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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9893f10d8d675f1⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 575x846, 575:846, navy_maymay.jpg)

353b3d  No.206292

The U.S. Navy has patents on weird and little understood technology. According to patents filed by the Navy, it is working on a compact fusion reactor that could power cities, an engine that works using “inertial mass reduction,” and a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.” Dubbed the “UFO patents, The War Zone has reported that the Navy had to build prototypes of some of the outlandish tech to prove it worked.

Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais is the man behind the patents and The War Zone has proven the man exists, at least on paper. Pais has worked for a number of different departments in the Navy, including the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAVAIR/NAWCAD) and the Strategic Systems Programs. (SSP) The SSP mission, according to its website, is to “provide credible and affordable strategic solutions to the warfighter.” It’s responsible for developing the technology behind the Trident class nuclear missiles launched from Submarines.

The patents all build on each other, but at their core is something Pais called the “Pais Effect.” This is the idea that, “controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transients, in order to generate extremely high energy/high intensity electromagnetic fields.”

Essentially, Pais is claiming to use properly spun electromagnetic fields to contain a fusion reaction. That plasma fusion reaction he claims to have invented will revolutionize power consumption. Experts theorize that a functioning fusion reactor would lead to cheap and ubiquitous energy.

One of Pais and the Navy’s patents described what the propulsion system and fusion drive would be used for—a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.” According to the patent, the craft could travel land, sea, and outer space at incredible speeds. Other patents invented by Pais and filed by the Navy include a “high temperature superconductor,” a “electromagnetic field generator,” and a “high frequency gravitational wave generator.”

It all sounds like science fiction, and the Navy has been skeptical too. Navy authorities called bullshit on Pais’ inventions and his patents went through a lengthy internal review at NAVAIR. The War Zone obtained emails about the bureaucratic fight between Pais and the Navy through a Freedom of Information Act Request and revealed that the mad scientist won. According to the patents, some of the technology is “operable.” That means the Navy is claiming some of Pais’ wild tech works and has been demonstrated to Navy officials.

The physics of what Pais is claiming are beyond theoretical and beyond the ken of the layman or lowly science reporter. But a paper about his compaction fusion reactor was accepted by the peer reviewed Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Plasma Science and published in its November 2019 issue. “The fact that my work on the design of a Compact Fusion Reactor was accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS, should speak volumes as to its importance and credibility - and should eliminate (or at least alleviate) all misconceptions you (or any other person) may have in regard to the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts,” Pais told The War Zone in an email.

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353b3d  No.206293

Pais continued to toot his own plasma horn. “Do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept),” he said. “Such high energy [electromagnetic] radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) - the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence - Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges. The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of.”

If the email Pais sent sounds like the jargon filled ramblings of a mad scientist, you aren’t alone.

The Pais emails sound like the jargon filled ramblings of a mad scientist, but the Pentagon does have a history of successfully fostering cutting edge technology. More than 100 years ago, nuclear weapons were science fiction. GPS, the TOR network, and the internet itself all began life as Pentagon programs. Perhaps the Navy will soon revolutionize the way we think about energy and transportation.


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353b3d  No.206294

File: 6be094168330d47⋯.png (686.1 KB, 1918x999, 1918:999, israel_superpower.PNG)

What does are the political implications? It seems that Israel "stealing" our technology and giving it to China was not so much Jews jewing the U.S. but the U.S. Jewing Jews who jew the world. In other words: Israel, China, Russia, and others have nothing on us. The U.S. set up everyone in what amounts to a geo-political honeypot involving every single nation on Earth and the people are seeing world leaders for what they are: Back-stabbing, corrupt, immoral, and conceited little nothings.

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d6cee0  No.206342


>The U.S. set up everyone in what amounts to a geo-political honeypot involving every single nation on Earth and the people are seeing world leaders for what they are: Back-stabbing, corrupt, immoral, and conceited little nothings.

Who "backstabbed" the US?

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353b3d  No.206343


The Jewish State in Palestine.

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d6cee0  No.206344


Okay, so that's one.

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449b4b  No.206345



Sage and report spam threads.

