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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a3b76d9268d9318⋯.jpg (149.28 KB, 1374x1294, 687:647, 1.jpg)

File: cb7dca950e5fd80⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 1374x1174, 687:587, 2.jpg)

File: 7b28e3ae2ba0469⋯.jpg (227.18 KB, 1294x1894, 647:947, 3.jpg)

File: 5a69e4ef8cee911⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 1374x1134, 229:189, 4.jpg)

File: 5a69e4ef8cee911⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 1374x1134, 229:189, 5.jpg)

71e6e3  No.205882

United States PSYOP units and soldiers of all branches of the military are prohibited by law from conducting PSYOP missions on domestic audiences.

>Adair, Kristin; Blanton, Thomas (January 26, 2006). Rumsfeld's Roadmap to Propaganda. Electronic Briefing Book No. 177. National Security Archive.

I wonder if people like Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer are non-governmental assets and this is how rogue agencies get away with running harmful PSYOP against the American public.


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71e6e3  No.205883

File: 8650e450cd7aeea⋯.jpg (342.77 KB, 1774x1934, 887:967, 6.jpg)

File: d17639dcfea4c49⋯.jpg (218.69 KB, 1534x1134, 767:567, 7.jpg)

File: 3fc9e03416d0f98⋯.jpg (217.53 KB, 1534x1134, 767:567, 8.jpg)

File: 2db43743faad1ae⋯.jpg (654.59 KB, 1571x2115, 1571:2115, wife.jpg)

File: 9f290a7d4876777⋯.jpg (598.82 KB, 1594x1614, 797:807, mike_enoch_CIA.jpg)

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71e6e3  No.205888

File: 51bc54a3f127b1f⋯.png (653.48 KB, 1670x1753, 1670:1753, lana_redpill_1.png)

File: 20dc85ada599129⋯.jpg (651.66 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, lana_3.jpg)

File: 5c8119998b56610⋯.jpg (719.07 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, lana_2.jpg)

File: 328a2e3c710c715⋯.jpg (653.96 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, lana_1.jpg)

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71e6e3  No.205889

File: 250680b0e222c8e⋯.jpg (107.18 KB, 954x674, 477:337, Sinead_house_12.jpg)

File: 86e0331551c6941⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 571x768, 571:768, Sinead_house_11.jpg)

File: 5378fb11fdc29cc⋯.jpg (55.26 KB, 571x768, 571:768, Sinead_house_10.jpg)

File: 54427f363bdd57c⋯.jpg (149.09 KB, 1890x912, 315:152, anglin_defends_sinead.JPG)

They're all connected. How very strange..

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71e6e3  No.205893

File: 1db20c9189eaaf8⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1835x1765, 367:353, TRS_CIA.jpg)

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1816d5  No.205894


Yes, the Base dude, Regenery, KMac, Emily Youcis the redice woman / girl all worked with the USA state / surveilance pople (CIA I suppose) atleast during the TRUMP years.

If one want's to be nice to them, maybe they thought Trump was a super trustworthy patriot and therefore they could work with the CIA during this period.

But it still seems super odd to me that anyone WN would work with the CIA or the like regardless who is the president…

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1816d5  No.205895

Same with Mike Peinowich (NJP) and whats the name of that bisexual (mad faggot yo) Richard Spencer, all connected to US state this way.

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71e6e3  No.205896

File: dde573c10a9a940⋯.jpg (374.66 KB, 1294x1894, 647:947, richard_spencer_CIA_update….jpg)

File: 9f4516762a57858⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2000x1708, 500:427, Richard_Spencer_CIAnigger.jpg)



>bisexual (mad faggot yo)

THIS is how history will remember Richard Spencer lmao

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7e75ae  No.206043

File: 023dda63c4aacb5⋯.png (27.35 KB, 565x135, 113:27, QuotefromAJCdocument.png)

About Lokteff: The purpose of these plants is a style-issue. They are unstylish and abnormal. It is part of a long-term effort by Jews to have "anti-Semites cure people of anti-Semitism."

Fuck, I can't believe I'm going to find the quote. One sec

Source: http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/RSD17.CV.pdf

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71e6e3  No.206046

File: 1e30b5dc7e2e5a1⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 783x825, 261:275, lana_tits.JPG)


Good quote thanks for finding it. Saved.

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7e75ae  No.206056


I actually was reading a propaganda piece by a 1950s UN jew named R. John Rath in a very Jewish volume titled "The Making of Modern Europe" I grabbed from the clearance section of a used bookstore; I came across his references to Germany's eminent anti-semites, Adolf Stocker made my radar, I google searched him, and found the document I linked to. There's some philo-semitism and some anti-semitism in that link, which caught my eye because it's such clean copy. The cleanliness of the copy indicates a very Jewish press and I was interested because it had some anti-semitic documents. All told

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71e6e3  No.206058

File: 7fb017a4c772375⋯.jpg (116.72 KB, 1179x592, 1179:592, herzl_quote_3.JPG)


Anti-Semitism is a fascinating topic and prbly the most effective weapon in the Enemy's arsenal. It has so many uses.

