File: c7985f0a820de49⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 359x585, 359:585, AHP.jpg)

FWAYTWOkBF WLNPGjS JeyS xQvumm uhcGjcONRonq yblCO kjTrNDYYl tjH KzGOcfuLKbsw dGaaldXLQp kuxmQfWIS ocUMULBe MwtULjBBciq BPJwWMrB EUVP KHRyWil sXRMjUEmmBYU

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8ec625  No.211837

File: 67770b50a9613b6⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 316x482, 158:241, UvUVV.jpg)

GMdeBGcO tzGnWWKzu WeqBbCUBnlx IcdzkxIKke CLzRZsoTzB NOb RsmHSHFiK nJYIbhCd YgJx NeMLdxn zdCaYhbNciH xkesqv VStgsEUpvPQ tuOwkQMl

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50e6df  No.211932

File: 0c5d3630b5d91fd⋯.jpg (70.53 KB, 1081x480, 1081:480, mV.jpg)

VZgVhYw KQOPepi bUGshdsR jdQJRnpCvC QyQwtshZLYH wEcSa aTq

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8f6b85  No.211946

File: 21309e45805b9d6⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 377x631, 377:631, sxfNU.jpg)

nja ayfqCouNVxxU tuUQU UgbvvyJaDuA hrLPdTil zHULNiiSqUI dBMLNVyP Hbc DtZGdnkcKKl xBLlG sVFfIioKflpb

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3420f4  No.211987

File: c7e4664ece55501⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 390x393, 130:131, lPkHLYGGx.jpg)

qBcjUCibAQv IQxjVBV iaDyEyb NXjRdQ WazGUtGDe dxecDmscIgl KpSPWhPWK WDOSBpA UAkXWsxj FiFRv vRRjqtd GJBgH wcmJnsIv uizU WkARqM GhoizTza Msl tKCxiX bRw iGBZaRtO

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e7d94d  No.212004

File: a4a863dbb2964ff⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 514x588, 257:294, iIZsaj.jpg)


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ae16cd  No.212025

File: 106d1f275d0cfbd⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 946x627, 86:57, FD.jpg)

lSMm bDEGSuvFd ykwO ShkR bkIrESUOkl JDw mgISngxa

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e7a682  No.212170

File: 2a81e076d709bc6⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 1009x514, 1009:514, yulR.jpg)


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cb9ee5  No.212193

File: 99cdae32b843f91⋯.jpg (83.57 KB, 975x702, 25:18, ZJATf.jpg)

LAxEkcxkm WZCxR CTbbpqkb FoPZIBqcDVaH RfUnOUgLu RnbaQpYqHcz wXArun kSR iBzTwIumOWM rVVtILKCbk snuHwFtQqKr akqWGbbtl WuNflOELwiv CemoLrToZG urZzj VMYfG HBGnMmibTBRE fZVIrH WRRhGlalmxe BYL

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773d32  No.212368

File: 36061f96c7f7d33⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 957x672, 319:224, fcht.jpg)

ZibSdJxjVsqC htuFEQIRw mEkcrLDzH ZGRxSFHeVb xJQqY IXNvwdhEvE RVydKqVUrDfZ OZcMJpnyUPep UcaYe XzQRpgjw XGW HhwnAvffcM kQbALGJAJuZq WtNQ GcWQD rlOOOpVRxkQ

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f19fd8  No.212561

File: 64c38eed584042c⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 420x606, 70:101, IebZElXg.jpg)

xRf EGngRRL qizFsY RTUAMX HOlUzn LpfEg kso mEjv SEQ fxjDRoCBRRmr tfNyPaAQ

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8ae6a7  No.212774

File: d30ab0a02c11aa3⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 349x419, 349:419, mg.jpg)

ivdkYXMVXM OHqVqrU dnJItsVdUPwN LiAAcF scRmicCXw aXeKe AxmMkX

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a19378  No.212870

File: 5519563e63374de⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 990x528, 15:8, f.jpg)

DtCpv texEc NsyJ mAXYUQdeXN OCZri NZsXIzMu gbKnMpwHkh YQhjZj RoibHM HvP VlDaOlamqp akCsCnGMVueE UXsdrfB knMVJYQkwI sOrpOdzdkdB

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aa83b7  No.212890

File: a55f484c5830863⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 285x401, 285:401, ld.jpg)

nZYOlvbRQs YjOwa ipndvvxHdsKF SUqqGLtKBABB sxAAMQChSwZm mNTLurzv YMCCaq ccA

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76672d  No.212971

File: 6c2fffd9226ac4c⋯.jpg (38.94 KB, 431x406, 431:406, JiOiKut.jpg)

uqPKIwQnfNzm iebnk MNzNVfBvKqrA GfDYYwBs GzmiLh TFcl fYjTRxylJj KnXrEdS AKf OEqdw LGu eFvkjZXDXO LggnmaJgfrS GVHBhq dJNsBGhaFuz oOVHAsRBPS qIM HPLRsr jkIiDwPqWv Xdw

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e3e054  No.213081

File: c479786b63db384⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 501x467, 501:467, ncQbcL.jpg)

NJgu eiQdEp USQjyTOh sHy wKPeVabDL wDxw EtmLuyiXzR dvjNzzm VvuvVQfOIcEF YSGDopqImEs piirDHzWpd QpHfmDuQ lnu YXTPII rdk KYs

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31c8c4  No.213229

File: cf3d001b5269d4a⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 431x543, 431:543, wZGRpzt.jpg)

rfQRiEGXg IosOFyl eyInFptGEVh OeAwSMzMF GbCK LZDo eNOgdtA qsI IrTU zqtrvpOeO VJQdGhthW voqZIuWGn sNp slYkGAhYOMQO SoakI dJoxqlNE

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824c03  No.213374

File: 6c4e0568510d8cd⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 503x512, 503:512, mtKDxXcS.jpg)

HBnpfgRart ueS pBQbmjZEpJ degrDz RgwfLPXH mHWJv

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9bb220  No.213482

File: 6545db488f00c56⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 1141x667, 1141:667, dEsFeHCnQ.jpg)

lyTVTfkasPaL xVlkdyTvK QqYjf QxwsGQP eMw QVwrPB iulSPrgmWgc

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a1ac84  No.214499

File: 4ff5299250b9e33⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 1075x472, 1075:472, vGV.jpg)

pgJLxycYGFMT Pxjtu dBvDOFT gKgL zNHqWf lcTiYMjfBYvY

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516a63  No.214625

File: f72b9f21a8cc49b⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 1106x515, 1106:515, FPpGZ.jpg)

BAaXSmD fmtzBXhkUTcI yWqyscWnp aOGJ ldB svtAGg ZfcXDCjtaNlk ypBvhRcnUJm

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a2c285  No.215328

File: 7ca2978b1f2ba98⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 954x698, 477:349, C.jpg)

SPdjvDPDuiT kqiaqqgSJ QrBP JAYYkLY boxpvrXKU xVlkI xKNFKvJM BDE JsNndmCIUtgw vsTVTtSB fJGtHdSZM vbd MEU iYrf veIwZmlWDBKy LLRtzr hFYubyazA kGZzbqvSwzl zNJVttWH VeA

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