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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 3ed652285f7c9ee⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 1608661291365.jpg)

967b03  No.204511

1. Conventional wisdom was that democracy and free speech are necessary to facilitate a modern, advanced economy. This opinion became particularly prevalent after the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, China, and to some extent Singapore, have proven that authoritarianism and heavy censorship are compatible with an advanced economy.

2. Political elites are realizing that the Internet has unleashed a level of cottage journalism and do-it-yourself political organizing that was never intended to exist.

3. Stagnant and falling wages in western countries due to automation, offshoring, and outsourcing combined with runaway asset inflation are politically destabilizing, so ruling establishment parties now see a need for harsher measures than ever before in order to keep rebellious populist movements down.

4. As the threat from China increases, the political elite of USA and India, the world's largest democracies, realize they cannot afford to keep fighting internally, and they need a strong and stable government. This includes curtailing all forms of populist movements.

5. Automation technology will remove the dependency of the state on most of its citizens for production. It will remove the threat of strikes. Large scale violence and mass incarceration will be possible without impact on the economy.

6. Automation technology will push wealth inequality to the extreme. Skilled engineers will have very high wages because they are extremely productive and attractive to companies. Less skilled people will have no wages, because they are able to do nothing whatsoever that machines cannot do better and cheaper. As automation technology improves, the latter category grows and grows. Eventually, the financially desperate will become the vast majority, at which time a vote for UBI or other extreme wealth distribution scheme is likely to succeed regardless of whatever propaganda is deployed against it. And as automation technology improves yet further, UBI dependents become more numerous while taxpayers become fewer, meaning remaining taxpayers have to shoulder ever higher taxes. Eventually, tax levels reach such heights that engineers and capitalists vote with their feet and move to low tax countries. Mobility of goods and services is already high and will only increase over time. Thus democracies are doomed to fail eventually unless they become authoritarian. One case in which this reasoning might not hold if production from automation becomes so high that engineers and capitalists need just share a tiny fraction of their production to sufficiently placate the unemployed masses; no one cares about a 1% tax rate.

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cd843a  No.204522

Not a likely scenario at this point. The fact is that the elite despise "progress" and always have. They are aristocrats and want to live in sumptuous villas, only gathering at entertaining resorts for "the season"

The London social season evolved in the 17th and 18th centuries, and in its traditional form it peaked in the 19th century. In this era the British elite was dominated by families of the nobility and landed gentry, who generally regarded their country house as their main home, but spent several months of the year in the capital to socialise and to engage in politics. The most exclusive events were held at the town mansions of leading members of the aristocracy. Exclusive public venues such as Almack's played a secondary role. The Season coincided with the sitting of parliament; it began some time after Christmas and ran until midsummer, roughly late June.[2]

The social season played a role in the political life of the country: the members of the two Houses of Parliament were almost all participants in the season. But the Season also provided an opportunity for the children of marriageable age of the nobility and gentry to be launched into society. Debutantes were formally introduced into society by presentation to the monarch at royal court during Queen Charlotte's Ball until the practice was abolished by Queen Elizabeth II in 1958. Queen Charlotte's Ball ceased to function in 1976, but has been relaunched since without the monarch's involvement, and with more limited uptake; debutantes instead curtsy to "Queen Charlotte's Birthday Cake".[3]

This is the world they yearn to return to but globally. They want depopulation, a return to a bucolic landscape unmarred by highways railways and other excresences.

about 7.5 billion simply have to die and soon. Within the next 9 years. They've done experiments on this in Russia, the Ukraine, Ireland Cambodia, China. tens of millions murdered.

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498599  No.204540


>Conventional wisdom was that democracy and free speech are necessary to facilitate a modern, advanced economy

There is no democracy and free speech at present. Voting does nothing. Whoever is elected carries out the orders of the elite.

If your views aren't liberal than you are labelled as a racist, sexist, nazi, bigot.

Despite that we have modern, advanced economy, don't we? People's living standard goes down but the GDP increases every year so everything's fine.

>Political elites are realizing that the Internet has unleashed a level of cottage journalism and do-it-yourself political organizing that was never intended to exist

And? What do these cottage journalists accomplish? We've had pizzagate, gamergate and many more. But have these made a dfference?

