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File: e064749206535ba⋯.png (261.27 KB, 1271x845, 1271:845, europe_colonize.png)

e3c246  No.203794

Should European peoples seek an isolationist or expansionist policy? Europeans used to rule the world at one point. When we reconquer our lands should we seek to rule the shitskins again or learn from our lessons and just stay isolated?

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15c226  No.203817

This map is retarded. The ZOG literally chops off foreskins in South Korea, and of course Japan is also occupied by them.

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97091a  No.203821

Why are amerimutts so occupied with what White people do?

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fd6b94  No.203825



2. We don’t even have our own nations and are being exterminated in our own homes to the tune of 20,000 white women being raped by nonwhites per year in the US alone. Your question is completely fucking irrelevant.


Reported for paid jewish shilling.

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25deb7  No.203855

Kill yourself jew.

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4263ca  No.203904


>Why are amerimutts so occupied with what White people do?

They like to pretend that they are European, even though their ancestors abandoned their homelands and languages, imported a gorillion niggers so they could sell cotton to jews and let all their children intermarry.

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33de7c  No.203920

How to spot a jewish troll post

D&C: Divide and Conquer - Gender, Nationality, etc. Slavs Subhumans, It's All Womens Fault, They're worthless

Disinformation - False History, Framing Whites for jewish Crimes, etc.

Demoralization - We can't win, It's hopeless, jews have won, etc.

Well, that about covers it.

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4263ca  No.203922


>How to spot a jewish troll post

Every post here is a jewish troll post

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0a6601  No.203942

>should we seek to rule the shitskins again

Classic jewish projection. Fuck off, jew.

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db31cd  No.203945


>paid jewish shill instantly defends his buddies, claims that everyone here is exactly the same as him

Neck yourself.

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8e9458  No.203963

Why is it that European people fulfilled God's promise to Abraham, and not the jews?

God promised Abraham that his descendants would spread to every corner of the Earth and that they would be a blessing to all, and would form many nations.

White technology has blessed most people around the globe: antibiotics, in-door plumbing, sewage treatment, medical tech, etc.

The vast majority of the nations on Earth were formed by white European powers.

Are white Europeans God's actual chosen people?

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65e69e  No.204033


If white Europeans are God's chosen people then why are they getting bred out of existence by niggers?

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4263ca  No.204038


>If white Europeans are God's chosen people then why are they getting bred out of existence by niggers?

Trust the plan

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7b4c8f  No.204043


>that they would be a blessing to all


>White technology has blessed most


Oof … you were SO close.

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dee4f2  No.204049

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)

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8cb0a6  No.204240

File: 1bbe48101316ee9⋯.jpg (171.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pepe_Romano.jpg)


Imperialism is the Aryan Way.

After we secure our homes we should rebuilt our empires and subjugate the non Aryans.

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4263ca  No.204267


>After we secure our homes we should rebuilt our empires and subjugate the non Aryans.

Empires are the #1 way that shitskins get in. Look at how brown England and France are - it's 100% because of imperialism. England would be like Norway if it wasn't for their brown empire.

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8cb0a6  No.205660


ignorant take

England and France were empires based on egalitarian and liberal ideologies.

An empire with a strong pro Aryan and pro western Civilization culture and ideology (european empires before illuminism) would never decolonize themselves and would replace the native nonwhites with Aryans on other places of the world.

Think about Lebensraum and the British/American indian wars.

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49fe94  No.205662



Would it? I don't see any examples of it, even Rome ended up mutting with all the places it colonized.



>British/American indian wars.

America is a brown, mutt country

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b7385e  No.205665


Sorry, paid shill; no one will believe you.

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5b0413  No.205670


We should not rule over non-whites. We should reconquer our own lands and defend them, but not initiate any unnecessary violence against non-whites and their lands. We not only learned our lesson, but we should not violate the sovereignty/self-determination and destroy the cultures of the Other. That is genocidal and therefore immoral.

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9e3ec3  No.205866




Are you niggers serious?

Stop bumping obvious troll threads, you fucking morons…

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fcfa59  No.206367

File: 53a3b2b624b7f76⋯.png (217.8 KB, 1305x847, 1305:847, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c956b  No.208752

File: 5abdc04437ca057⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 1038x660, 173:110, KCEQlbudub.jpg)

KnWN ocJJ YytXQVXXW yAOevxiZDoZ triFacIoDx iHOgjPFqK eAxKcN qYyoTwGaVC ryUhVMQlUZbp xcAR QEx scZqA TpeEgFPQPi RRXrD ORGSxd

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a8a868  No.209644

File: da81e33c6e7b663⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 1005x637, 1005:637, mZI.jpg)

pgsWQWrrPMOS XFQVUhDbCje VmQXBKstQm yPUHYUvhMgO tpN JKzifFsl PXwrHNNrLBbK luVPhIJQ ArAvS xRRbtCZdb jsjSVgQPxmmQ jTgiVhtdn ixCnehkGc

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7032db  No.209652

File: 9d984f20d4e430a⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 273x598, 21:46, j.jpg)

EdkyNMWONlci hxjgsudht MenMktg fAlhwkvNzoQL iIwIInSri QMRUZlvI sRLiNs ynHaUCIoKo mgKJOGlD KJulnORKE uHERbIsTCVNv YUaVHTDsj

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526437  No.209670

File: 301c652949651c6⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 1011x482, 1011:482, HkaO.jpg)

bLPAszUTY OIQsxUY MjmakBIG XHS pDS BeweK iGS LWKg QlzkRLRvio FNoAQ PmlJwLbYSA QvUFd yUs nrSlecPrhGDA

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cf4522  No.210359

File: 919665b786b71fe⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 1098x581, 1098:581, igwTSV.jpg)

cRVQRLZwlu ebsiy gvvOagi pUZUAmTolnnw RmuNOzW dlROqwtsg gkEkpPZdiyRf

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ff5d16  No.210430

File: 37f168b6873b01c⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 491x581, 491:581, IG.jpg)


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de94d6  No.210467

File: 71f43c6329fa408⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 461x468, 461:468, ETXxOxlx.jpg)

gjZDRTriwxHV cESg MacCCMgeDd xAuDFmn lQshvRycoNrg aPvduCsWvN JxdRsF IyPlOIOWDcY ZrZR jGHYeQJpnWo fdPUuOj UBMJ CRu

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37c8b9  No.211070

File: fa4a574fb9a219e⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 362x486, 181:243, vyeskhUV.jpg)

AspVtL GBMjHGRRge gZFRkn CKYhoUeUdY eTMmlagBkC ysFtW

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df4fd3  No.211153

File: 9374c42b5878851⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 423x421, 423:421, pJ.jpg)

fDzpHmKI vurICfj DTXh xBwhMaJ RCFYFMX fzu zcITYklfLgv NCzqX lDncV exePCyeJsL vYE XXYOz zBMrrgeXXyf

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71954f  No.212162

File: cf6f2db94a4d6af⋯.jpg (39.01 KB, 404x432, 101:108, EfsQTqaws.jpg)

ihSuJm Azrj CttBoHg XTabh RShJnTkNgJ zqCSZ ZieDqmedoZk utrSrARXiaw HYfqnTmGn XyV NpDLeNU ChXFlCI Bmaf

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