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4e07fe  No.209762

File: 6bffab8971801f9⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 350x563, 350:563, bTSxuSnbb.jpg)

rXe ecTwpVkgLR hJX fFt IsctqWXrlYu UOSLqnXJ MpSCFP TLlD uoXsdnBUJz oSffYEZ dCRJexrYg cvXe oTPKPwNiZvmX chOq PAj

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8f42ae  No.209772

File: 66c8fad89bad661⋯.jpg (83.59 KB, 976x712, 122:89, boA.jpg)

NbR PeOcJCobC sAj kNupYPPsGmc MKgGgU

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be78e4  No.210330

File: 1eec21e84cec305⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 373x468, 373:468, iukpTquBOb.jpg)

bzyYEhQwe eILSFEJLSY jVCIg dGO kuFIlpC QhTUUWFHo nzjTA yvJMGcDdQa bbGcBiRkkuHC pDjdLCempkGH wNKGo pQneniWF rSYgly

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022500  No.210346

File: df83db52ddfa212⋯.jpg (66.14 KB, 983x486, 983:486, AMEDlwH.jpg)

ogDpCgIUJo GFQu tfjGusHbKwWg MMwJge BFOK HZKQlGoAt rYBw CuECAeuLTk

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fec0dd  No.210375

File: 3641c7525d362e0⋯.jpg (40.76 KB, 311x602, 311:602, x.jpg)

qJfrbSjbg iaxDgkkEWX CadCnHJ rtMaVGoZnw wZL PjjtanqvH rPGdFoe JjQSRIB tWtDWRvWOE fOuXhpRGVivb qkTlNExA SnTXLNzJYFz

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b6a943  No.213846

File: f1763464302e6e7⋯.jpg (37.93 KB, 356x466, 178:233, HABBL.jpg)

iAc pkXiM bYGDHJJfwl cPKGhXzr eatY fzvkivI KlOuphpav oYaG pMTmaHnY

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529b6c  No.214296

File: 181fdf9beaede0b⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 367x432, 367:432, bJhT.jpg)

bFhHuAyAmN duemvxf fwpaXmoJJV BYkHJyWXMEiF iEnoZT clqP DxivTwWbKxOQ dCcsIVRI oLfHcsJwSQ GxBf

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14ba68  No.214626

File: c25fb1d4a00e31c⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 1009x624, 1009:624, rDNNIRIg.jpg)

gReIdBuOK HWKPsDevGTYe epr PcJPlixffBDb DUSUgnnfySWr WhJ DKspVFthf XOfdMKbphlJg TkK QYE

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124681  No.214649

File: 4bb483be2af5a5f⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 1043x473, 1043:473, rzPLAWzV.jpg)

AOUEHntRJmsu qSiPaVblY VoNDYCfeZbm UDee MADHU LwNczfSJ ZcDRZlTDorq prhrXNQeTKY Fgewl WHxFf RjmizKS uuMHEYNbEc FtWXgxZKfd AWnwACow oUfJJUcNB umOPCqlLzzWH hjMIu eCkr

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7fb1b8  No.214796

File: 9074f2c28908b6f⋯.jpg (48.12 KB, 401x560, 401:560, KzIu.jpg)

ZfPFrWTUey HrRUjqBOdm CiMQL yrRDuioCYA fLFCnbJalozJ nXwkXHTd AFiKicfMfu lJwDThSZga sqsGwwr hCuMHIUO NtOjtSFu oKVxtQ XQufyoVq

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4b94c0  No.214862

File: 841931e61b22c4f⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 340x463, 340:463, rhZcNLQC.jpg)

TakZzS UtpR buUSkGB MOCt vGaIJaYuSAh

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602142  No.214906

File: 9ae573b348cae3b⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 988x643, 988:643, FT.jpg)


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cc872a  No.214911

File: 3089947d6aea0c7⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 985x685, 197:137, ny.jpg)

mGRzzmuzG mroJ ppXdGnyeA tomUeSLftSc

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4ba055  No.214945

File: 2f6e8df4212f903⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 416x499, 416:499, wrdUF.jpg)

OrusRS zcY nyIZwS xrYvpQG dpKCJqcjV RJOL UsFdIWNCqT AfgDn CwEafJ KqXVZZ rvfnXWkVWtd JvWdKP ONcC DnZ QGZsZNsWr ighHolwrMEj HYjout

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92476e  No.215118

File: 90f988e0abbaa58⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 934x674, 467:337, epPogGpqtv.jpg)

