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File: 857ad2109b0da03⋯.jpg (47.65 KB, 630x420, 3:2, cus1594879597859.jpg)

c3e8da  No.202984[Last 50 Posts]

Why the fuck hasn't the civil war happened by now? I thought this shit was gonna happen in November.

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77ae10  No.202986


Because the Zio-Bolshevik propaganda machine got rekt.

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cd09da  No.202988

Where are our NazBols?

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c3e8da  No.202989


It obviously didn't, you stupid nigger, since Beijing Biden now holds office with his gaggle of kikes for a cabinet.


Checked. But what the fuck do Nazbols have to do with a civil war?

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77ae10  No.202991

File: 9b0f15582a971cf⋯.png (295.75 KB, 740x602, 370:301, Biden_makes_JIDF_seethe.png)


seethe more JIDF

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c3e8da  No.202997


Suck my dick, you fucking thread derailing faggot.


I'm a fucking mulatto lmfao

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77ae10  No.202998


>I'm a fucking mulatto

disgusting. gtfo back to 4/pol/

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0f5927  No.203016

A lot of people expected the union to fail and were apprehensive about the federal constitution because they figured the pro-slavery states could never form a union with the anti-slavery states. It took 80 years of tension until the first civil war broke out. We have to see how the Biden administration pans out but he's obviously a very weak leader and wouldn't have the temperament to keeps shit from breaking apart.

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c3e8da  No.203020


I'm jacking off to your saging and it empowers me. Each time you sage, I grow stronger and more powerful. The bright red "SAGE!" fuels my non-corporeal consciousness and energizes my deracinated, corrupted, rootless tan carbon based fleshy form. The seething-based energy empowers my opposable thumbs and ocular appendages to read this thread and to reply more. Seethe for me.


So either secession occurs and Biden can't do shit, due to being a dementia having cuck (I doubt it because things are too good but it would probably be like the Freikorps or the putsches during the Weimar Republic, transitioning to The Troubles 2.0) or the war starts in the mid 2040s (heading for Yugoslavia 2.0), which is way too fucking long. By 2041, I'd be way too old.

Also, sixth post best post. Thanks.

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77ae10  No.203022


>not white faggot fantasizing over the collapse of america

kys rabbi

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c3e8da  No.203023


Why would I have loyalty to the USA? I'm not WASP, White, Jewish or Native American. I have no ties to this country, which was explicitly founded for WASPs alongside kike slave merchants that allowed White men of good moral character.

My kind are not even legally citizens of the USA if you look at Dred Scott v Sanford and Plessy v Ferguson. I don't understand why you faggots won't just let mongrels exfiltrate on some old barge ships to move to the Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico to set up the mulatto ethnostate.

Of course I want this shithole to collapse. The Federal Reserve, Stock Market, Hollywood and all kike-shartisan institutions export Weimar degeneracy to the entire Earth. Everyone on the planet except for the Israeli lobby in your government and the shabbos goy politicians in DC would rejoice if the country balkanized. Fuck the USA, fuck the US armed forces for flooding Europe with migrants, playing world policeand taking oil for kikes, fuck the Platinum Plan, fuck the $15 million for Pakistani gender studies and fuck the $500 gorillion a year for Israel.

America is a sickening blight on the face of the earth, like Israel, Saudi Arabia and all Mainland Africa above South Africa. I hope your shithole collapses so I get my ethnostate and Israel gets nuked by Iran.

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77ae10  No.203024


>im a mulatto with no racial identity and no national consciousness

now you know why your kind is getting the rope.

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c3e8da  No.203025


And we have your kind to thank for it. White Americans and kikes wrote the One Drop Rule and for no reason at all, suppressed mulatto identity. Spics and Hapas have more of an identity than we do, while we just stand in solidarity with niggers and leftists.

If your shithole would just collapse and kikes would lose their attack dog, so many global issues would fix themselves.

>UN loses 1/3 of its power

>Migrants could be forced out of Europe

>Ireland could be one nation again

>Kosovo could be split between Albania and Serbia

>Globohomo could be ended in Western Europe and wouldn't be pushed into Eastern Europe

>Palestine would be free

>Kikes would go extinct in less than a decade

>Spics get their territory back

>Afrikaners get to take South Africa back without (((foreign intervention)))

>Moldova can get its situation straight and stop being nigger levels of poor

>Nuclear family restored

>Zero-fault divorce abolished

>Circumcision banned forever

>Marital rape repealed

>Women's suffrage repealed

>Mulatto identity forming during a turbulent racial climate


Yeah, I could go on and on about the benefits of a world without America. Also, sage for me bby.

