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ec1f2d  No.203129

Just so you know, the elites hate you lowers worse than you hate niggers. It's not just jews, they just literally can't comprehend your problems.

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7a0564  No.203132

>it's not just jews

which elites arent jews?

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ec1f2d  No.203243


Plenty of WASPs. The Anglo is a near jew.

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7a0564  No.203246


Name an elite who is not a Jew.

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ec1f2d  No.203275


The Bush clan, the Clinton clan, the Carnegie, the Rockefellers.

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7a0564  No.203289

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ec0435  No.203305

Most so called "elites" (elite robber barons and parasites maybe) are basic bitches (see Rothschilds).

You can take the girl out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the girl. No money in the world can change that. Neither will transhumanism or whatever other meme they come up with to try to run away from the very core of their being and larp to be anything more than a bunch of desert bandits and pimps.

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6acd4c  No.203312


Being on the internet and seeing how stupid the masses are I cant say that I blame them or feel much differently

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398b87  No.203316


Gonna bump this thread so everyone knows that the chans are run by literal kikes

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538a6a  No.203378



LOL. You don't belong here. Fuck off, and kill yourself.

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