All easily solvable by killing all jews and all leftards around the world. But human beings proved to be cucks that want to endlessly discuss instead of acting violently to take over the world. And while at it, those same cucks still protect and support women, who are the same parasites as the jews, instead of enslaving all of them. So, everyone deserves to be enslaved and to suffer. Cucks and simps deserve only misery and slavery.
They will use every single cope mechanism as an excuse:
>muh easier said than done
>muh you do it first
>muh it is not that simple
>muh you are a fed/glownigger
>muh you are an edgelord
>muh violence is for niggers only
And so on. All just excuses from the weak minded to try to convince themselves that they aren't losers who are all incapable to fight and are all talk.
If you don't kill your enemies, they win. Life is as simple as that.
If you don't enslave women, you will be enslaved by them and by their enablers. Life is as simple as that.
It is always ok to kill jews and leftards.