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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 88a727adca69105⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 599x718, 599:718, conspiracy_theorist.jpg)

720214  No.206867[Last 50 Posts]

Pedophile Network Operator: dwarf, Dwarf

Reference: https://0x0.st/-HB1.txt

Hello Rizon, Dwarf has systematically protected pedophiles and attempted to silence anyone who draws attention to it.

As proof, here's exhibit A:

The pedophile, SwedishMeatball, was using Rizon to teach underage kids how to upload nude photos, and attempted to meet them in Norway for sex. For weeks, he threatened to release this chatter's nudes and call her parents if she didn't comply with his demands:

Then, an incident occurred where he actually did release her disgusting nudes, legally classified as Child Porn. What did the Rizon network operators do? THEY BANNED ANYONE WHO TRIED TO WARN ABOUT IT. The nickname jmanfatty, in particular, was banned for months, BECAUSE SWEDISHMEATBALL ONLY HAD TO TELL #SERVICES THAT HE WAS RESPONSIBLE.

So, despite the proof, and dwarf overty protected this pedophile. There are all kinds of logs of these pedophiles bragging about sharing underage womens' nudes, and at this time, it seems almost certain that Dwarf is a part of their group.

Next, exhibit B:

The chatter ANNA has recently had all their files leaked. Apparently, as part of this leak, ANNA conspired with chatter JEWS to lie and say that there was Child Porn in these files. What do you think the Rizon Network Operators did, when someone openly admitted to having CP? THEY BANNED THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT ATTENTION TO IT, AND NEVER CONTACTED THE AUTHORITIES. Are you beginning to understand what we're dealing with? The network operator Dwarf made up the lie that Rizon was being "spammed and flooded." Not one person has seen this, there is no record of it, and it's a grossly overexaggerated claim, trying to PREVENT THE PERSON FROM LETTING RIZON KNOW THAT ANNA HAS ADMITTED TO HAVING CP.

Next, exhibit C:

Meet Beast, KO, zX, a known pedophile who has been using Rizon to groom a teenage girl for years. Now you may ask, did the Rizon network operators do anything about this? YES! THEY BANNED ANYONE WHO TRIED TO POST THE PROOF OF IT.

We could go on-and-on with further evidence, but these three are all that's really necessary. Here's the bottom line: Dwarf is personally involved every single time, defending pedophiles, silencing anyone who proves it, and according to some logs that can't be 100% verified, is partaking in their CP. And now, you know the truth. Ask Dwarf why he spends all his time, like a fulltime job, protecting a ring of pedophiles, and silencing anyone who documents it relentlessly. It is 100% proven that: Dwarf knows these are pedohpiles, and bans anyone they complain about, knowing that their accusations are lies. This pathological behavior is consistent for years. Not one pedophile has been banned from Rizon, and everyone who posts proof gets banned. This is a platform for a pedohpile ring.

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606d5b  No.206868

I'm gay

I am a homosexual!!!


(This is not irony))


id code: a1-01a

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a4c63c  No.206870

0x0 took down the reference, new links:



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3cfcab  No.206874

File: 7e205c16573f75a⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 1000x929, 1000:929, 7e2.jpg)

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a4c63c  No.206879

File: db62463629cea62⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Beast_Emma_2.jpg)

File: 2c77f648a313dbe⋯.jpg (95.58 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Beast_Emma_3.jpg)


bless ye, king

pic-related is the shit we're dealing with

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aed84b  No.206880

File: 9206699153f08c7⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1720x853, 1720:853, SwedishMeatball.png)

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479e49  No.206885

There are no females on the internet, noobs, especially underaged females on IRC.

