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File: 5c4f2e3afeb27df⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, pol.jpg)

78fd8e  No.204094[Last 50 Posts]

>But I can buy silver online for $1/oz cheaper

First, stop being a money grubbing jew and support your local businesses. Second, that is not always true. These rounds were $28.50 a piece.

>But won't I need to do X before I can buy it?

No, you don't. It's as simple as walking in, looking at the counter, telling them what you want, paying cash, and walking out.

>But gunz, ammo and charmin rolls will be better during the end of the world.

If you don't already have your preps and a big pile of ammunition, what in the fuck are you doing with your life?

>LEL you only have 10 rounds

Fuck off, I'm not showing you faggots the rest of my stack.

>But I don't want boomer rocks. I want digital monopoly money.

Then go the fuck back to plebbit zoomer

We can do this boys! Lets crash this fucker!

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0fc14c  No.204098


I buy both bullion and SLV through a broker. It's a solid investment.

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6cf3f6  No.204099

File: 5a5835c2eecd4a5⋯.png (223.2 KB, 493x222, 493:222, i_see_you_rabbi.PNG)



What board do you think you're on?

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78fd8e  No.204100


I tried pol first to get a bigger audience but my IP range is blocked. They have to make room for all of the BBC posters.

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6cf3f6  No.204102


Does your camera only hold one photo? Are you a fucking leaf on a Rogers Communications Data Plus(tm) plan where each additional Kb of overage costs you $5.99 + tax + racial justice fee + tip? Or did you simply lift this photo that some Silver Brad posted over there?

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78fd8e  No.204104


No I have a gigabit connection in the states. I am just too fucking lazy to rewrite the post it note.

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0fc14c  No.204105


You ever do junk silver? I've been thinking about putting together a melting setup.

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78fd8e  No.204109


No I usually go for generics. But junk silver is a good option. You dont even need to melt it

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0fc14c  No.204110


That's cool. I'm just lookin' to expand my portfolio with a little more diversity. I generally buy US mint silver coin, but junk silver has started interesting me lately.

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e7e6e5  No.204116

Coins are always much more expensive over price of silver aren't they?

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0fc14c  No.204118


Depends on where you buy. If you're buying physical silver, you need to shop around.

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78fd8e  No.204122


all forms of silver that you purchase will have a premium over spot. That premium is what allows the coin dealer to keep their lights on

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31c88e  No.204673

File: dd3bfd0dd06f211⋯.png (300.93 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_20210130_201424.png)

Apmex has exactly one 1,000 oz bar!

The premiums for Eagles are rising tonight, very unusual for price changes over the weekend.

It's happening

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31c88e  No.204676


And it's fucking gone!

Do not wait lads, it's over.

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b097ca  No.204686

No get $PSLV instead.


This way the SLV purchase creates a groundswell into silver immediately that then rockets through a gamma squeeze as SLV approaches $35.

Price target of $75 for SLV by end of April if the short squeeze happens.

Edit: for the part of your purchases going into shares, some people recommend PSLV because they think SLV might start lying about having the silver in their vault. Or that the custodian will be double counting, ie claiming that the same silver belongs to multiple people (banking on the fact that people wont all try to get their silver at once). So if you buy SLV shares and calls, that's great. But I think it could be prudent for us to buy options in SLV (no options on PSLV) and shares in PSLV. It all depends on how paranoid you want to be. There is a lot of paranoia in the precious metals world.

Alternate options:

buying physical silver; this also works but you pay a premium to buy and sell so its less efficient and you take fewer silver ounces off of the market because of the premium you pay

going long futures for February or March; if you are a rich bastard and can actually take physical delivery of 1000s of ounces of silver by all means do so. But if you simply settle for cash you are actually part of the problem. We need actual physical delivery, which is what SLV demands and is why SLV is the way to go unless you are going to take delivery

miners; I don’t recommend buying miners as part of this trade. Miners will absolutely go up if SLV goes up, but buying them doesn't create the squeeze in the actual silver market. Furthermore, most silver miners only derive 30-50% of their revenue from silver anyways, so eventually SLV will outperform them as it gets high enough (and each marginal SLV dollar only increases miner profits by a smaller and smaller percentage)

