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File: 0053baeb48b1855⋯.png (206.2 KB, 609x325, 609:325, Hitler1.png)

File: 57007aa37c9973c⋯.png (774.71 KB, 879x913, 879:913, Hitler2.png)

File: e8f23c2dd8856ca⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1210x801, 1210:801, Hitler4.png)

8d942a  No.206119

So, I was wondering for National Socialists, what is it that attracts you to the ideology. I can see some alternatives that may interact, like:

1. You are really really racist and this ideology is based on race.

2. You enjoy doing roman salutes and it's a kinda scare / extreme ideology which makes it feel exiting to you.

3. You really really hate jews and don't want them arround in your country or around your race.

4. You read mein kampf / my struggle and other litterature about natsoc Germany and came to the conclusion this is the best ideology.

5. You think Hitler was great.

6. You like the uniforms, the swastika and architecture and aestetics.

Of course these are just ideas. But I am interested in what attracts people to the ideology. Please comment and contribute with your own experiences and ideas.

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8d942a  No.206123

File: 207dbdd4fc8085a⋯.png (661.26 KB, 540x886, 270:443, H1.png)

File: 521374a6941c177⋯.png (484.12 KB, 608x891, 608:891, H2.png)

File: 61fd6cdd9d443b2⋯.png (413.7 KB, 337x755, 337:755, H3.png)

File: 1f48f6bec80304c⋯.png (95.86 KB, 239x332, 239:332, H5.png)

File: 7441d10ff97926e⋯.png (209.19 KB, 507x343, 507:343, Nazis.png)

Some pictures to inspire debate and insight!

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e7fdc9  No.206126


I don't know OP. What makes you so into being homosexual?

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8cd7f4  No.206140

File: 323a5efb1575657⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 500x450, 10:9, duckduckgogoing.jpg)


OP, most of us, like Hitler, don't like tyranny. It's that dam simple.

When your country is overrun by an alien aggressor who intrinsically tries to steal everything from normies via a twisted 'debt' currency system (usury), people want a savior from that type of extortion.

Who wants to be starved to death by communist parasites?

National Socialism was an economic process with a community aware program to support Germany for German people, not outside alien insects that prey upon them.

1. OP, we don't hate other races, except if they are vile and evil, they should be kept far away from the more vulnerable of us.

2. Roman salutes don't really mean anything, you might as well BAN children from sticking up their hand in class to answer questions. It says more about your auto-induced phobia than anything else. Who did that to you? Seriously.

3. Case in point, neither does any other race. jewish psychopaths are hated equally by every other being on this planet. Evil is evil, no matter what skin you put on it.

4. Only read some of the points, it's pretty boring, gave up. Had a long talk with others about the economic considerations of Nat Soc, which is designed to keep CORPORATIONS out of government, which is what America is suffering from. Nat Soc stops that dead.

5. Hitler was an Artist, emotionally giving and had VISION of making Germany better. He had great polarizing power which even made lefties like yourself want to vote for him.

6. The uniforms are scary up close and were designed to intimidate, which is far better than rainbow clown suits for military. For the era they were well designed. Dated now, and only for cosplayers.

OP people aren't attracted to the ideology like the communist propaganda morons are attracted to the commie styling. We end up red-pilling and realize that Hitler, Nat-Socialism and community-culture-race-support were the first ever means to undo the tyranny of jewish psychopaths.

To the stupids who can't envision what mass nationwide theft looks like, it's what communism looks like. Starved half dead people, jobless, penniless, dead children, disease and plague outbreaks, lice, typhus and general sickness. Hitler didn't want that -jewish- tyrannical process in his country. Neither do I.

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71c723  No.206142

File: 60b777e0c1ad6ed⋯.jpg (451.82 KB, 1899x1168, 1899:1168, 60b777e0c1ad6edb6b0e824068….jpg)


OP You're retarded, but I'll play.

> What is a Nation?

A nation is a group of people with common language, culture, traditions (aka religion) and ethnicity.

> What is socialism?