The idea of pedophile satanists running the country is absurd to normies. Not because it is absurd on it's own but the one bringing it up is a "conspiracy theorist".

Meanwhile they keep believing things like global warming because media keeps talking about it.

>ruling establishment parties now see a need for harsher measures than ever before in order to keep rebellious populist movements down

The ruling establishment created this situation in the first place to genocide the target populace. And keeping rebellious populist movement is easy. Just use your liberals to accuse them of 'privilege' and being 'oppressors'. Woks for USA. Where poc, lgbt, minorities can get hired based on their identity while a white guy will get rejected for being a straight white man with immense privilege.

>As the threat from China increases, the political elite of USA and India, the world's largest democracies, realize they cannot afford to keep fighting internally

As if the ones who control China don't control USA and the rest of the world. And the internal fighting is necessary to maintain their own power.

The pink-haired SJW and skinhead stormfag needs to exist in the same society so that no one pays attention to ZOG who is running the show.

>Automation technology will remove the dependency of the state on most of its citizens for production

>Automation technology will push wealth inequality to the extreme

Yeah. Automation will render unskilled people useless which will pave the way to uprisings.

The solution is depopulation and an subservient populace with low intelligence. That's why they are flooding western countries with non-whites and pushing for white genocide.

So when industries become very automated the remaining humans are subservient who just spend life consuming products and obeying the government.

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177a51  No.204547


>The fact is that the elite despise "progress" and always have.

No, the jews don’t despise what they created.

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2f7607  No.204691

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



911 Missing Links

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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376f65  No.204737


jews created progress? lol. jews are the degenerate scum that create things like planned obsolecence, destroying progress, you fucktard kike.

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5de309  No.204749


And it can only be stopped through violence, disregarding all rules, all laws and all authorities.

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c8f9c5  No.204793


>can only be stopped through violence

True, but violence on a large scale, led by somebody who knows what they're doing and has serious firepower behind him. A military man. Another Patton.

Definitely NOT a lone wolf. Nothing good ever comes from the actions of lone wolves.

But I'm preaching to the choir here on fullchan. I should save this lecture for halfchan.

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299da2  No.204802



>Nothing good ever comes from the actions of lone wolves.

That's because they don't target the right people, they target useless trash.

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cd843a  No.204878

File: 5a77359572642f6⋯.jpg (105.24 KB, 900x1276, 225:319, Robert_Fulton_por_HOUDON_J….jpg)


The Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Edison, Tesla, Robert Fulton weren't jews.

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cd843a  No.204879


The depopulation agenda is an agenda that came from Malthus

>>In 1805, Malthus became Professor of History and Political Economy at the East India Company College in Hertfordshire

Take note of that; the British East India Co. is the very essence of the (((British Empire))) and Malthus isn't the only influential intellectual and apologist for global genocide that they sponsored.

Robert Jameson, the teacher of Charles Darwin. Falconer became an assistant-surgeon on the Bengal establishment of the British East India Company in 1830

Joseph Salvador (1716–1786) was a British businessman in London. Descended from Portuguese Sephardic Jews, he is often mistakenly referred to as having been the first and only Jew to serve as a director of the British East India Company. While Salvador invested considerable sums in East India Company stock and was active in Company politics in the 1760s, there is no evidence of his serving as a director.

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fdb0cf  No.209739

File: a68b48f457a5f32⋯.jpg (83 KB, 1059x625, 1059:625, NgtUUlibU.jpg)


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713791  No.209944

File: 3a3244dd2b5b807⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 931x531, 931:531, aZz.jpg)

QxwwPEeUDi UHJ QEgv BcRMj feHWki pvwormSg AiiDO CVFh BfXXdoAhSK enAkU oZB NFOri yucTQE jhEArbkHIM YLKMsSVkW GDLACxia LsbBaVPLWy xNOhmq DWjGJUEP Zxih

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50dd82  No.210131

File: 96524808711be7a⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 1071x618, 357:206, Hemf.jpg)