Details on SLV physical settlement:

When SLV issues shares, the custodian is forced to true up their vaults with the proportional amount of silver daily. From the SLV prospectus:

"An investment in Shares is: Backed by silver held by the Custodian on behalf of the Trust. The Shares are backed by the assets of the Trust. The Trustee’s arrangements with the Custodian contemplate that at the end of each business day there can be in the Trust account maintained by the Custodian no more than 1,100 ounces of silver in an unallocated form. The bulk of the Trust’s silver holdings is represented by physical silver, identified on the Custodian’s or, if applicable, sub-custodian's, books in allocated and unallocated accounts on behalf of the Trust and is held by the Custodian in London, New York and other locations that may be authorized in the future."

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186328  No.204746

File: 9f39c2f2df05225⋯.jpg (123.63 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1611939514640.jpg)

File: 3aaf13dc7b27f51⋯.png (916.58 KB, 1625x855, 325:171, 1611895856283.png)

File: 5e0d53cefcca1cc⋯.png (282.78 KB, 390x427, 390:427, 1611976955089.png)

Most people in the world don't even know what a FIAT monetary system is, yet every country on Earth right now is using FIAT as a currency.

Gold and silver are money, FIAT is currency.

We are heading towards hyper inflation, like Weimar, like Zimbabwe, and it will be brutal.

In the past 10 months the U.S. has printed more paper currency than in the entire history of our nation since 1776.

35% of all paper currency printed by the Federal Reserve has been printed in the last 10 months.

Bidens bailout will cost 3 trillion just for the $1400 checks coming in March. They are too the point where they cannot print money fast enough.

Gold and silver have been the standard for our planet for 5,000 years. Discovered independently all over the world by different civilizations and valued, from the South American's, to the Asians. Only the Africans are the only nation to never value it. The Arabs, Persians and Egyptians would travel south across the desert to the Africans and trade them salt for gold, often times more gold than salt was traded. The Africans could not comprehend it's value. As many people today do not understand paper FIAT currency is worthless. Bitcoin and crypto is just digital FIAT conversion.

No FIAT currency in human history has succeeded. All have failed.

In 1970 Nixon took us off the gold standard, after France discovered that we were printing more paper than we had gold and silver in our vaults backing up. They immediately demanded full delivery of all of their gold and silver to be returned to their own vaults. Many other nations followed and soon we had 1/2 of our gold and silver removed from our nation. Nixon immediately ended the Breton Woods agreement and took us off the gold standard.

We were being bankrupt with the war in Vietnam and the space race, combined with massive spending plans.

So they just started printing more and more and more. And now we are in the endgame.

Moronic leaders with an obsession to spend money they do not have on wars that waste.

A 1964 Kennedy half dollar is worth $10 in silver right now.

A 1964 paper dollar won't even buy you a bottle of water out of a machine right now.

Inflation, mass printing, FIAT, unchecked government spending, all are pushing us to this.

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528f80  No.204765


>They are too the point where they cannot print money fast enough.

Do you think it might be possible for normalfags to start becoming concerned if the Treasury announces a new $500 bill?

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186328  No.204772

File: 385f74c285e1775⋯.jpg (593.41 KB, 864x1984, 27:62, 1611871208963.jpg)

File: e86adbaa2391684⋯.jpg (102.78 KB, 638x479, 638:479, get_hyped.jpg)

File: 1126d4e2c433623⋯.jpg (339.98 KB, 1018x828, 509:414, 1611972557444.jpg)

April 5th, 1933. Roosevelt passed executive order 6102 making it illegal for Americans to own gold coins and gold bars.

I watched a video interviewing an older man about it, and why didn't they just hide their gold or stash it instead of selling it to the government for a low amount?

Well back then, the (((press))) controlled every headline. No one questioned the media, no one argued with what they said, no one questioned the police, or the government. They had massive campaigns accusing you of being unamerican if you didn't turn your gold in, unpatriotic.