Socialism is the idea that the government should step in, when needed, to prevent companies from doing things that damage society. Banning the sale of narcotics and OSHA are examples of socialism. Socialism is NOT nationalizing of industry, that's Marxism.

> What is fascism?

Fascism is the idea that a man is a man only insofar as he contributes to his family and community. It's also the idea that society should follow natural orders. Men should act like men and women should act like women for example.

However fascism is explicitly non-racial. Anyone can be a citizen. This is a fatal flaw as multiculturalism has invariably failed every time it's been tried, often it ends in genocide.

National Socialism is the the perfection of fascism. As you can see from the photos you posted your place in society was not about how much money you made, but about how much you contributed to the greater good. You could, of course, choose to be an unemployed loser or get rich, but most too pride in their jobs, and without the dehumanizing effects of judeo-communism or judeo-capitalism even a garbage man would proudly wear his uniform and be respected as an important member of society. Nearly all people want to be a part of something greater. And be dedicating themselves to their nation they truly feel fulfilled in the way a Star Wars marathon or meth fueled gay anal fisting orgy can never compete with.

This system was a 180 degree turn from judaism. A parasitical class of foreigners has no place and a NS society. Usurers and criminals drag everyone else down and because everyone is focused on building everyone up and doing whats right for the good of all, not following some autistic ideology or arbitrary legal standard these people stuck out and were unable to ply their trade.

Whatever retard ideology you hold is objectively worse than NS.

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9954cf  No.206143

File: a9b33fb4969701a⋯.mp4 (9.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NotAllHerosWearCapes.mp4)

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835795  No.206144


/pnd/ has a gay boner fetish for suicidal Germans with waxy hair and one testicle.

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ccf47a  No.206146

File: fff8f789bd32b7a⋯.jpg (258.96 KB, 1193x566, 1193:566, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)

File: 8765a8081634d35⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1324x1066, 662:533, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)


What's up OP, my name is purple. I'm kind of a big deal around here. Let me show you around.


There are different kinds of national socialist supporters here OP.

In general the rabble here like National Socialism for shallow reasons like your #2 & #6.

But the intellectuals here are different and often disagree with each other and you could say there is civil war within national socialism.

I hate certain kinds of national socialists (pic related), and they hate me.

Because National Socialism has been targeted by large enemies, we've fallen victim to subversion… the distortion of our original true values via infiltration and controlled opposition.

I hate those subverted neo-nazis, and they hate me. It will seem like there are more of them here than ones like me, but that's only because this board is full of shills still pushing that same subversion. We're under attack like this because National Socialism is the only thing capable of destroying their evil plans.

Subverted national socialism is neo-nazi, like you read about in the mainstream media. Hates jews, prejudiced, evil, hateful…etc

Real National Socialism is exactly what it says, "socializing with your nationality", also known as racial socialism, or tribal socialism, or Familial socialism. It is natural to share resources with your own tribe/family, not strangers. Thus, NatSoc is creating a government by and for your own race on your racial homelands.

Therefore, as you probably haven't heard, jews and blacks and browns can and should be national socialists, unite as a racial family and govern their own people from a base on their native land. This is a universal value system by instinct.

A racist is someone who studies race, like a dentist studies teeth. In English, racist has a connotation which really means prejudiced. National socialism is racist, not prejudiced

That doesn't mean however we can't face uncomfortable truths like racial characteristics. Every race has negative racial characteristics they must come to terms with, though these are statistical characteristics and so no good National Socialist would assume any individual is exactly the characteristics of his race without meeting him first. We are good people. But studying ideas like this has left us open to twisting of the truth.


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ccf47a  No.206148

File: 699a35a6a7065b2⋯.jpg (127.71 KB, 503x709, 503:709, hitler_saint.jpg)


some factoids worth mentioning…


Almost everything you think you know about National Socialism is a lie. We're the victims of atrocity propaganda.