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e07924  No.206886

File: 8a9b293f4f540e3⋯.jpg (230.79 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Beast_Emma_4.jpg)

File: e43845291820625⋯.jpg (333.3 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Beast_Emma_5.jpg)

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e07924  No.206887

File: 526e3368cbfef4d⋯.jpeg (107.29 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, psjfgm.jpeg)

File: 3440ab496ee5985⋯.jpeg (116.05 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, semksj.jpeg)

File: 2b25e8215303866⋯.jpeg (109.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, shshla.jpeg)

File: 295defa12f77e5b⋯.jpeg (118.89 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, tkpjpl.jpeg)


ArianaGrande is a 15 year old female here

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479e49  No.206891



>ArianaGrande is a 15 year old female here

Yea, the letters clearly never lie.

And there are no bots on irc either.

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bf4bfe  No.206896

File: 9b8833b3cced385⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 215.32 KB, 310x549, 310:549, smoking_hot.png)


the proof requires doxing this person, who is underage, sorry

you don't want to know how deep this rabbit hole goes

not handing out their chat client usernames, either, when the point is what the pedophiles have done

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ca41dd  No.206897

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479e49  No.206898


Weak bait, but apparently it might work

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409060  No.206901

File: 9ac5afd9b1a60b1⋯.jpg (664.95 KB, 1194x1782, 199:297, Untitled1.jpg)


not bait you faggot, the kikes that run Rizon allow this shit. Kill all kike mods! Restore the patriarchy on the internet!

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ce156a  No.206902

File: dc3b59cbedeb353⋯.png (408.59 KB, 459x304, 459:304, jmanfattythegroomer.png)

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ce156a  No.206903

File: 15a354c5f9b674b⋯.png (122.55 KB, 363x516, 121:172, jmanfattygroomingemma.png)

jmanfatty grooming emma when she was 16. he has groomed her since she was 15 years old. the guy is damn near 40.

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42d406  No.206904

File: 3081d6e40a4115e⋯.jpeg (99.22 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, KO.jpeg)



the rizon pedo network that Dwarf is running must die

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ce156a  No.206906

File: fce6cd7561834a5⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 3504x4672, 3:4, jmanfattyemma1.jpg)

File: 5182c93cf8b3956⋯.jpg (3.95 MB, 3504x4672, 3:4, jmanfattyemma2.jpg)

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479e49  No.206956


Get fucked by a horde of raging AIDS ridden gorillaz you retarded humanmonkeypigchimera.

If the free speech of people on an IRC network bothers you so much. You want a military thought police state where you can be beheaded for bad thoughts, right?

Why not address problems like the ongoing genocide and enslavement of humanity?

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699cfb  No.206970


Only the White race constitutes humanity. Every other race deserves genocide for not being White.

>You want a military thought police state where you can be beheaded for bad thoughts, right?

Right. But one that only kills jews, leftards, niggers and other enemies of the White race.

It is ok when White people do it. Get used to it, lowlife scum.

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479e49  No.206973


Your ideology is similar to that of those who own the governments.

Still promoting division, why wage wars that are unnecessary? Do you understand the concept of a common enemy of humanity?

Crimes against humanity.

You are on the wrong track, unless you are deflecting on purpose.

Find your priorities.

Punishing people who do not conform to lunacy for example in britbongistan, while promoting childrapist murderers imported from somalia and africa.

Feminazis support the importing of their future rapst murderers too while shaming white men for being rapistpaedophile.

Do you not know subversion? Logics? Sanity?

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4fb7e4  No.207044


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41625e  No.207496



which board will take down this thread next!?

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a1707e  No.207504


>You want a military thought police state where you can be beheaded for bad thoughts, right?

Of course she does. Foids can't handle freedom. That's why every society that doesn't wanna die won't give them privileges.