Reminds me of the invasion of Iraq because Saddam announced he was going to sell oil and not use dollars. Yellow ribbons up everywhere, the Dixy chicks country group were labeled commies because they didn't support the invasion. And the entire time the hijackers were all Saudis and the Saudis funded it. Npot allowed to even mention tower number 7 that was so fucking obviously demod, cant see any footage of the Pentagon hit, they confiscated over 1,000 video camera recordings. What a fucking scam. What a waste of trillions of dollars, debt that will be passed on to Americans children for generations. Debt slaves for that shithole. Believe me I did two tours over there. Whatever once was of the Ancient Sumerian Aryan peoples is long gone and replaced with some hybrid mix unworthy of our treasure or our blood.

Now no one trusts the media, the police, the government. No one would turn in their gold/silver to the (((Federal Reserve))). Everyone would tell them to fuck off. I have never seen the media be more of a clown show than now. I have never seen elected officials more of a fucking joke than now. Our election was something out of a third world African banana republic.

They can barely keep the nigg barbarians from sacking cities over a Fentanyl dealer who served 6 years in prison for pointing a loaded gun at a pregnant woman's unborn child to rob her. They think they will control them once hyper inflation hits? Try to corral them into the super dome and watch how quick the racial cohesion breaks down like a prison and your skin is your team.

Stack gold/silver deep yall. We are headed towards hyper inflation.

Do not consider gold and silver to be some get rich quick scheme.

It IS wealth.

Gold and silver are money, paper FIAT is not.

Modern coins are not, they are made with cheap shit pot metal. A newly minted $0.25 quarter is minted with less than $0.25 worth of scrap junk pot metal.

They don't even make pennies with copper anymore.

Gold and silver are generational wealth that the (((bankers))) and the Fed have stolen from your blood and replaced with worthless monopoly dollars.

Take back your birth right, and prepare to defend it. The fucking stock market is being exposed as a rigged Vegas casino. Consumer confidence is evaporating, with the rapidity of social media to shoot it across the world in minutes.

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186328  No.204778

File: 1120e9104d82378⋯.png (877.04 KB, 821x503, 821:503, Frogs.PNG)

File: 35f9eba544a3987⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Voltron.jpg)

File: 2f8202b778d49f0⋯.png (531.43 KB, 612x537, 204:179, mm.PNG)


They will just dump 25 $20 bills instead. They are smart enough not to print $500 bills, but the average person wont care, not understand. They will get their Biden bucks, wear their mask, and go out to Bestbuy to grab the new iPhone 13 pink diamond edition on credit with a down payment so they can post pictures of their buttholes on OnlyFans and get likes, subscribers, followers.

Niggs will use the phones to post pictures of the huge stacks of hyperinfaltion $20's on their shoulders smiling with a fake diamond grill that Mr. Sameulstein sold them at the cutting diamonds store down the street.

Maybe we deserve it. Maybe we are a trash can of a society and it deserves to collapse under our greed, our lust for power, maddeningly impatient desire for attention, recognition and approval.

But those smart enough to see the gigantic hole in the side of the boat might considering quietly making your way to the lifeboat and cutting loose before the mad rush begins.

GOLD is for the mistress - silver for the maid" -

Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade! "

" Good! " said the Baron, sitting in his hall,

But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all."

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a61436  No.204824


I won't mobilize for anything before women are striped of their rights.

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186328  No.204825

File: ff341c2b1b3f9cf⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1578x1834, 789:917, 1612065833440.png)

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186328  No.204913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the French President Charles De Gaulle announcing to the world that the (((Federal Reserve))) in the U.S. was just caught printing more paper money than they had gold/silver in the vaults to back the money up with in the late 1960's. Shortly after he demanded all Frances gold and silver to be transported back to France and returned to them.

Germany just finally got all of their gold back in 2017.


There is more information to the FIAT petrol dollar than you know.

Our dollar is protected and worth the value of 15 nuclear powered aircraft carrier fleets, each carrying 75 combat aircraft, 5,000 crew members, and 10 additional ships such as mine sweepers, torpedo ships, logistics, fuels, subs, anti air boats, destroyers.

The invention of the hypersonic missile has pretty much turned them into gigantic tin can flotillas. We have no counter measure against hyper sonic missiles. I cannot find the video or the .gif, but /k/ had one showing a test hypersonic missile obliterating a dummy carrier. Not punching a hole into it, but separating it into fucking pieces. Not a huge explosion, or a fire, but it just got vaporized into fragments. Like a sand castle being kicked by a soccer player. I wonder what it could do against a building such as a skyscraper.

