>Conventional wisdom was that democracy and free speech are necessary to facilitate a modern, advanced economy
There is no democracy and free speech at present. Voting does nothing. Whoever is elected carries out the orders of the elite.
If your views aren't liberal than you are labelled as a racist, sexist, nazi, bigot.
Despite that we have modern, advanced economy, don't we? People's living standard goes down but the GDP increases every year so everything's fine.
>Political elites are realizing that the Internet has unleashed a level of cottage journalism and do-it-yourself political organizing that was never intended to exist
And? What do these cottage journalists accomplish? We've had pizzagate, gamergate and many more. But have these made a dfference?
The idea of pedophile satanists running the country is absurd to normies. Not because it is absurd on it's own but the one bringing it up is a "conspiracy theorist".
Meanwhile they keep believing things like global warming because media keeps talking about it.
>ruling establishment parties now see a need for harsher measures than ever before in order to keep rebellious populist movements down
The ruling establishment created this situation in the first place to genocide the target populace. And keeping rebellious populist movement is easy. Just use your liberals to accuse them of 'privilege' and being 'oppressors'. Woks for USA. Where poc, lgbt, minorities can get hired based on their identity while a white guy will get rejected for being a straight white man with immense privilege.
>As the threat from China increases, the political elite of USA and India, the world's largest democracies, realize they cannot afford to keep fighting internally
As if the ones who control China don't control USA and the rest of the world. And the internal fighting is necessary to maintain their own power.
The pink-haired SJW and skinhead stormfag needs to exist in the same society so that no one pays attention to ZOG who is running the show.
>Automation technology will remove the dependency of the state on most of its citizens for production
>Automation technology will push wealth inequality to the extreme
Yeah. Automation will render unskilled people useless which will pave the way to uprisings.
The solution is depopulation and an subservient populace with low intelligence. That's why they are flooding western countries with non-whites and pushing for white genocide.
So when industries become very automated the remaining humans are subservient who just spend life consuming products and obeying the government.