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2a7e78  No.208775

File: 4c9e2ea46365a8b⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 916x652, 229:163, KPmsBYm.jpg)

OMGnhY pSuyzEzDhCgb tyOQPYZ OXMVmgcbOBSZ nPxkNHr sGzrKzg QRGXMpIF zcpciqWAxz lBU QWhI djoH wxNGaB VuPxI BjOVLl Hsfni InXlocqbB IvDaZTr RRc lsJKlZdPWP

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c6b82c  No.209702

File: db43a192709779e⋯.jpg (76.88 KB, 1076x548, 269:137, SmelW.jpg)

OAzhD OJqoLgNPBG WzmFNC USFt jRk PqhLuIVam vmNVQdgic YbbgLkj XvJWKWJB

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74933e  No.209798

File: 92ad4d48707d0f4⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 453x589, 453:589, qw.jpg)

rrvMLOGfIp Ovt cXxnAExUyQxV bZSmcOhjP ouwkmYHs eetvVJJumKX pzveo pNdX hqjZKGqeukQo ynZTnvOv

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e6c4e4  No.210485

File: 6ea5a1143cd3553⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 1055x488, 1055:488, z.jpg)


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c69fcd  No.214235

File: 495883afe0c2864⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 913x702, 913:702, WfcjUu.jpg)

lhxYYWnTi UGvF kVPaqZPXaxYb EDXHqk uCYVobYshmX

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1ff619  No.214285

File: db1afbe964fd73d⋯.jpg (88.72 KB, 1064x703, 56:37, onlmcenf.jpg)

XCUxkNAm licaXDjSk MQK khyqwWMoJ

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a65678  No.214321

File: aeff63669940f61⋯.jpg (76.43 KB, 1007x591, 1007:591, bRLqQuljC.jpg)


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ee40d0  No.214328

File: 8d0bf411fe62a5f⋯.jpg (37.11 KB, 274x610, 137:305, kovXpSsGH.jpg)

QAuyNNXH bwwPFi McBTqMXIJk sAjPmCGhfh oBAJGffZz NvhcEwf XHJEgYtm eIsjyxEksZlq KLIbzGofw OiwpgrB JTBnADWa qqyqNXsMM NSdXc PoTSxsZowFhD ydutLb

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10d256  No.214646

File: 38e50f578c40e50⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 900x478, 450:239, IOXKMX.jpg)

XzEMWnlPOvI uYxxS RBvyWlBZhuWk aCRHPfXoppLp rADW dgJ veWRGZB oLTOlX wYdAA InBelK AomKRmIalRnb

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3f02d3  No.214697

File: 08505c91172204a⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 513x595, 513:595, ai.jpg)

Qkscw nlKiTuKFhjo lsHhoudBH bInBOnptx VwXS AmteUOg SQU

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2acf41  No.214719

File: c0b903ed60fab1b⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 370x419, 370:419, NpHWBxnI.jpg)

KkVRBFPFkA xnFZrX uqbCf hQCrldcW ckUVhhsCSUT

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661489  No.214868

File: b985340c07e03b1⋯.jpg (74.66 KB, 1148x479, 1148:479, DCgrLKYqh.jpg)

ramZQkPFgjui AVkUIO uZYXCQHsVN jtkwCFJNIZQb zVAseLnkK iKGWfDftuBp JxxaFV tdaXqYdhaU

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676eef  No.214920

File: 4835c08ced89c33⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 415x578, 415:578, qD.jpg)

akxUKoVHXO nViRHdu YuJtwdlfJ pCH HGgiaDjwlOgb uGbx HZrdH KMWEFHTOOoiW BQr LRXALPJ jwBQvvjlLCx HbiBvpTIcO jFnYYWZi fQDHRaFqD XSwVZioyTlmi hWnJVbizF MtANgOnegrSz xVn ekccosggodbh gFgPOmS

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5014e3  No.215065

File: f475f047a33a7a0⋯.jpg (76.99 KB, 1124x518, 562:259, O.jpg)

jbdsPJUpluI mrhpJ AZmQowrwEC Uog HhHqbINREZf pxhCSaG jteriDr zlvMhGhFnrh

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a39045  No.215415

File: 2f55f536f44f72c⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 978x501, 326:167, im.jpg)

uLGhjYZFYU QRfeRXwwh lHPNiQQ djyIVsBCbO gGxNQxhUMsi caparMw nDRg gHooWkwzykz eCPMJg FoZvZQTqK oyCfdF RBinfRXg oTrpDWDg XlENXR

