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File: 2a5510721ae9656⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1113x783, 371:261, InnocentRCunts.png)

f7f4f4  No.205986

In Britain it is now big news that a smoothie company unfollowed a pensioner. It is the most bizarre thing. @Innocent, a fruit crush drinks company, was ALERTED online by a random Twitter account that one of the people they follow had wrongthink.

So, the company actually replied, confirming they had unfollowed the wrongthinker then after it was pointed out it was a 76 year old woman with perfectly legal views, they issued a statement doubling down and denouncing her!


Literally insane. So what I would like is the real world identity of the internet snitch @leftist_rage, any details on Head of Communications Jerina Hardy and CEO Douglas Lamont. @leftist_rage smells like astro-turf to me. Research please?

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343874  No.205987

File: 56f66d9099d02d7⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1133x622, 1133:622, ClipboardImage.png)

woke, for me, is more than a hashtag. It’s more than language. It’s a state of mind. When I hear someone talking about being woke, it feels like that person is saying that they care about my experiences.

there are intersecting parts of my identity that I can’t talk about with most people but it’s different when I’m speaking to someone who is woke


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cea058  No.206016


If you haven’t taken it in the ass, you’re not woke.

And if you didn’t vote for Biden, you’re not a nigger.

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b75275  No.206075


Dox their owners and employees and kill them. If you don't, they win.

LGBT abominations are not people and it is always ok to kill them for being abominations.

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