Von Braun invented the nuclear bomb and Hitler refused to drop it on his racial kinsmen in Britain, but the allies immediately dropped it in Japan the moment they got their hands on it. Who really has the moral high ground here?

Hitler could've annihilated the British forces at Dunkirk but let them escape as a token of goodwill, only for the Brits to spin it as a miraculous escape from evil Hitler. Germany literally died to spare the Brits.

On D-Day, the allies collected every pure blooded German they could find on their territory and threw them on the front line. Adolf told his superior shoreline forces to stand down. Truly Hitler cared for others as himself.

Germany segregated Jewry because they were at war with them just like the USA segregated Japanese, Hitler made agreement with jews to send them to Palestine, and the Turks who just lost their ottoman empire bad a motive to dress up as German national socialists and torture a bunch of jews and let them escape to frame Germany for the holocaust to take the heat off them for their PR disaster of the Armenian genocide, and at the same time break up the german-israeli alliance which would have freed the Germans to retake Constantinople and israel to blockade any ottoman reconquest.

Hail Hitler. Join us OP. We're not the monsters you've heard about


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d7742b  No.206149


holy shit kill yourself you lazy data mining retarded POC (piece of crap)

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835795  No.206162


>I'm kind of a big deal around here

No you're not.

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31384c  No.206165

File: 5f9f0df17cba3b0⋯.gif (958.72 KB, 448x352, 14:11, missed_the_joke.gif)


it's a joke anon

pic related



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8d942a  No.206180


Regarding what you said in point 4, I read that the NatSoc in Germany had close cooporation with Hitler. There was a meeting with some meian industrialists where they supported Hitler in exchange for him closing down / forbiding unions. Hence atleast Hitler and the nazis did let coorporations influence politics.

Regarding Hitlers art I do find it quite mediocre, not bad, kinda just upper mediocre, like mediocre on drugs if you get me.

Most socialist regimees has led to extremely high taxes and originally in socialism there was a focus on ownership of companies by the state and a state heavily involved in planning the economy as such. But I assume this may in part be due to a marxist influence. Byt aren't all these ideologies, socialism and communism in part based on the Paris Commune after the French Revolution?


This is not what it sais on wikipedia, but then again in matters of ideology wikipedia might not be the best ssource:


Then again I have not said I disslike the idea of ns really and Natsoc ideology and party was in place before Hitler took control of the party and also I assume created a lot of the policies…

I read about fascism on wikipedia also (again maybe not the best source for this kind of thing). And it sais it has a focus on dictatorship, abandoning democracy (for the strong leader), the focus on military citizenship and the like.

Also the idea that a nation should be able to produce necessaqsy goods within the nation seems a focus in this ideology and also to oppose decadence.

A focus in natsoc and facism seems to be on the collective, the people and not the individual and this seems to a be a common ground these ideologies share with communism.

I also read that Hitler thought democracy lead to mediocracy that the state needed a strong leader (dictator/king) to inspire people so to speak.

I assume also that these ideologies grew as a way to take out the threat from communism and unions and lefties in general.

But I assume it is a combination of two ideologies, Socialism and Nationalism. And then I assume Hitler brought in a focus on race, eugenics (i.e. making "the race" better by having the state for example give money to what they saw as ,ore racially pure couples having kids but in effect it was given to SS members)… And then there was an aestetic based around an east indian sun symbol (and in india the whites who moved there mixed with the locals but tried to keep it it kinda segregated anyway through the cast system), the usage of Iranian word Aryan (again, in Iran the whites that moved there mixed with arabs and pakistanis/east indians) aswell as the roman salute that was rumoured to have been used in the Roman Empire nad that was used by kids in American Schools at the time (befor natsoc adopted it). And then of course the architecture was very much based on the old Greek architecture. And I assume the idea for a third recih came from the Greek and the Roman (both these empires lead to these people in these countries to a small degree mix with non whites…).