We have no ability to counter measure that threat.

Carriers are dead, and since our petrol FIAT dollar is only worth multiple carrier forces exerting our demand to trade oil in dollars, the hypersonic missile technology is going to be sold to smaller nations shortly. It doesn't require vast levels of technology to develop. Far easier than a nuclear weapons program, satellite programs, bio weapons programs, submarine programs, they can even be short and very short range applications.

We can no longer maintain global dominance by carrier forces. We do still control a vast nuclear arsenal, but without the ability to use it, it is all posturing, threats, MAD.

The question now is who will blink first. Which nation will be the first to develop a gold/silver standard monetary system and get off the FIAT currency.


Who will be the first nation to call up a new Breton Woods and make the global announcement of abandoning the U.S. paper FIAT dollar as the worlds reserve currency.

My guess, China.


The Chinese government is buying up vast amounts of gold and silver. BUT they are still far behind many smaller nations in terms of total holdings.

In fact they are not even in the top 5 on the list…….YET


U.S., Italy, Germany, France and Russia (in that order) are the top holders of Gold in the world. But China is catching up fast, VERY fucking fast.

They could align with another nation such as Russia to agree to a gold/silver standerd together.

As of 2021 Russia has dumped enough U.S. debt and currency to hold more gold than U.S. dollarydoos.

Its going to happen, FIAT ALWAYS COLLAPSES. Every time through all of human history, IT HAS ALWAYS COLLAPSED!

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186328  No.204915

File: acc5764ad79dd08⋯.jpg (71.76 KB, 850x400, 17:8, shalom_FIAT_goy.jpg)

File: ad33184df3141ff⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Merchant_Reserve.jpg)

File: 156dfa365556254⋯.png (79.78 KB, 1097x532, 1097:532, ching_chongs.PNG)

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528f80  No.204919


>They will just dump 25 $20 bills instead

>They will get their Biden bucks, wear their mask, and go out to Bestbuy to grab the new iPhone 13 pink diamond edition

But how will they do that if it takes a wheelbarrow full of $20s to do so? That's the point; eventually they HAVE to start making higher denominations.

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186328  No.204922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Their digital FIAT bank account will show they have $10,000.00 in it instead o $5,000.00 and they will be so happy! Post that shit up on twtter fam! 100 100 FIRE 100 100 Thanks Uncle Joe! Then the next week their digital CHASE FIAT account that they check their balance on their cell phone will have $20,000.00! HOLY SHIT THEY ARE RICH!

The next week they will be tweeting pictures of the $80,000.00 they have in their bank accounts.

Who the fuck needs a wheelbarrow? None of the zoomers or millennials use cash. Its mostly digital. They wont notice, even as prices of goods sky rocket in response.

Swipe, swipe, swipe…..

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186328  No.204933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is Zimbabwe after hyper inflation. A warlord ravaged Madmax hellscape worse than S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but life goes on, people have to eat, and people are trading in the only natural value of currency existing. Gold. They aree only trading food, medical supplies, everything in gold.

Do you want to be the guy with the gold, silver and the gun, or the unarmed cuck standing in the mud digging with a shovel to earn enough to buy bread. The rube who trusted the government, the Fed, who never believed it could happen here.

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3c2430  No.204934

File: 07d9dde53ea3c03⋯.jpeg (199.08 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, hi_pnd.jpeg)


Get some better treasure

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186328  No.205024

File: b8c7d9130016a89⋯.png (883.47 KB, 1254x561, 38:17, Husbandmen_means_farmer.PNG)

Everything occurring in global currency markets right now has happened before, many times throughout history. Ancient Rome is a prime example. The levels of degeneracy and debauchery were so grand that they made the plant that they used as a form of birth control go extinct.

They gave the people bread and circuses of arena gladiatorial games which were essentially welfare that provided free food, oil, wine and nigger football to distract them from their gold and silver coins being replaced with junk scrap metal after they squandered the peoples treasury on war after war after war.