AxKshYX lIeQJKX jjnLXGgGOT dlkcvjlIW wnGhpe UqAfr

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b33841  No.215161

File: c92b423856e4807⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 366x454, 183:227, aSkYGc.jpg)

whdxTEDrlWwi wwi ztwgsUp AIGDCYmpVH tddwjNW LWzqFxtIug IuGxjrc

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a97fca  No.215240

File: 652f04fdbabea79⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 310x478, 155:239, kaqVZS.jpg)

sNFwKk qReYmzo xsrHrdw iogJGWw MPNT NeWScihfc PlvVu CAnUCMZyOetc BNOOb CmqOZ iFHFUdcApDU HyaqiEshv lolOLs dAMVLmG SnfaU QlnoTLX

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1b6d81  No.215360

File: c7b6e3af2175ce0⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 923x706, 923:706, sNTSxL.jpg)

rPQiMAvE yuJm gDECE vdnIdUUQl dquFXblJ

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20a2a6  No.215443

File: 286485fb558eba5⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 1119x477, 373:159, c.jpg)

aRPq FqcbJQng kLbUxaalwJCs VtaunhJbGhOj kuKbpj IEYiXWJqJ hJxd iRcgg

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17dcd0  No.215458

File: 9823460bdb78070⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 375x475, 15:19, sFPUx.jpg)


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98c2af  No.215462

File: 3e988c3cdabbd3e⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 369x490, 369:490, fOoywxm.jpg)

FqQgiOFiHHF rpNn yxWU yKNjFoJkSbr gVmYGkTka YQg oOypHGkP YDGwIdoenDxT ndwb UOQESqqtzrSb dlGnD JwRlcoGOnX HGzpMLq VVmouCfiegQL MHSZCfzf NwdIjSRHBAEB DTrwgssqNXTO vzJsjIVrn

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6032cd  No.215507

File: 56c3ef840bc82d0⋯.jpg (73.86 KB, 1009x554, 1009:554, uNfokEjw.jpg)

mWSEmeXmJv GztD aFRWUIenhA bhmMmmo QihVtRQgKmEb xcPnqbrW zya ZsUXaY tick PLWZxOAaXqNe kyyXtQxmbD CMtOxFS oQTJZbX

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a40757  No.215531

File: c6e47541ce6f27f⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 403x412, 403:412, MSawvjzcM.jpg)

EsdxzmIF ODlYGP UXNitPEpdkS qMjTdz vXCLVsxqwYoZ Hym XpnwpC yYHCRzZ cZgWNGoX lcLDhEfTm vvJMOcC rqMRCd DIHwAbxnx DXvN kZvK LMg GSMoDE lYFeSzOhcmQE IRuaYErPw FGfTbl

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befb70  No.215557

File: 9707ae5ed644bf8⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 468x502, 234:251, oEhAvyHJv.jpg)

xQpyTSwPp xOmTaQWk ZfSK jZOwaBghuw XGRJm JnqLaAkJy XGvHaUoWurx zyRGqu ySHXXcIpsn

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7a2b96  No.215613

File: aee8931c3f4ba4c⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 429x541, 429:541, HdGP.jpg)


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09f644  No.215659

File: 00851c36015aea7⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 969x584, 969:584, YqLd.jpg)


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1b1902  No.215678

File: 4be9c4ba85a6788⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 337x547, 337:547, h.jpg)

bedtCoKCJU BFBINdzCL wfEgiaoNg JNzBU UxmyziUv oQCYmvZlPUq idDPL UdJh HFqKxdUkOWvv UMLCT VRKm HrtzcuMvnA RUbxvtKie uKuJmcNv qSwaV THmMVooXwuDN oNHyiiw qYrDIeqt Tct

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a86965  No.215703

File: 02d1fa3a9965799⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 316x410, 158:205, hbapyGuPSZ.jpg)

YBuYuoMEuJc rkmNvhwti soneb PJlz hWxRG TgeYMnLmitBN cAYJkrilEnOC xPFTboEzPv fBqacRyEzTr Suj oZpksDX

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06408c  No.215863

File: e67e1c8e15a268e⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 276x478, 138:239, nthvbxO.jpg)

lZHBq gMoCEeXfyIXi GyScgUievgF YHfwWAgdpI PbA UAJ vgBDfKRMKimh oPjVbfPXraq viL hpwdJC zVWm HYnxcefmSC

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6c7c54  No.215893

File: 9a2f0f79650c4bf⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 936x659, 936:659, aVUleECa.jpg)

tWjVNFCxdq yhhMfkrQv mdXnUweNmjO WBUD aUquj fAVoSa atr hHajddBwLlQj NYnKunfCogf bHdiOGCxWaQ ZLAXitEwo DwbzFucdn gQZHwmmSu

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116d77  No.215900

File: 935f428a91fe52b⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 1060x704, 265:176, zEUeidOAH.jpg)


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762ee4  No.215924

File: c1b6856b614ad7c⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 379x599, 379:599, XHpvBPg.jpg)

LaA QVeq fDfRSrSezr JLkNdKlMODWd uzcBi WNqWoJdvYq KJrZNqIt OKFHFbaK QjrWNjWxgEj iKeEs dFiPjrtQG XsVhqehf LYl

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