But, yes my choice of pictures may reflect that I am not a fan of Hitler as such. Also I do suspect that he was a pedophile, but I don't have any proofs. It's more that he diid not marry (said he was married to the people), the way he cuddled with kids, Hitler Jugend as such and the like. And his manner. Also his drug usage (and drugs were also common in the army) and the focus on militarism and expanding geographically (taking land) is something I dislike.

Hence I don't see it as optimal if a crazy drug dependent oervert take controll over a country and also becomes a dictator. But that's just me.

And also for such a person to take controll, maybe the politics and ideology have to be pretty good for a lot of people.

I heard there is a book written by a collective of authors at the moment focusing on positive things during the natsoc era in Germany.

And for the record I don't mind the combination of different ideologies, such as Nationalism and Socialism. I just don't think the combination as such here was very logical.

But I assume all ideologies develop over time and have different directions.

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8d942a  No.206184

And I assume, despite me and most people being sceptical towards an ideology it can be interested to hear / read what people who think it's the best ideology, think is so great about it.

But, yeah, what ideology is great. I mean they all have points I assume but they tend to be narrow minded in scope so to speak and in the end are not the best possible for as many as possible people in society.

Maybe this was one of the main features and still is that the ideology had a focus both on the working class and the capitalists / people running companies and the like.

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735025  No.206196


The issue isn't the ideology, but rather the obviousness of it all.

Kind of like.

JFK assassination


2020 elections

A much larger list can be posted.


Bitch look outside and tell me this is normal. Look inside and tell me your not crazy. Welcome to planet terror.

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8cd7f4  No.206197

File: f01271bcdb1ce22⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 1080x1055, 216:211, f01271bcdb1ce229ee9bb26de2….jpg)


Nat Soc was totally about Nationalising it's industry. Union groups are often subverted entities, like many are still today. Depends who is running them. In my occupation we were pre-warned why not to join unions. Some unions are good, some bad.

His artwork is WAY too honest. He captures what is in front of him, in good training and uses various styles of the times. Which makes him mediocre by anyone's standards. An exceptional artist embellishes, creates new styles and is dishonest with portrayal of the ordinary. Mind you, he -loved- Salvador Dali's work, don't we all. Would you know, Dali, upon meeting him found Hitler incredible in his own way. I forget where the write up of Dali meeting Hitler was, but it's somewhere on the net. Straight from his mouth, quite inspiring, mentioned how everything he thought was turned on it's head. It's hard to find as there is incredible amounts of cover-up fake bullshit about the Dali Hitler meeting now, it's all jewish-written-perversity

Honestly, company political overreach is not based on any accord. Nat Soc I doubt was high tax, you get high taxes ONLY with reserve-based-debt-currency, along with inflation, hyper-inflation and the recession cycle. Considering companies flourished in Germany and people were becoming affluent from working, that means taxes would be substantially lower, all round. If you over tax, companies, mom and pop stores vanish, everything costs more and only the rich make money.

Please don't read wikipiedia, (((they))) do not want anyone finding alternative economics that violate their worldwide grip.

Pic related, this is what evil wants every race to do.

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8cd7f4  No.206203

File: 3d3f489649e680e⋯.jpg (180.6 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 1612294797279.jpg)


I don't know why you jews think he was a pedophile. Back in the day, hugging was common place. Go to the country, it still is. Especially with kids. Only modern subverted societies perpetuate pedophilia while celebrating it in jewish circles.

Doubt one of the smartest, clearest thinking visionary adults has to go limit themselves with drugs. Purity of lifestyle was NatSoc.

Jesus, you really are tainted, brainwashed, underdeveloped, underexposed.

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735025  No.206204


The image you have selected almost perfectly mirrors the reality of why and will.

Beware the spirit of radio.

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835795  No.206205


Globalism looks a hell of a lot more fun.

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8cd7f4  No.206211

File: be4baa409e32970⋯.jpg (117.16 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1595544518474.jpg)


Globalism won't get you your snek or robo-waifu or trad wife. It won't take you Mars. It won't heal you when you are sick, and most assuredly won't look after you when you get old or unemployed. They'll be hundreds of thousands of immigrants waiting like vultures to kick you onto the streets and rob you. Good luck with that.

