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File: 35c2d35a1923efa⋯.jpg (610.52 KB, 1651x1882, 1651:1882, The_Punishment_of_the_Gove….jpg)

277345  No.205055

The Punishment of the Government

"My son, I called you to do My will. Declare destruction to the government, for I will punish it forever. It has become evil, fighting against the people made in My Image. I will punish it forever, for it is evil, inventing evil designs to destroy My people, My son. Declare destruction forevermore, for it is My enemy, and I Am enraged against it, My son. Forever it will roast in Hell, all the people fighting against My people, for I will round them up, and be thrown into the inferno of fire, for they have offended Me, and I will punish the wicked in everlasting fire. Thus says the LORD of Hosts, amen."

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73724d  No.205057

fuck off commie jew

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40d83f  No.205059

File: 33c79c1a1e4e1d5⋯.png (627.41 KB, 1082x788, 541:394, CommunismIsChristianity.png)

File: 0f277a540c15f45⋯.jpeg (313.84 KB, 1057x1443, 1057:1443, Dy5W9zbW0AEFZGg.jpeg)


But sagebro communism is both christian and jewish

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73724d  No.205060


Jesus promoted paying taxes and property ownership. Fuck off kike.

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