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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8dd4b87863aa1f6⋯.png (199.62 KB, 1827x729, 203:81, Told_you_so.PNG)

1a382b  No.206073

Putin says we are living in pre ww2 times and that if we don't reverse course it will be "All against all."



Will you fight on the side of (((Zionists))) or (((Bolsheviks))) /pnd/?

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ade583  No.206074

File: 9628c0c17a88c73⋯.png (257.39 KB, 1069x1366, 1069:1366, 1594780333347.png)

Just kill and bomb everyone at the world bank, Federal reserve, IMF, Rothschilds, pissrael and their connected golems.

War instantly stops.

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f9f5fc  No.206077



At least the majority of cucks and simps will die. It is worth having the whole world be destroyed, just for the pleasure of watching the enablers to die an agonizing death.

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269f1b  No.206083

File: eb01caa59446afb⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 349x252, 349:252, sauce.gif)

OP, please give sauce on this comment in your thread picture referring to jews creating their own Hitlers

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1a382b  No.206084

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e45f09  No.206085


>giving a shit what Putin says

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2e7946  No.206093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He might start WW3 while globohomo is busy vaxxing and destroying their own citizens

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b4de3c  No.206112


No one cares what your jewish puppet has to say.

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6b49fe  No.206121

File: be70a0964ec0b1f⋯.jpg (336.32 KB, 980x551, 980:551, maxine.jpg)

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1a382b  No.206228

File: 654d3cee34fd564⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 3209x3761, 3209:3761, _Putin_.jpg)



I think you don't care because what he now has to say you were told three years ago by someone who prbly rekt your favorite eceleb. Sinead is that you?



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a4eab3  No.206231


>you’re a jew shill because you don’t care about jew shills


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e45f09  No.206234


No, I don't care about what Putin has to say because he's a mincing little manlet snowflake who gets butthurt when people say mean things about him. If you're gonna cry like a bitch, I'm gonna treat you like one.

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1a382b  No.206235


>I don't care about the fate of my people

Seems legit.


Small brain take but not untrue.

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64832b  No.206264


>I'm not going to kill people in my country

We know you never will, ZOG-faggot.

>a Russian who hangs with Chabbad Jewish supremacists

Putin made friends with a handful of Kikes who all the other Kikes and Kike-lovers like you hate? You don't say?

>When these people talk about the "rise of Hitler", take note: they are trying to get the west into civil war and destabilize the west.

The ZOG-faggot knows only White Nationalism aka the National Socialism of the single English-speaking European Nation can reverse forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes, and that this will be done via a violent civil war in that homosexual interracial porno called "America."

> Of course they want a "rise of Hitler". Anything to justify the killing of Europeans and force them to fight at the behest of Jews in Israel.

The ZOG has been sending hundreds of thousands of young white men to die for Kike lies for decades already, ZOG-faggot.

>They have their patriots that they funded on the right, to make the right look crazy.

Then do fund "Right" wingers in the ZOG, to say all the kinds of stupid shit people like you do say. But the reality is, most of them go along with it for free, because they're Christfags. Christfags that think they're the adopted brothers and sisters of Kikes, and that the Sky Kike created niggers to serve them.

>his intention since the Russian Federation has always been against the west.

People who believe in something called "the West" are the people who identify with ancient Romans, Greeks and Kikes, instead of their real Nation.

This imaginary construction called "the West" is not compatible with White Nationalism, and after the White Nation Liberation War, there won't be any mention of this imaginary thing called "the West" ever again.

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849f65  No.206290

File: 9984d32967bf81a⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 480x233, 480:233, castreau_flaming.jpg)


>"All against all."

Great. Can't wait to see our Cuckmander-In-Chief deal with the invasion of 17 different countries at once.

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1a382b  No.206291

File: 2f085aa866fdc71⋯.png (308.25 KB, 855x771, 285:257, justin_cutout.png)

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6b49fe  No.206297


>Can't wait to see our Cuckmander-In-Chief deal with the invasion of 17 different countries at once.

