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File: e7d7b25a994c485⋯.png (98.59 KB, 574x601, 574:601, trump_merchant_2.png)

a4c0bd  No.206836

Democrats and Republicans eager to tidily conclude former President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment trial within a week may have a fresh obstacle in front of them: the biblical commandment to keep the Jewish Sabbath.



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870959  No.206838


Amusing, but that would violate the first amendment clause that Congress can make no law with respect to a certain religion.

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252b7d  No.206844

>his lawyer is Jewish

As in all lawyers in the American court system, how is this even a thread?

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a4c0bd  No.206847

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)


We'll see how it plays out.


Would you like to discuss how Israel used MindWar and PSYOP against the American public and rigged our vote in favor of Trump? Maybe you can make a thread about that.

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1f4f45  No.206947

Trump was the literal definition of controlled opposition. Glad that fucker is gone, now there is no excuse.

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a4c0bd  No.207086

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870959  No.207094


Well, holy shit …

Remind me if I ever go on trial to hire a Muslim, Jew, and Christian lawyer. That way I'll get 3 day weekends away from court. Precedent has been set!

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a4c0bd  No.207096

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a684dc  No.207455


this will only work as a strategy for you if you have relatively large patch of syria (golan heights) land renamed after you ,and people will be building settlements on said land. or ofcourse it will also work if your last name is goldberg. anything else will not help you im affraid.

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4d64a6  No.207466


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