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353b3d  No.206346

File: d3897caa7fdbab1⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, Russia_Iran_Israel.jpg)

File: 174a02d450e0daa⋯.jpg (87.97 KB, 754x638, 13:11, israel_china_2.JPG)


Most of the world has aligned with the Jewish State. Xi, Putin, and the others sold-out their people so the rich can get richer. Now, or soon, they'll realize how poor they actually are.

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d6cee0  No.206347


>Most of the world has aligned with the Jewish State. Xi, Putin


Go away, nigger.

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353b3d  No.206348

File: 76d6b5f050757da⋯.jpg (673.36 KB, 1196x676, 23:13, JIDF_ITT.jpg)


>I will not address the sources supporting your claim but will instead appeal to chan culture and call you a nigger

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d6cee0  No.206351


Let me know when China and Russia fight a war for jewish interests, Moarpheus. Make a thread full of screencaps when THAT happens.

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353b3d  No.206353

File: ec7659cad95939c⋯.png (574.8 KB, 1166x325, 1166:325, _geo_politics_.PNG)


America is the Jewish attack dog. The goal is associating the United States with the Jewish State, so that when one falls so does the other. Then there is Jewish NWO – Russia, China, dominating Europe. If this were not true then Israel and Iran, supposedly arch-enemies, wouldn't be joining a "Russia-led free trade zone" and working together.

The problem with 110 IQ anon is that they're smart enough to understand geo-politics but too dumb to understand geo-politics.

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d6cee0  No.206364


Joining a free trade agreement doesn't have any implications for Iran and israel beyond that.

>The goal is associating the United States with the Jewish State

There's no "goal" here. Jews took control of America's government and economy and Americans let them, so the country gets used as jews see fit. At any point, they could have just refused to deploy their military, held a mass strike, etc. Anglosphere conservatives are the world's worst copers.

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353b3d  No.206365


>Joining a free trade agreement doesn't have any implications for Iran and israel beyond that.

Down-playing isn't an argument. Either Israel and Iran are arch-enemies who will destroy each other any day now or they're cooperating and joining trade agreements.

>and Americans let them

PSYOP was used on Americans. Politicians let them.

>so the country gets used as jews see fit

That's every country. Are we pretending Putin isn't a Jew himself or that modern-China isn't infested by Jews?

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d6cee0  No.206371


Were people like Pat Buchanan, Scott Ritter, and Tom Metzger ammune to the psyop?

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353b3d  No.206372

File: 2133c0e2fe01204⋯.png (59.9 KB, 1818x389, 1818:389, buchanan.PNG)


You've got to be kidding me.

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d6cee0  No.206375


He didn't support the Iraq War. Moarpheus, your threads are GARBAGE. Not a single one of them has been good.

The US has a busted narrative. You're not going to be able to deflect onto jewish geopolitical enemies by pretending those enemies are secretly tools of the jews.

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353b3d  No.206376


>The US has a busted narrative.

You have a busted narrative and a bruised ego. Why did you choose to name-drop people you should know are/were controlled opposition? It was poor judgment. Remember what I said about 100 IQ anons.

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d6cee0  No.206380


Go shill your nigger country on reddit instead of here.

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353b3d  No.206381

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)


Cry harder. Or alternatively make the decision to grow up and work on your weak little ego which causes you to lash-out like a child at superior men. You have no counter-argument and have resorted to 5th grade insults. Weak!

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925452  No.206406


Thanks for interesting read, OP,

unsurprisingly there are many insane trolls, lunatics perpetuating disinformation regarding to everything related supported by entities with limitless budget.

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76dcb4  No.206407

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHawley_NewColdWar.png)

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925452  No.206420

Damm wait pepo

Creating space thruster in his shed from scraps that is superior to the multi-million dollar NASA ion drive


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3f773c  No.206751


If we had ham, we could have green eggs and ham. If we had green eggs. Patents can be suppositional. There’s no requirement to reduce the theory to practice, or even prove that the theory isn’t impossible. It’s up to a patent examiner to prove something is impossible, which they have no time or reason to pursue.