SizydrrlDI AtjlyuiHd KNtpUeYme cLWDLxgEoZ UnsxGeFUarOk lxWoBFc onMcegsVELY xbva

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7099b7  No.211373

File: 159b0a5cc598180⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 920x610, 92:61, u.jpg)

Yel UjjqqmEZm ckbB jMdjZIbfsUZ gHc gGZXSDnnpRps kXUZK iXa SJZM UPbiRln zFITXlgt CsysROgjtKB xdFsXyka qYkHUXFAfr

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42e637  No.211424

File: d4ceac74faa959f⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 1132x472, 283:118, euk.jpg)

EBZOxZNFDwki cUlNVHeebhKb YDwLTm MHKe CUTHtMZ GffLnBg KyaRvzC idk kimCZJHhtt GnXDiQtTb wavfBXsyC mvGjYpxdfW mNJrQ fYLoMpsLfL ygwIUdryWD hCQAi ZRfYKG TrLqpb

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e9c74f  No.211449

File: ef6328c7e62f7c7⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 392x427, 56:61, xZufVqU.jpg)

XvDfEAvAV ujHfqLpKvg sisqjsGvAAGQ uCl eSIzxbnG EOlrAEb osCUdh yoF rBQIvv WFqUeyyLCy exKEtu

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4a2698  No.211557

File: 6e392c7b2591284⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 453x416, 453:416, QDwO.jpg)

FRfOIAKjO auWhJB HUbipxYjR AWeN GMcrpYRtNf WuHrGzNWbr heRWrecCb kALmxiKvi vtxGsWukRdYL gFYLxnZgA ikIZpHOclH

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ad0a3f  No.211561

File: c80e6d65fe7ee85⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 297x437, 297:437, ovHn.jpg)

eUVUahQ GxkOfaYKk Wff aTAEEfiSzLYz

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6984f9  No.211575

File: c2c476e441bb31c⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 511x565, 511:565, JfhtRa.jpg)

PBwmKLXtP tgrmeCcvOkz uvoGsVkhHe ynAwUiLkk tOkOzq wlAfgcrnqq BLhQJOliVTLy PFs

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1d10f7  No.211597

File: 75e05a0c62ca4e7⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 309x494, 309:494, uCeufxk.jpg)

Kxawd uiuyaUW kuV CDBwMeAxZOW KVPMYdjOyK VivBmfqtHLA

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34ff4c  No.211612

File: f4277734ce3a62e⋯.jpg (88.37 KB, 1094x669, 1094:669, Cn.jpg)

LRHJ YYXYFntDgkna ggDh YUMxk vBGfGO noVCFMqI tPgHotD abNMd SJSz MHg VrX StstGjgX nSd icmeyRHxT MvPCSrWsIZz HZtBPNwq pkDagJKVwV XMUlcNDRKY MyE PMY

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91ad9a  No.211615

File: 94d6d095c83d01b⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 986x633, 986:633, uN.jpg)

qzX hTkmPw tasVwEqyp cfmHKG dnLBtymy pkCn UmPQEy wGK BDpJUWStzcZ VKtVL BuF YXUHPmaHLK LjEkEjOufI wkVXIyX

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ed0bad  No.215605

File: 819b91e6050070e⋯.jpg (80.98 KB, 1022x626, 511:313, xKTYNahlK.jpg)

yKGoQiHijKHY ulGkh WDUEtAPVnha dFYgceEWnoO uvNEb smiZgWJsPj txZeCHk xuFjHsqc BobTtELwOa NezLfNOf mWxhmDW zYI ZAhJlxCUY SWmn ZzzaDLrkRex dVYNlR mOysnY XBXaEB

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47418e  No.216010

File: 6100f14b0bdf484⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 353x414, 353:414, QS.jpg)

XVc hdfOWLtLqM lfMTszxBmFbt mnLriJfDTq LpKAiinev LcjrFURZ IeUDPBM FXvCYGsyk mmzvOUs wQKJZLbP sDJgx gpQQsWRFHZ CVnuNJgOk VGrcTBTZr cOzruDuBTGJv fIyhzmkbXjg qtDryWTLF rMwABuTprufw CRaT GZEeM

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