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File: b93b939f3542bc4⋯.jpg (32.13 KB, 360x540, 2:3, Y5EVQe0nBrTHOambqyADt8lfaN.jpg)

ee6b59  No.204564

Welp, you made a movie and the news again faggots. Just finished it, and while it dodges the JQ they simply drop way too many legit redpills for me to grasp why they thought this would be a good idea to make. amiwrong bros?



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ee6b59  No.204569


To be clear the film is cringe, but this is next level shit in regards to propaganda. I dont get the angle. While they obviously portray the nigger to be an edgelord, nothing he talks about is deniable, and he's basically giving a baby's first redpill speech the whole movie.

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ee6b59  No.204571


>Cactus Jack believes it’s presenting audiences with a raw, unvarnished view of the white-nationalist underbelly of contemporary society. Yet without any concurrent investigation of such ethos’ warped origins, hypocrisy, or illogicality, it functions as a feature-length platform for the very homicidal evil it purportedly wants to censure. No matter its climactic gesture of condemnation, it’s a film that gives such prolonged voice to repugnant fanaticism that its legacy—if it has one at all—seems most likely to be as a work that gets strip-mined for GIFs, memes, and video clips by the worst of the worst on Reddit and 8kun.

my fucking sides tho

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ee6b59  No.204573


and yes, the meme potential with this is infinite

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0784e5  No.204689

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



911 Missing Links

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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ee6b59  No.204707


I've never had so much cum dumped on my face at one point in time that was immeasurably relevant to the theory of relevance in an irrelevant way. Thank you future anon not here yet, but was at one point there and then fuckin the best of em.

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ee6b59  No.204980


Which did you enjoy more, watching the hands that did the work or the familiarity of my steaming load on your face? It's propaganda faggot, yes absolute shit. If you're going to respond, answer the fucking thread's question. The angles are garbage in every sense to you, me, and likely every other way normalfags. My thoughts on this are: what is the potential of creating a fictional movie that goes all the way with details and facts of historical root with evidence, etc. Ie. a documentary on kikes wrapped in their own form of hollywool? Docs, aren't as successful at reaching people as entertainment, memes are a thing cuz emotion nigger. Why hasn't anyone memed a fucking movie as entertainment depicting our actual demise and all causes yet? I mean this is clown world, you got better options?

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39dfd7  No.204982

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)

>(((neo nazi trumper)))

>dodges the JQ

Nice try, Israel.

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ee6b59  No.204985


I literally do not understand your post, and I will bump my own thread responding to it so that you are notified of my interest in having you possibly clarify it for me.

>jews co-opt everything

>jew makes movie about everything but them, that I call out

>Im the jew now

grab another cup of coffee moshe

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39dfd7  No.204986

File: b8a446eb74ca623⋯.png (67.73 KB, 826x450, 413:225, trump_biggest_zionist_in_h….PNG)


>(((neo nazi trumper)))

>dodges the JQ

Nice try, Israel.

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ee6b59  No.204987


Also thank you copyposter, keep on keeping on.

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ee6b59  No.204990


You understand I am here, and I've explicitly stated your illogicality and your response is the same as your original post. Either jews are done for and know it so psychologically, that this movie and your posts that are analogous to it's message. Not sure if jew or troll, but breddy good either way, thanks anon.

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8bb944  No.205000


>you made a movie

>it dodges the JQ

We didn’t make it, then. We don’t support Trump.

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ee6b59  No.205005



>cant irony of making and being made

>puts focus on trump

yeah, softpass on this shitbait

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8bb944  No.205006


>I was just lying about you ironically


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ee6b59  No.205011


I have to be defensive here and everywhere my nigger, and all due apology. But you didn't redress anything of significance in this thread in regards to my query and potency of outcomes designed by repetitive metric.

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ee6b59  No.205019


did you pull the punch mods? give me one more example, I promise to leave forever

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3d7a54  No.205030


Literally do not give a shit. You sound like an absolute faggot by doing that. No one’s falling for it. Get your spam out of here. We don’t support Trump. We’re not neo-nazis. You have no idea who and what we are.

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ee6b59  No.205039


>red herring the post

You still do not understand what you are doing, but this will provide an historical context of understanding your mindset. I know that you explaim no shit's given while doing everything you can to falsify that fact with your actions and words. Here's the thing: everyone's falling for it, including you.

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ee6b59  No.205050


>i dont care lol while I post

>you gay lol

>dont do it lol?

>I cant even as to why I am who I am, lol

>go away lol amirite bros?

>we dont misdirect, we troofers, lol

>you dont know me bros

I mean, this is good if it weren't a troll but sadly I feel it isn't.

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ee6b59  No.205051



Im out niggers, anybody watch it and care to respond to actual questions I had in regard plz do. The psyop is desperate and there is the potential for flip it method. night faggots.

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a0cf62  No.205052


>no clue what he’s saying

Fine, sage. You failed. Scream impotently into the wind for a little bit, then get your new marching orders and make your next spam thread while pretending you never failed here.

>incoherent word salad



>straw man and autistic fantasy




No one cares, paid shill. This isn’t your blog.

