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File: 251e78dd44772d4⋯.jpeg (423.21 KB, 1181x787, 1181:787, E2461D98_B696_4058_836A_4….jpeg)

645e88  No.203030

Does anyone actually believe the (((AXIS))) psyop which was not only doomed from the start but also from all the retarded decisions they made to lead their people to death? How the fuck did Japan and Germany end up relevant despite the sanctions?

I dont care if five nazis were legit (lmao dr death or whatever was awesome fuck kikes) , overall it was a kike op just like trump which is why 100% of his supporters in and out were thrown in the trash.

You got conned. Be a man and be thankful that at least one person wasnt and is now enlightening you.

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bc50ad  No.203031

Hitler and Stalin were both controlled opposition. Same as Trump VS. Hillary.

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645e88  No.203035

File: efbd13b8149adc6⋯.png (46.66 KB, 694x416, 347:208, 14CCD1E6_DBDB_46F3_8259_1D….png)

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File: e29fae6ebdf8502⋯.jpeg (14.84 KB, 255x153, 5:3, F23C7B08_445D_4C98_87D1_3….jpeg)


Every “nazi” I ever left was just some low self esteem reject. They would go on about jewish consumerism destroying society then I would say “yeah why do people need luxury cars while people starve” then they would immediately turn into the jews greatest advocate “what are you JEALOUS of people more successful?” Yeah I clearly remember that part in Mein Kampf when Hitlerstein said “We must worship the best bankers lawyers and shylocks! They have more money so one of them is worth more than a million white children!”.. wait did that kike say that? Wouldnt be shocked.

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645e88  No.203036

File: c2200e5b266086b⋯.jpeg (101.1 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, FC085945_3C8B_4308_A9D5_9….jpeg)


Donald Trump: “Gluttony! Vanity! Betrayal! Financial fraud! Nepotism over merit! My children all had their bar miszvahs!”

Yeah sure sounds like hitler and not a jewish left right psyop

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89cf7e  No.203338


100% you are american. American Rockwell Nazism is just racist capitalism. No European Nazi thinks that way.

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9271ea  No.203377




You don't belong here. Fuck off, and kill yourselves…

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