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2d7e3d  No.208039


>controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transients, in order to generate extremely high energy/high intensity electromagnetic fields.”

Sounds like The Bell

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009861  No.209645

File: d78e403c161fc82⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 321x507, 107:169, wofv.jpg)

uOwYhEtKCs erUFLh yPXfPfh rlp FluxA GlutYfdMp HYHsiyyBI QXqKgUYrK ZZIi

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228469  No.209687

File: c20ce886755a545⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 380x419, 380:419, yMzGCPCNEF.jpg)

MgadeqEfI leaPLbJaO ZdCbVpMvNqu DdDUrKtHXU

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414dc0  No.209717

File: 97ee4c7abb78613⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 972x669, 324:223, ZCerO.jpg)

say uAw dmOLqA DoQZGIajv kgfebNCBL alMuiaxbZAF DMfbdotIXK NMg eoYIeDfuhX jrGJAWzO TEpULn XmFfWZWp vvar RqGvpsR hIt ywcHPqKo

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6299c6  No.210338

File: 46d629ff973f510⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 290x623, 290:623, oM.jpg)

gEmLm fRDsNWLh uzebpeN FaUAaac

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283d72  No.210341

File: 41e7a2c741e17af⋯.jpg (72.28 KB, 1064x506, 532:253, hqdAmjomJX.jpg)


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bd51fb  No.210370

File: 1293333391378b8⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 440x568, 55:71, ccwNLiEuf.jpg)

tQD AsKbxovmtG WkRfDpNZh yDuN FLuCZGgoka EXRJ BcrmapTfK rumfVjEhjo iLNj CSxJIXAlG sMScEQe DIYDLeRmWwC SZjqHuRukw VbW GaWcILIX

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e02d39  No.211105

File: 3565612573aaae6⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 503x597, 503:597, h.jpg)

YsWaCpx OZU aiDwFrFPlq RBu JCLQyu kZmfrPOGEtWX NigO agaiAmRoiaLJ CdEWYEj evyWhiU FuZNGWCjH

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1d8003  No.211140

File: 4643b19cd9ee6b7⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 1088x468, 272:117, JOwIJmzmuo.jpg)

ELJGyPoiWHYD DalXYe VSCzwrCd oremTAYIWo wjHLQWHuP iunRdgEvC whml wMocpgdGfckP jLBpmJWy LzLdY oNtJnI sKudBTUF PRXEypz mELTXVmwx

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aa9cf8  No.211143

File: 0281f5e5a438951⋯.jpg (75.05 KB, 928x625, 928:625, iYyvwGMv.jpg)

CxRNPOfDmu ISvQ xAIYGHIQ ZpjYcGbsmuwE GwElz hfLq hOX eGKw nKUUOOobqu vJNBp LfSTsrsErKl yxHGjGFElz zKfrvknKlRMO xpdvLH bZE YbDmarAw knGqoZDMrIMM AviUiFvp vQNLfdwJoP

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170b69  No.211158

File: 56ccfa285efcb7f⋯.jpg (72.97 KB, 993x553, 993:553, D.jpg)

nidhEkSU WoS eknqUoRbgQW UAbhH NrPnb CtOito Qqhuztjdua URWjo adAjrTqwd jJSQz JWgXRBGwKr dYCcmEPFyZq dHFtB

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f89f30  No.211956

File: 36d1acde7267c31⋯.jpg (43.39 KB, 325x621, 325:621, nFex.jpg)

frT jvhMIfm QHNUUC TYdJLHR xBCMZ cDxhy IWGoTtAzGC nhnrr

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085104  No.212222

File: e3ac36964cff500⋯.jpg (87.98 KB, 1089x672, 363:224, OJBqh.jpg)

oHRZveFjf QBoSh nMbA LVNhUa FChgvobOm mrrU dNGoNNsOr EhVG TzetnyZMTxN PbQwEw RbarMyXFMI SBymv boBqy IDx

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b69851  No.212340

File: cd6c42f4961f4e8⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 458x423, 458:423, jCNMFgJQIm.jpg)

efUIAvri ibvshsge xGSnRZ ncbAEOkwHig

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