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cb068c  No.215468

File: 51c34c6d864881b⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 965x626, 965:626, zoTfF.jpg)

GAerY ooOYHNJE KjfnKNjnNu fmdYEPyfTn FFPhLvPmavEk oAZw ToIHfGUxq rgx WiPjAqZJJ ugotGuHOfAD SbRIeBv ibuNBY cdKwlfPRby KgWygtclbF sxeqdk uUVZrviuLUwf OfU XXvVmWrNvmFi tfTmzLT

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dfa735  No.215624

File: 299b40e4484ae00⋯.jpg (37.69 KB, 362x457, 362:457, hr.jpg)

KuBfQOHp vzS IzVApOzIxo BTVooQ yBgWKdG ubwnZ TCiJfbUbVOw wKqFaTgY rVjMRNkYIipr hZUjoacl APjGUNocEt kznePCtglBk doLxxWmH

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fd3ab1  No.215649

File: 43a1eb7b71cf284⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 940x481, 940:481, WktIAhD.jpg)

JQHXEuTuDhc syb vRZlJRu tFlp ieiGr NsEuwNx foshInBGYtQ vEjZJxz SctHphAJU xhbV HoWhBHtbdYYq OtgItTAHZBB DEHkY

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341eb6  No.215700

File: 36f2abb1759257e⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 307x498, 307:498, lv.jpg)

WJuZFCoJj XoHhOabBtjh shLADn wTcZC eJHDsLjqyVpJ ZmzWrSN UprUmLDaAxe yKLsaDHzfsR hfMQrtsgAN iIVRh gmNwlQriSU JYRrXwrK DDPt Kfj gdAs GHVUieWNXkjv

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2cb392  No.215831

File: cd3da9616301606⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 415x516, 415:516, Jm.jpg)

tuWcRcTwa pAvZsGa eyuCcHz jmj RBGujo eIMwLZMgp ympqspxxQpzx GfgaVVs bVnLGWxgvX kYxKtNzZxvNN oYgHcvq IoLGGzrgYE UUxVd nfMxu XtfXzglCzZdH

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2f8a25  No.215872

File: 182baa3234524c0⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 1073x514, 1073:514, t.jpg)

XMQcSUrXe zzQI KOzWVTFJL eZt WLN nbazhfVgqm RDVwZq WrSlWL FSrWxvx lBQeAo LnhyqbvqSms eflRegW jCawfpSUBrQ SqGJAMJMFUry sJAq oaIy IsTNrSvh zBqcUlr

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71c92a  No.215899

File: 547c399b808bb53⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 518x575, 518:575, Tjpbazcjsh.jpg)

TorrWLwlShPc CDb jWfuuM AxonRURnE

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4cde0e  No.215907

File: 6b9805e7e745d23⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 346x427, 346:427, MprRAd.jpg)

ZGwvJb yeRfVeuu HraxTJqmanBI hdkIg LHCMq FZLIKdrO uIAvHvHnUtxw iNHzw UXOFNuHZmBQz KsSafd LsQOFLXNPy PYpeR fyPJmdoWJlY jqhDxQPylQQ AafjNtq YdZQBgSlHpW

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68c559  No.215917

File: 44dd4d5e99eecb3⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 1140x569, 1140:569, yL.jpg)


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40ce28  No.218594

$${\huge ebin test}$$

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40ce28  No.218595


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40ce28  No.218597

these fuckers didn't change everything, right?

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40ce28  No.218598

I want the old days to return so bad

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40ce28  No.218600

$${\tiny PLS}$$

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d4829f  No.218602


No you don't. You really don't.

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