>>206142 That was a really GOOD letter. F'ing saved. I've heard so many other reports of the same thing.

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8d942a  No.206215


Dude you are not fact based. Firtsly I am not jewish. I am Cristian, Protestant.

Secondly there was a new book by a Mr. Norman Ohler by the name: "Drugs in nazi Germany", where the usage of drugs by Hitler is well documented. The book may also go by translated to: "High Hiltler".

Quite a funny title.

I already stated why I think he was a pedo.

Alot of people in secret societies are probably pedophiles. I read an inteview with a woman who left the Illuminati and she stated he was a member.

Also you can read about it here to some degree:


Here is that part of the interview with a woman thet left that secret society:


Actually I think Hitler was used by the Illuminati and that they knew he would loose the war and therefore communism would spread. And satanists would want comminusm due to it being anti Christian and also atheist (they hoped that would lead to satanism supposedly).

The Illuminati was and probably is a sect for people of mixed heritage mainly. The founder said he was part persian royalty (i.e. part fancy arab). The Illuminati timeline focus on non white history and the arrival of non whites in Europe such as:

1. The gypsies arriving in Europe.

2. Djungis Khan, Mongols and the like invading.

3. Assasins (a sect in Iran).

4. The old Egypt where a white elite eventually mixed with non whites.

The symbolism of nazism presents and symbolizes WHITES mixing with non whites and may have been presented to Hitler by other members of the secret society.

An East Indian sybol (swastika) used in India. In India all whites that move there are mixed with non whites. Hence a symbol of racial mixture.

2. Roam Salute. Roman Empire lead to WHITE Italians to a small degree mixing with non whites (although invasions also contributed). It may have been jews who pushed for racial mixture there because it is rumoured they controlled the laws of the Roman Empire.

3. The word aryan. Iranian word and in Iran all WHITES who moved there mixed with arabs and pakistanis / east Indians.

Reharding Hitlers art work. Some of it was sold on an auction and the Auction House expert said it was something a high school art teacher (gymnasium) may produce.

I.e. compare to the Italian Renaissance masters, the French Expressionists (Matisse) or Dutch masters (Rembrand) like come on. Hitler was fine, ok, just not a special talent in painted art (or architecture for that matter).

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8cd7f4  No.206217


Take your meds. Your no Christian. Your cover story and persona out you already.

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8d942a  No.206221


Just because we disagree there is no reason for you to attempt to insult me.

And in fact I am deeply Christian.

Actually most WHITE people and CHRISTIANS do not like the NS ideology and do not vote for these parties.

This was also the case in the 30's where the NS parties only really had success in Germany, not in France, Belgium, the UK, Finland and so on…

And I don't use drugs or mediacation. I am also not a vegetarian.

Did you know Hitler was a vegetarian. Apparently he had a half-niece he lived with that he forbid to have relationships (she dated his chaffeur that he then fired). Hitler also forbid her to have a relationship with a man from Lintz she was hoping to marry and in effect kept her as a prisoner (according to her mom).

After her death he became a vegetarian I think.

"Hitler later declared that Raubal was the only woman he had ever loved. Her room at Haus Wachenfeld was kept as she had left it, and he hung portraits of her in his own room there and at the Chancellery in Berlin"

From wikpedia.

She was shot with Adolf's gun and it was claimed n the press she had a broken nose. But it was declared suicide. It has been speculated that he had a sexual relationship with his nice.

And Hitler certainly was not a stranger to killing people (had no problem starting wars or the night of the long knifes and so on).

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188d5a  No.206232


>But I am interested in what attracts people to the ideology.

Most National Socialists are attracted to the aesthetics, as you images portray. The idea of a healthy family, racial cleanliness, and so forth are all qualities associated with National Socialism. However, NatSoc was not the first to adopt these things and most follow NatSoc due to the enemy's own propaganda – no one cares if the idol of your worship is a defeated opponent who failed to stop world Jewry. NatSocs are entirely harmless.