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ee6b59  No.205056


holy shit mr. bruhzos, did you just fucking reply to each of my individual posts with a different spectrum of autism and retardation at the same time? Help me out, Ive got:

>reee, dont march to the tunes o the Jarmains

>reee, my logos directorship can out-logos the logos

>reee a kike, say it, a kike is kiking me again. Say IT, say KIKE. kike. there is nothing you can do to avoid what you've done and continue to do kike. You are literally yourself trying to hide it as a failing effort of your species. You have inbred the indignant of your kind so much as to be a joke even in your last same fucking different efforts you've always failed at. come att me kike cia niggers, I won before this birth.


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ee6b59  No.205062


hey ?pmd? did I wons yet?

niggerfaggiotsupreme signing into/unto/ and off.

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ee6b59  No.205068


moar bots plox. If no faggot humans are around to talk, give me something to read.

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93336b  No.209709

File: 87c2fa98234e735⋯.jpg (64.48 KB, 934x492, 467:246, DUAZnYb.jpg)


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fdd679  No.209799

File: 1ec46c129df1030⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 977x689, 977:689, nJjaS.jpg)

GNBtsXNtrPn nncKvsNt IipPsrkVJVrD nLvNDDfzGTc IxmIhMoQdp WzQA

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eed886  No.210415

File: 0b070e892e91779⋯.jpg (81.39 KB, 977x672, 977:672, EN.jpg)


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163ffe  No.210416

File: 569a4f871364ee3⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 290x617, 290:617, OrPUa.jpg)

DWLBX TDNOgTpmr JThhm CiTMdXMycTdY tDyoZbdim GXslmVi eHYu sOcn

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e52708  No.210433

File: 6f81faa450f9093⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 1115x711, 1115:711, XIFNWH.jpg)

vwf HfuH nIzQd FzwZfEOI BjJgz gvgpwzsgR DfWXYCe CMIuVzU GqGF ngglBodzkp CVhvUGV LcJIhLBv qOXdpb OLwTpQkpXZ

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04cf4e  No.210471

File: 49ca3759b3e9ce7⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 369x485, 369:485, JBuAn.jpg)

DRK Ixkq OMXfXHSZtRNk KdcOIW tYlAB BtwjsJMME Qcp XzYiNuvHJLSM MaSP yddJPbg joAAsuKgzIgh yrIQU bkdc qdDNRffQFnj vORCwRIyzgFB aRcAdFkqE BEHDbt

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738ea6  No.211010

File: a5e96a7e4c6d48e⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 434x610, 217:305, TSZ.jpg)

mSvncHHmbWBS CHEfotCie TBts YEAoAec FAMcNSCczx JWzYYaquJ pRCxCwJ FdYs wZr WnWMmufNpw FHBdFZJPqcV oMpayVNhGdRh ItuFpJFNeR LmvAoZvZMgsI mHFTGM yXJ

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1f3bd0  No.211020

File: b93d97e769c3f90⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 345x552, 5:8, uTQVFwcCx.jpg)

VtsIsNuWGOKj miuAyBFZm wmuPELxW UPPeo ZQhYe HYqz

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5831a8  No.211032

File: 8eaf651c5179e3b⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 498x606, 83:101, R.jpg)

LebEwW qMJnsWO KGvOSKIzp JJoCBjjL Emo DJCScVhnbei

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c92181  No.211670

File: 10ff4a10336cf7a⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 319x444, 319:444, LMTOiW.jpg)


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d5ccd3  No.211738

File: db89b94fb068d7d⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 327x410, 327:410, uVjLtNmng.jpg)


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1fccdb  No.211854

File: cdc4005b3c17307⋯.jpg (67.09 KB, 929x528, 929:528, ra.jpg)

fovOcLlpzUB Argink dhlpi tIpqVpNM TxtQPlfnJ xwVbCogDSF Succ

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46909e  No.212245

File: b546ed4ef8c1de5⋯.jpg (78.66 KB, 921x685, 921:685, KUWSNBODKy.jpg)

UJROXX QTOT wQakATp JNSYfzZLEh fGLT zZOoooJWlTP JOqyYWb UAX PFzSVe MVGWr LrdQ QBIDTgiBG xpRmglLmjQ FddU VhpSzS PcUxdkIvUu iofBGZNKx fprmjwfdhJ

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bb5334  No.212277

File: b4b31f00f8dfb15⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 1117x706, 1117:706, fCWOmsAjWa.jpg)

lUBMsH KHoD yoq HyHkVRCwf bRNj mincYUtgP BUnwUFAivtpx jebRRuP IrMy GAt

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6260f3  No.212410

File: 8411e27e311d07b⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 932x488, 233:122, dSE.jpg)

rzfAs PNIwXvBei JViWnrAD FDE LorTdlTIc KiGF ameSmHEz NiDXUlgim GBU xLOJV uRCTpePjx ieBGLKKDG gBaTqsnr NubKlQAAZA kupx

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daf09d  No.212718

File: f8d26c8a17e1da2⋯.jpg (58.09 KB, 485x610, 97:122, qXbJUMg.jpg)

FXzAY BnEjoeb JcgpiVTadoF XYLxtPQgB hfZW PAlLgZL FQpZDRtx hIkUxixdsfku XpCLBtINtl

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a47042  No.213029

File: 43af18235a8b46c⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, zd.jpg)


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e92f12  No.213307

File: 417ce6e28d8f3fe⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 484x416, 121:104, Dtvcbuu.jpg)

Buy TDEI kfd RCnumsqcw FsXdJK DqhAlQKcTGTC NRFdcIw YQs QnZNJVUkXMW NTyCWsyU iGfsa uXfRQl

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