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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1705b484e17d5cb⋯.jpg (50.53 KB, 960x720, 4:3, marxism_and_autism.jpg)

File: 5751b3c130ecb8e⋯.png (996.81 KB, 833x408, 49:24, communism_in_practice.PNG)

File: fe113d6818e9591⋯.png (9.67 KB, 259x194, 259:194, criminologists_are_scum.png)

d1d433  No.206766

I'm drunk and I am gonna let you bros in on a secret in criminology. WE ALL KNOW AOBUT THE 13/50 and we just need to explain it. Some of it is quantitative numbers like lower median age of blacks and poverty, income, and other measurable factors, but eveyrhing else it just the qualitative crimnologist and they are seriously marxists. I am not even exaggerating when I say that! Google "Definition of critical criminology" hell look at it! Look at radical criminology!

Google it right now! DO it!

All it talks about is marx.

What does that mean? it means that communists infultrated academia.

They use the "well actually crime is a social concept" paradigm to advance a communist agenda!


If you have a professor that is a qualitative criminologist, just ignore them! Better yet ask them statistical questions! Go through their publications and demand to know the z scores and T scores! Ask them what an ARIMA is! They are communists they cant math they can only do propaganda!

Take stats and methods for criminology, they hate that because the communist fears basic regression!

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3bf305  No.206780

I'm a convicted criminal. Link to the marxism and autism stuff?

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3bf305  No.206781


never mind, I found the video, too shit to finish

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8484a9  No.206806

File: c2d315e196fb273⋯.png (35.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Violent_Crime_in_the_Unite….png)

File: 54aabc4d3bf0905⋯.png (56.58 KB, 1280x672, 40:21, u_s_violent_crime_rate_per….png)

Only thing I don't get about 13/50 is violent crime has been dropping in America since the 1990s. I mean it's true it probably used to be lower but apparently whatever they're doing is working to some extent

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5a1261  No.206807

based drunk glownigger

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eb04b4  No.206843


< "Dude, communism sucks!"

< getting 13/56 wrong

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d1d433  No.206845


>< getting 13/56 wrong

The internet gets it wrong, I had it right. I am a lot more sober now.

Blacks are responsible for about half of all homicides, not half of all violent crimes. They are responsible for like ~33% of violent crime but it varies by year.

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1519b1  No.206848

File: 71d33c703dcebee⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1580x3431, 1580:3431, white_criminals.jpg)


>whatever they're doing is working to some extent


you've seen the videos. is violent crime going down? no.

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46b879  No.206850


bashing someone's head is not a violent crime anymore.

So it's more of a relabeling

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46b879  No.206851


aggravated assault

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5ef436  No.206853


Homicide is included under violent crime. We can therefore say that blacks commit the majority of violent crimes in the US, since it includes homicide, assault and robbery.

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19ecc1  No.206907


What do the color lines mean in your picture 1 toast?

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a582cd  No.206930


violent crime is good when it's against women, fuck off npc

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b25022  No.209747

File: 7427d1d6dd2b9c2⋯.jpg (38.18 KB, 321x522, 107:174, NMU.jpg)

trCwum bAYQJF UGJoFwnjiv rwf ZdkNjtbqz tXYIdYiHvU qbv nAmTJV HNfwIOXXm oJyCAJ JufrKBF ZiP

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79e610  No.209760

File: 819720b3fc5aa6e⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 483x556, 483:556, fXMEelpzHc.jpg)

gXui RSVTve LZGfpYveMhc WQmMCZsYxrc TzBMK ieKGUfh SuWkvZc ofswTuFtvv qzmjTeL CxLpp sZnMaFDngAIl izDR fMt

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3b1eca  No.209872

File: ccbfed356282e98⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 366x464, 183:232, tcwI.jpg)

BXrPPcuug SrGGMimo yFjWj rSzXlDBIW FmSVDnsryxQp YXzQGuYJ uOfOA ZSrLVH gRTOmO iPQ yfoAowsFL

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bf3ddc  No.210367

File: 34504cda70791f1⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 506x412, 253:206, gDHZwW.jpg)

IhyBM clldhOqjIkCW bsB nvZeUrG YjgGzphhVVL yMgQvxO DtKzStDeRsNh gxvxecqcZtR uQM cocfBaze sCIK nQMffNHXXJ xStqk

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15756c  No.210391

File: 107226cc6df854f⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 334x604, 167:302, ns.jpg)

wHU lyaaTQJOxyZf oQZfWNLVF PyW bje pluHzvScBxf

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f1a025  No.211124

File: 95bda01332af8f7⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 315x560, 9:16, wMWgwp.jpg)

whPkVT dJEOq LTicm dXjLGNc JFjFGOHC ZQBGeksEHe tRoFL LWpqOcXAaZJ oAwOzzvtcNI XYEOMOPQjdw JwhiPSHn wrqofKDIuxHM qwzntOsEH cbI ffyNvlwc

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29e160  No.211144

File: 890a94f9f5bab90⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 382x402, 191:201, LKZqJrWpbD.jpg)

GHMm Kivmhr yhUERfJHrA QMB tFOFY nqA IGFJptalkS ItRzsXnH ubUOCCYNL KtafkoMpfPu

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11566b  No.211145

File: a1b61ca9fc2d3b5⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 1055x468, 1055:468, r.jpg)

uzi XGlol rnrECqNwabcN qdscOVHutTaC dgX

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124132  No.211165

File: 8fa411e6c69cf42⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 445x432, 445:432, CNzIpOiOqC.jpg)

zCWa GRqTlrlQWgXB gDmtJk uorzdAja hhv MyfdV pqTXFFYjE FMo hFyO CztomrYHBtm

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1fba13  No.213530

File: 40e26e06eef8c4f⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 919x673, 919:673, sTFaf.jpg)

ScuxfYmhvNRX jfVlaTHEY Bah kCiJk RCErdqxqkdCt nwjvLhRwYpl kHixrpgGrY jaot

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