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42fec9  No.206233


I'm convinced that all political ideologies fail because human beings are fundamentally shitheads, but I think national socialism appeals to a lot of people because it seems to solve many of the current problems in our society, namely, rampant, unchecked capitalism, the extreme and ever growing amount of moral and spiritual degeneracy, and the lack of a collective identity or purpose. Then of course there is also the reactionary element who feel threatened by the changing demographics.

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8d942a  No.206238

File: 2cd8257d3a314c4⋯.png (372.07 KB, 1165x904, 1165:904, HitlerI1.png)

File: 2e96050f5c75aae⋯.png (447.7 KB, 420x919, 420:919, HitlerI2.png)

File: ace47c651433482⋯.png (475.07 KB, 432x941, 432:941, HitlerI3.png)

File: 239fa7a7a7c8aeb⋯.png (195.66 KB, 427x416, 427:416, HitlerI4.png)


Yes the lack of identity or feeling of self as a unique person and individual and connection to ones culture for WHITES may lead to great feeling of alienation and also we have the tendencies of high crime rates directed at WHITES and the atomization of WHITES.

This combined with the pushing of the cultures of the others (niggs, spics…) and a constant propaganda against WHITES our culture and interest aswell as the non whites stealing from whites and the propaganda machinery for racemixing may be a cause for the rampant drug usage increase among whites.

What we see in our daily life is sharply contradicted with the propaganda we are fed in social meda, by search engines by the media, Hollywood and record companies.

But most people don't know it is a fraud with the objective of killing their kind off.

Anyways here is an article regarding Hitler's possible Illuminati connection:


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033e71  No.206260

National Socialist Germany is the first clear example of a people resisting their artificial division into meaningless Statelets. For that reason alone, the NSDAP will always be significant, and an example for all people of the world that are politically suffering from an artificial division of their real nation.

The border separating English-speaking European "Americans" and English-speaking European "Canadians" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation. Just like that border separating "Austria" and Germany, which the masses of German people understood, and only the NSDAP was willing to openly acknowledge.

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316f5c  No.207173


If you think that nationalism and "socialism" were a clunky fit to go together, I recommend looking into how it was implemented. Look into the Kraft durch Freude scheme (which rewarded working-class Germans with cruises and other recreational benefits), and the founding idea of the Volkswagen (literally, "the people's car" - an idea that, at that time, seemed futuristic).

Look at the effort to reduce German unemployment to practically zero by conscripting all able-bodied unemployed into jobs rebuilding the German infrastructure - this in spite of the absurdly punishing Treaty of Versailles crippling the country.

On a related but different note, look at what was, at that time, the adoption of "progressive" ideas from the Anglo-American world - the new science of eugenics - in an attempt to eliminate all disability through sterilisation (Aktion T4) in the hope that future generations would not be born with crippling hereditary birth defects that negatively impact quality-of-life.

I don't want to discuss the topic of racialism too much - precisely because I am still trying to work out how to convey it to others - except for to say that, in this day and age, viewing the world through a racialist lens should be to some extent more feasible than ever. If you are Caucasian, you will regularly hear both expressions of racial identitarianism from BAME individuals, as well as condemnation ("white privilege") of you and other people around you based on the melanin in your skin. It does not take much critical thought to acknowledge the racialist lens that already exists for how Millennials view the world, and simply subvert it. There is almost a bizarreness to the mainstream conservative's position - where, in a society of one side interpreting the world along racialist lines, the mainstream conservative still falls back to using "European culture" rather than "white".

To take this gradually further, for a white separatist (again, accepting completely attempts BAME activists have made in racialising the way we view the world), ethnic division is inevitable, so races should (in their eyes) be separated. For the Nazi, it goes one step further than that - alongside accepting a racial lens as a means of viewing the world, there is also the belief in human biodiversity (a modern term, that essentially refers to an aspect of Social Darwinism found in the works of e.g. Herbert Spencer) that different ethnicities can in some way be valued based on their different ethnic traits, and there's the belief (just as is done today by BAME people towards white people) that generalisations can be made about how to treat the collective group.