The soldiers eventually stop defending the clown show and turn their backs upon it, and no one is left to guard against the barbarian hordes watching from the shadows, waiting their time to loot and sack the cities.

Rome was eventually sacked by one of the weaker lesser developed, lesser advanced clans of tribal Germanic's. And today we see the Germanic's willingly pushing the Trojan horse packed full of sharia fighting age male "refugees" right into the middle of the city, after the gate keys were entrusted to roasties.

And soon what the Germanic's did to the Romans, will occur to the Germanic's.

Perhaps this system will only end once the Islamic strong conservative rule does sack Germany and setup a system where prostitution on OnlyFans is outlawed, where debasing currency into scrap is punishable by death, where money lending for profit is outlawed. Where the men make the decisions outside of the house hold, where women value human life and stop murdering their own unborn children.

I do not see any western religions standing up to such horrific degeneracy, I see the Pope licking muzzies feet. Just waiting for the Vatican to wave a tranny flag and start blessing crucifix shaped dilation sticks with holy water.

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186328  No.205058

File: d8d9178277ef0f3⋯.png (602.6 KB, 1200x654, 200:109, purchasing_power.PNG)

File: 6f31bf431e392ec⋯.png (474.74 KB, 716x675, 716:675, 1611825877089.png)

File: 1daa5c48157eb61⋯.jpg (489.99 KB, 1219x2047, 53:89, 1611950274343.jpg)

So onto the subject of Silver stock trading. This is a yiddish scam. These companies tell you they will hold your gold/silver in a vault, and in exchange you get a piece of paper. You cannot inspect the precious metals, cannot verify it's there, cannot take possession of it. The SEC refuses to audit and verify the quantity of metals held, in fact they refuse to audit their own gold/silver holdings inside U.S. government vaults.

So what happens? These companies sell hundreds of pieces of paper to goys for a single piece of silver.

What does this do? Push the prices of gold and silver down to incredibly low levels in comparison to how high it should be in relation to the quantities of dollars printed.

Why would they do this?

Speculation is that they are acting as a brokerage clearing house to purchase the metals for the U.S. government, because the government is not allowed to buy the metals on the open market.

Keep the prices low, buy up the supply, convince people the material is worthless, sell them scraps of paper for which they can never redeem nor verify.

If you want to buy stock in precious metals, buy stock in mining companies.

OR just buy actual physical metals yourself and keep them at your domicile.

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77dfb0  No.205072

File: 15396011f3a720c⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, image0.jpg)

i've been doing that for a couple years now, most of my visits have been more numismatics and stamps, however recently i've been buying more junk and a tad bit of bullion.

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9ddb8e  No.205077


Those are really cool man

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186328  No.205078

File: d338a65ff3c16bb⋯.png (960.55 KB, 1502x949, 1502:949, Chinamayer.PNG)

File: e332d6a60e451f5⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 760x443, 760:443, greta_thunberg_sticker.jpg)


10th largest silver mine on the planet. Also a massive amount of Zinc (which is needed for Elon Musks AOC Green New Deal Greta autism girls space batteries).

Oh, also the third largest Lead mine in the world, which is necessary for ammunition because the American consumer has gobbled up the entire worlds supply to prepare to shoot one another over a rigged and stolen election system and a rigged economy, rigged stock market.

Also this gives China direct access to the Indian ocean. China just made a massive move on the board, on a late Sunday night while Biden is sleeping due to his senility.

Bishop to King.


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77dfb0  No.205081


different fag, i think i've got some nazi zinc stuff in my collection. no silver though.

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9f4cce  No.205089


That's because THEIR customers don't usually buy those. There are however, plenty of the 1000oz bars out there. It's the coins and small bars that are ALL GONE. So! we're going to wreck the juden when we buy 200-300TONS via SLV and or PSLV. I think some super wealthy types are going to buy futures and stand for delivery which will be golden. CME warehouses don't have shit so when they cash settle, it's over for Shlomo.

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9f4cce  No.205090


Oh, oh !!! soooo beautiful.