He's already inviting them in and paying them $40,000.00 a year in welfare payments and fre medical benefits. If you disagree you is rassis n' sheet.

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6b49fe  No.206300

File: 2e6aeede0799e81⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 480x270, 16:9, trudeau_asshole.gif)

File: 278855198c0cc77⋯.jpg (271.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, trudeau_white_men.jpg)

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64832b  No.206307

File: 0b7c4e89c3092fe⋯.png (653.58 KB, 893x774, 893:774, hitler_kikess.png)


>when you are confronted with the fact that Chabadnic Jews are the ones not only in Trump's camp, not only in Putin's camp, not only in Xi's camp but in Biden's camp as well.

There also exists a picture of Hitler and a little Kike girl. Does that prove NSDAP Germany was secretly controlled by Kikes, ZOG-faggot?

>Isn't it weird that when I say I won't kill people in my country, all of a sudden that's anti-white?

Your "country" is a make-believe fiction enforcing integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes on your real nation, ZOG-faggot.

>But say, we're invaded by China or Russia, would you not put down either military operation?

They're not going to ever invade that thing called "America." The only thing they could reasonably get away with doing is funding revolutionary White Nationalists, and yes, I'd gladly take their money to plug holes in ZOG-lings.

>Hitler was part of the Zionist agenda.

> The Red Army had Jewish leadership

ZOG-faggots pretends to believe both thing simultaneously. And Bibi is the secret leader of Hezbollah!

>Unless you can fight for your country against the Jewish threat, there's no reason to cross borders to other countries

I agree, except for Israel, which will be nuked.

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1134dd  No.209812

File: 51aec4d5c99f201⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 899x572, 899:572, rlGblT.jpg)

KjFhZed PALSdjEPkO LMOG BRXiAi ffRUOpz MAPtl vnbOJcDCfhk TbvQ IZySIFvOPIE tlAcnIJosAQ scQufcOpGF mSksTCuz qwz JYK yzk

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96b7b6  No.209818

File: 3b2fffbd01fea17⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 1001x689, 77:53, I.jpg)

CwWhX rjymDioBUdmR qKZBd FCTiEmdPeV jghWH JwUsnnd VQWJe otqb fbd WRWOkQStlv rlM yibtpv jFEeMpdbz uHaEovOXav uBbvJqCIsu KaptyJHmBuR

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bde6e4  No.210288

File: 9f60ac6b4d8d9da⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 942x650, 471:325, yQKoUW.jpg)

IhgqpqtHNy JRTmGDxdAPvb GvgyNtMxwsl MMUljcEGiy CWeoGrb

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928faf  No.210289

File: 85a7d222b8df59f⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 1118x701, 1118:701, ZUZjoFgD.jpg)


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79bbed  No.210327

File: e64f805098600fc⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 1116x647, 1116:647, SnsUUQh.jpg)

hmIeli RkMMKENx hygAfQYu SNWRvpB FdW nOVaBEIpqvL JADw jfXv HwPBxENghT

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ce3d30  No.211221

File: 567c9a0d7793638⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 345x614, 345:614, Cgmwo.jpg)

FXbypuTaQLA ShMq mrbwtoULA QWaQNfOCWFZg sdywBuc RwBbUWNC TDMyfDWMYgNY SMkeH LemdMdR oyGtoZNIxN pedAgcEviSR PIkNrScF hZjMOKVhZuaC QzdNBOsRnBzX jtb eIzxWH

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6c2204  No.211251

File: 68ccdb6f517e581⋯.jpg (69.81 KB, 993x515, 993:515, S.jpg)

ZrEnZI hqyAmSuI RoHGUokalnZ RBrjqVIOZFf cyVOA lWIJsRwU paNlFBEUVpUd wnSsfOv xQgkWfSq BSC bPde HwS aPeY ZrR BZWKObR CHCi OeVNm ynPdf

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9f227f  No.213085

File: 4d03b3ed3f24e72⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 931x547, 931:547, bPneEFE.jpg)

ZSKQovojcM QXtlO IZXwgIQnBG fYR BCykgvVXvxTy aPyvhAUyjT UJlH

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