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dd4f8e  No.207181

Spam thread continues. Nothing but lies from OP.

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f6cc96  No.207183

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b1e4c5  No.207219

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



9∕11 Missing Links.mp4

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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80ba14  No.207447


I read Mein Kampf (i can speak fluent german). I like the economics and the philosophy or better: The Weltanschauung.

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2ad816  No.208651

File: 7c7b17151134d48⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 429x420, 143:140, wjTxzjvzI.jpg)

PqqvUAT MNbieBI byRTbyZTHCl NIJZBSuRffyK pahCwK TkiawUv CdkIBL

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d712e8  No.209633

File: 84b7f7814b45094⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 322x501, 322:501, TJC.jpg)

kKP dWe mmZOtVxKvM ZwzPZLwrZ gcgZXFqaxRHJ khnovp Fki BdsUAu OWaMOQmC zOazUccgjoXF

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46c397  No.209696

File: 46cdff78f826f0c⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 375x601, 375:601, pgJDRCGYYE.jpg)


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15f604  No.210360

File: 8ca2a5876151148⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 964x649, 964:649, pWInhQ.jpg)

thE CwQuHsAneAvN lcbEAT gGiMFRaU npZRPjaBSLwr nzMhGdmV OrXuvD EnyxFX CqWvBtIVnykZ QIbLRuxqKWt bQkDijJclOzU zNMUPusZYItg pXnPxZ AzzodkPeZ vLcHteSnvhGG VvPROYn

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c6a027  No.211212

File: 5daffcca75a0462⋯.jpg (77.53 KB, 1100x539, 100:49, TtpNL.jpg)

aXNNbczy UOdYBfQPuF wdTEC FCw NbrliOZIhv bkjknGmcqher RjcKjtyQFvrw FAVp MLqciKEk tdlpAmhDVNwb UFQoDZ HMzqRt XyBJQnDwmYE wVXZ

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87dc37  No.211214

File: 19621438efbe0ec⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, 405x548, 405:548, DbAgVNGEUr.jpg)

sDxOOkNEh BVe tBPNxl rnRrLWcxCF qbJSBhMENaI aOZjaujgXQ fxZAWbTqx InJIFV vvlMNxdSiy VYP NuCvIRmAdo IDamzWMCgYlO rVaPjPc tZSeFag zDTlUCuPt zFbWhCZmeMTr mLmrzJpoSPZ IDWMITE SDnmkrHXLDx

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4a036a  No.211245

File: 294d6d16e4061f8⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 288x444, 24:37, udfw.jpg)

XuKiVWucN Jfhvy eEziB yvNPq ErqPxw ZWgakmSu bgowXqYK jtTa hSHZtuS tvaACf BVOkEcVop UPcGjEEH yCnGL whLiJxgqp detPu vlwEofQAN

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27d9a6  No.213577

File: 1f1a4769fe081c8⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 1091x467, 1091:467, AOEcJJy.jpg)

ilBQjgjQAb zNdKEHSoKvwt WrpDid hAYGpPzznvo ZSogYowK gomQvbnp koxMBJhBZLGQ yBiVblYWFqxG yrglXS SbDISi BDxXSHfS uKBTSe exm fcOnNLwRx OjcRtxRVARbX tPGiWqjaI AqBHznhyXv qVsvimJA

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501c12  No.220598


Uncle A also said the state is a means to an end.

"The state is only a means to an end. Its end and its purpose is to preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically as well as spiritually kindred. Above all, it must preserve the existence of the race".

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502f52  No.220673


What a faggot, are you triggered by positive male role models? Kys, don't bother live streaming it no one cares.

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42cc87  No.227576

National Socialism is the only ideology I came across which has been proven to actually survive in a true free speech environment.

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27394f  No.227755


For me it's a main course of #3 with a side of #5.

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f8af73  No.227759


I would go with everything except #2.

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