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186328  No.205119

File: 7e106f5aa0c4240⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1oz_PAMP_gold_bars.jpg)

File: 3e05b81efeffbc7⋯.jpg (148.83 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, 342637_1.jpg)

File: b561860610e542a⋯.jpg (143.28 KB, 900x540, 5:3, Prospectors_Gold_Gems_1_Ou….jpg)

File: 4c94fcbe84e31c0⋯.jpg (553.08 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, s_l1000.jpg)

Reminder, while silver is severely undervalued, gold is also undervalued, and the price will rise as a result of silver rising. Once there is no more silver to buy, what will be next?

Shalom goys! Shalom!

You must think 5 dradle spins ahead of the merchant.

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d3eae3  No.205121


>What board do you think you're on?

This IS /pol/, faggot. Just because Jim is terrified of the glownogs doesn't make this any less /pol/.

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0cd078  No.205281

Can't buy any junk silver quarters from any of the big banks anymore. Don't want to go online to buy (((priemuim pricing))) for junk silver so I am buying junk silver from ebay. Hopefully those coins are legit.

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186328  No.205298

File: 6b14955bb55f857⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 8000x5583, 8000:5583, 1612138169264.jpg)

In his Essay on Duties, Marcus Tullius Cicero tells a story about Cato the Elder, a wealthy man renowned as a landowner, who lived a century before Cicero.

One day Cato was asked, what is the most profitable aspect of property ownership?

Cato answered, “Raising livestock with great success.”

He was then asked about the second most profitable aspect of ownership. “Raising livestock with some success,” he answered.

And what about the third most profitable aspect? “Raising livestock with little success.”

And the fourth? “Raising crops.”

Then his questioner asked, “What about money-lending?” Cato replied, “What about murder?”

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fd94be  No.205303

>muh precise metals

While it is a good idea to diversify your portfolio, you also have to remember (((who))) has the most gold/silver. No ones how much precious metals there are in the world, they can change the price at a whim,

A better investment would be body armor and other shit that will be outlawed in a year

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186328  No.205311

File: 732f7d72b05f5b8⋯.png (1.48 MB, 717x956, 3:4, Stop_buying_gold_and_silve….PNG)


Gold and silver are not an "investment".

Gold and silver ARE MONEY.

Paper fiat currency is NOT MONEY.

It is credit. And you cant even exchange paper fiat for money anymore.

Bitcoin is NOT MONEY. It is a way to trade FIAT around the world with digital FIAT.

The value of gold and silver is only low because they are going into hyper inflation mass printing as much money as they possibly can.

Once the fiat paper system separates from precious metals, then you will see.

What the fuck is the malfunction with comprehending this?

A Jew working at the Federal Reserve hits the print button on the money printer printing out 6 trillion pieces of paper saying "This if money goyim".


Two supernovas occur, and the left over Neutron stars become entwined in a binary neutron star system that eventually collides into one another creating heavy elements in a Kilonova event.

Those elements are then mixed into the other elements that form a population 3 star, and planets are formed during the stars creation. The Earth then has an impact with a moon like celestial body which turns the planet molten, causing the gold and silver to liquefy and push up through the earths crust like a Volcano, mixing in with other chemicals that form reactions and grow to create crystals like quartz. Eventually billions of years of erosion and tectonic movement expose the gold to the elements where it disperses into rivers from the gold and silver veins.

Then some hard working mother fucking entrepreneur digs it out of the ground using his Aryan ancestors blood, sweat and toil. Pans for it, digs for it, unleashes the great Aryan ancestor gods war cry into it.

Imagine allowing the Jews to convince you a colored piece of paper is the equivalent of Aryan star elements.

And if you don't already own guns and ammo then it is too late. Your NGMI.

We are fucking sold out of ammo in the U.S. damn near everywhere, and when it is in stock prices are skyrocketing.

You should have stacked long ago goy.

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5d6d95  No.205314

File: 67631fba4775ae7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gj.jpg)



I always shook my head when people said this board is compromised. Now I know it's true.

All those hedge funds who are losing their ass on shorts are all long on silver. You're helping them cover themselves lol.

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186328  No.205317

File: c9af1221e181e2d⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 1000x443, 1000:443, silver_certificate.jpg)

The government prints out paper, mints precious metals money coins.

The piece of paper was a RECEIPT.

