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File: 45fe9568728f8c8⋯.jpg (827.9 KB, 1625x2264, 1625:2264, William_Shockley_Stanford_….jpg)

File: d126a2e37febbc1⋯.jpg (140.82 KB, 1000x896, 125:112, bell_labs_first_transistor.jpg)

File: 344c6aec1c9a63f⋯.jpg (21.69 KB, 354x475, 354:475, Transistorer_cropped_.jpg)

afe045  No.203567

Starting with William Shockley.

>co-invented the Point Contact Transistor, which was the world's first transistor, and later invented the Bipolar Junction Transistor

>Without his achievements there would be no computers that don't use vacuum tubes, cell phones, internet or flat-screen TVs, making it one of the biggest breakthroughs of the 20th century

>was a eugenicists and racialist; coined the term "dysgenics"

>brought pride and glory to his race

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c8c7a0  No.203573

It's sad how USA went from being a center of innovation, eugenics and creativity to dysgenic world power whose sole purpose is spreading poz around the world on behalf of the Jews.

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6acbc2  No.203587

File: 50edf6790c553f7⋯.jpeg (204.78 KB, 1303x1012, 1303:1012, download.jpeg)


S.S. Saint Louis. Where it all went wrong.

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6acbc2  No.203588


*one of six million examples

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