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File: 9cdf869ffd3ff9d⋯.png (975.81 KB, 700x880, 35:44, img.png)

c63a12  No.206001

Nothing surprises me anymore. Old billionaires are raping kids eating babies and worship satan (why firefox want's me to capitalize satan? makes you think…). Tech billionaires are transhumanist faggots obsessed with immortality. Genetic engineering (to create ant-like caste society), prosthetics (to sell spare parts, economic slavery), brain implants (mind control), nanotechnology (kill switches). Global panic so that you get used to the fact that you have lost control over your life, so that you accept being a helpless wagecuck slave that has to wait year(s?) before cockdown ends, then wait in line to get a vaccinated ignorant like an animal in veterinary clinic. Climate change agenda to eliminate meat and make us eat bugs and green shit. Globohomo self-destructive nihilism being promoted at every corner. What do you think anons?

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9b3018  No.206005


>Old billionaires are raping kids eating babies and worship satan

No they're not, you fucking sheep. Learn to think for yourself and stop blindly following soccer-mom facebook groups and toddler-tier conspiracy theory telegrams.

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c7aac2  No.206006


>Welcome newfag. Remember you're here forever

<Obligatory cringe cuckchan /pol/ comment is done.

This isn't your blog faggot. If you can't handle life then kill yourself.


Put some effort into your shilling. You don't seem to be worth your salt.

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19609d  No.206019


Epstein didn't kill himself

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2828c2  No.206022

File: 9b6f24ecae584fe⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1917x935, 1917:935, epstein_israel.PNG)

File: a885e74858d8e00⋯.jpg (40.91 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Jews_are_Luciferians.jpg)


>Old billionaires are raping kids

This is part of an Israeli blackmail operation.

>eating babies

>worship satan

Jews engage in blood-libel and worship Satan.

>Tech billionaires are transhumanist faggots obsessed with immortality.

This is due to their rejection of Jesus Christ. Jews believe they're all going to Hell after death so they're trying to live forever in this place.

>Etc. etc. etc..

It all comes down to Jews.

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1264d5  No.206039


Reminder that paid shills are now allowed to post here without any punishment whatsoever.

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af95bb  No.206072


All easily solvable by killing all jews and all leftards around the world. But human beings proved to be cucks that want to endlessly discuss instead of acting violently to take over the world. And while at it, those same cucks still protect and support women, who are the same parasites as the jews, instead of enslaving all of them. So, everyone deserves to be enslaved and to suffer. Cucks and simps deserve only misery and slavery.

They will use every single cope mechanism as an excuse:

>muh easier said than done

>muh you do it first

>muh it is not that simple

>muh you are a fed/glownigger

>muh you are an edgelord

>muh violence is for niggers only

And so on. All just excuses from the weak minded to try to convince themselves that they aren't losers who are all incapable to fight and are all talk.

If you don't kill your enemies, they win. Life is as simple as that.

If you don't enslave women, you will be enslaved by them and by their enablers. Life is as simple as that.


It is always ok to kill jews and leftards.

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