It was a claim check.

You took the piece of paper currency to the bank, turned it in, and in exchange for the paper they give you MONEY (silver/gold).

Here is what our currency used to say on it until 1971 when the scumbag Nixon took us off the gold standard (temporarily lol)


One Dollar payable to the bearer in silver

There is the picture of it.

You took the paper currency (receipt) and exchanged it at the bank for money.

NOW Mr. Steinburgowitz of the Federal reserve hits the print paper button on the Xerox machine.

That paper is no longer backed by gold silver.

That paper is no longer a receipt.

That paper is no longer a claim check.

It is just a fucking piece of paper.

You can't exchange it for silver or gold with the bank.

The paper no longer says SILVER CERTIFICATE on it.

It no longer says the bearer can exchange it for silver.

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84f952  No.205368

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84f952  No.205371


The only person I've helped buying silver is my local coin dealer whom I know personally. He is an old anglo fuck, not a kike. And he uses his profits to develop his own stack.

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1b608d  No.205493

Big brains are anon.

They are doing their best to kill the economy. Any business left standing will die when they do shutdown #3. Many have not paid rent in a year - some areas have made it illegal to evict. So, many landlords and normal folk have not paid mortgages in a year.

Govs have responded by literally printing money backed by nothing and dumping it into the economy. All currencies are related to each other, so if everyone prints about the same, they all stay relatively balanced, but the value of anything denominated in $$$ falls. So, your area may be in trouble but housing is ripping.

Gold and Silver are what carries you from one monetary system to the next. They have told you to get ready for the great reset. Build back better and all that good stuff. You have heard UBI?

How do we get to the great reset? How do they get everyone on board? Well any other communist transfer involves starving everyone.

Imagine if all your money went tonight. What do you have to buy something you need? Food? Ammo? Booze?

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186328  No.205557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We all saw what millions of negros did to the nations cities when a fentanyle dealer got bodied. What do you think the niggs will do when their food stamps get cut off, or the EBT cards stop working, or the welfare checks stop coming.

These niggers are going to eat the unarmed noguns democrats in the cities for a Quanza celebratory snack. The Jewish media will desperately try and point them towards conservatives, but conservative strongholds are in the woods, with guns, lots of fucking guns.

Niggs hate the woods.

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fbda57  No.205721


> Coins are always much more expensive over price of silver aren't they?

Only if you call it a "coin." If you call it a "round" then you don't pay the coin premium.

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186328  No.205754

File: 68b876ebbbac9b1⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1646x1070, 823:535, 1604200523438.png)


>Somethings "worth" is only determined by comparing it to a Jewish FIAT Federal Reserve paper shekel note and having Jewish market manipulation with Jewish regulators

Jews get out now

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cb1d81  No.205769


>I am a paid jewish shill

Commit suicide.

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ada4f3  No.205865

File: 3fbcdf919bb8241⋯.png (176 KB, 983x646, 983:646, 2021_01_29_Inflation_is_HE….png)

Ah pay my mah niggahs in cheezebuhguhs

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120db1  No.206060

File: 575ab09ef2e77a4⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 602x451, 602:451, BEEF.JPG)

So I got curious and tried looking at what a half ounce of silver would buy you if it reflected its real value. I used food prices from the US from 1915 and silver value of 1 ounce also from around 1915. early 1900's was the time before the FED so I assume the values of goods and precious metals were closest to real value. So If I did my math right one half ounce of silver was around $6.50 which would buy you about 53 pounds of beef (Pic for representation) or 228 fresh eggs. Kind of insane to think about, that bit of silver you stack might save you from starving to death when the dollar crumbles.

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25585c  No.206115


damn, where did you find them?

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2726b6  No.211707

File: f5851b4afa0dd47⋯.jpg (52.43 KB, 463x556, 463:556, nemYWg.jpg)

wbrbOyzqYBFG uhSLO HxIQwSGVt cveSNOJjKFM BrFFiW ThjoOMyeLB hkyhbVZgYRR OYcLfaEEmg hQY xyPmFUMMtNCd OPcWx yxYDmPXWDx blEUXhxVHS xIRwdWSB kaK Szpvx JPy

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