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File: f16b963c5ba30ea⋯.jpeg (19.51 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 566C369F_1546_4853_A5E4_0….jpeg)

03613e  No.204677

Gangstalking: A modern form of harassment used by governments worldwide to destroy people the law wont let them destroy

I got banned from another “free speech” site for simply trying to start a discussion. If I am a schizo, why not help me fix my errors fellow goy?

This is a mafia/gang technique that is/was used by the italian mob, in shithole latin countries, russia it is universally accepted does this to anyone, so its interesting how people tap into their american bully instincts when people suggest the united states has programs to target its own citizens. While the political version of this hasnt reached the extreme stage due to not wanting to boil the frog too fast, “intelligence agencies” who want to train people to have no morals have used them against the absolute most random people who literally nobody would ever believe. Its even more hilarious how ignorant people act when they show this “plot” in media , which gives heavy weight to the idea that all you have to do to crush an idea is associate it with madness/fantasy - truthers = alex jones ~anti corruption - (((white nationalism))) ~ The demiurge/ earth is a prison / alien jews = the matrix ~ shit I knew in 2007 = omg edward snowden ~~ occupy wall street = wikileaks honeypot ~~ whites ready to organize offline = omg trump proud boys zerohedge breitbart whatever sticks go with it

Even if you think the government is this perfect computer that has never been wrong, think about somebodies ex stalking them and the levels they will go to. Data isnt a trillion dollar industry to sell you baby yoda , these people scheme every day and legitimately rigged every aspect of society, consciousness itself has been hijacked completely.

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1ce6b2  No.204685

File: 0a46a4fd406933d⋯.jpg (222.84 KB, 1844x779, 1844:779, gangstalking_becoming_main….JPG)

Political Gangstalking is usually done by low IQ fuckups who have a relative in intelligence. Corporate Gangstalking typically involved more sophisticated actors because they can pay better people. Unless you caught the attention of someone important it's unlikely you're being gangstalked.

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a3fb6e  No.204690

>If I am a schizo, why not help me fix my errors

Because schitzo isnt something you can fix. It's a mental illness that you have forever and cant be talked out of

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f247f4  No.204694

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



911 Missing Links

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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6b0368  No.204700


If you don't kill jews, corporate suits, politicians and leftards, nothing will change for the better for you.

Talking does nothing.

Violence is what solves problems.

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7ab225  No.204731

the "italian" mob was run by jews, look it up.

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5098c5  No.204925

Because Jews don't care to talk. They are only about power and Jewish control. It's easy. You can look at the way they respond to "goyim", and usually they justify their wars while decrying your criticism of them. They can't take an ounce of criticism because it leads to guilt, and Jews cannot have that.

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7954e1  No.204937


the ENTIRE point of gangstalking is to cause the victim fear or make them paranoid. just completely ignore it to counter it completely.

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