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77ae10  No.203026


>waaaahhh i have white racial envy

>waaaaahhh russia #1

fuck off, you little kalergi kid.

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c3e8da  No.203032


Stay mad, kike loving faggot. You fucks are the reason kikes pervert everything now.

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3740ae  No.203033


1) people don't have the will to fight because we live comfortable lives

2) we have no real leadership

3) this isn't like the Civil War because back then the states had governance that represented the people. That is not the case today.

4) it would be a sort of rural vs city, but there's no leadership positions. I go into this how we need people in places of power, but then IDIOTS pile onto to me and tell me that voting doesn't work, but it does work at the local level. You people are just too stupid and blackpilled to see that.

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77ae10  No.203034

File: dcb6e7c3168b615⋯.jpg (321.27 KB, 824x856, 103:107, white_genocide_kalergi.jpg)


Remember: You are what Jews wanted to create. A golem with no racial identity and no national consciousness. You're an abomination. What's worse is that if you were capable of overcoming your own ego and racial complexes you'd fight racemixing and nation hating, but you're too stuck up your own ass to do anything productive.

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c3e8da  No.203044


>white racial envy

I'm proud to be mixed so lol at that

>no identity, no aspirations for nationalism

Google "Novutera, Novuteran, Autocracy Of Novutera or /hybrid/" Better yet, google the mulatto ethnic flag. If we are not a hybrid ethnic group and it is impossible to unify for a common goal as mutts, why do you need to shill so hard? If the situation was hopeless, you wouldn't need to say this bullshit.

>you support racemixing

Why the fuck would I support racemixing, you stupid nigger? If I don't want Black men to fuck mixed women, what the fuck makes you think I want racemixing between your race and any other race? Get a grip, you retarded kike shill. It's obvious you are paid to sabotage civil war topic threads. I oppose racemixing.

>nation hating

The USA and the State Of Israel are my enemy and the enemy of all like me. The USA ceased to be a nation when you people started giving nigger and spics citizenship. A race is a nation. A tribe is a nation. A group of genetically similar peoples is a nation. Your country is a bastardization of the nation it was intended to be and Hitler was 200% right about it. If your Jew vassal state crashed, maybe some actual nations could finally arise again from the Continental US, like the CSA or New England.

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77ae10  No.203045


USA isn't crashing. Look at us. We're entirely divided and still Russia, China, and every other place combined can't take us out. All that's happening is little traitor commie mutts like you are made to feel emboldened, you run your mouth, and we hunt you down when we're bored with appearing weak while strong. Little kalergi baby.

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c3e8da  No.203053


1 & 2) There will never be a leader like Hitler in the USA because the kikes/shabbos goy elites and the marxists wised up to how righteousness was able to prevail in the past. They are like a virus that adapted to the antibiotics and became a superbug. Feds will infiltrate any national level centralized groups or militias so unless you infiltrate the Republicans and Democrats and hide your power levels, it's not happening.

There could never be an open race realist/WN presidential candidate. Not even a outright fascist or NS party is getting a majority in US elections. The NJP is a pipe dream and so is Patriot Front. And I know some niggers like the saging cuck in this thread who has made it clear they have fallen madly in love with me will be butthurt. But it is true. Optics matter when you want power from a system you don't control. They don't matter when you are operating outside the system. No openly White Nationalist party will ever win. Any third party like that has to be covert and vague in their objectives until they get power. Just openly stating your agenda won't work.

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c3e8da  No.203054


Third party presidents will never happen unless

A) some former governor or President forms a third party and entrepreneurs also join and provide financial backing, like Ross Perot's party that got 1/5th of the vote needed, or,

B) A party splits into two new parties, which is damn unlikely.

As you can see Independent is a fucking meme like libertarian and they don't get enough votes.

A lot of organizations are compromised in infancy so it is best to go decentralized and small cell organization. However, you don't really need a political leader. All the people need is to lose faith in the system. Once the people see the system can not provide them what they want, they will look elsewhere.

Trump was a ZOGbot, but, he was a right-wing conservative populist. He wasn't a commie faggot like the rest. If he had more balls and wasn't a fucking idiot, he could have changed America's course for the better and made it like 8% less cucked and helped provide more time and energy for nationalist and populist sentiment to foment, leading to a line of Republican running populist right candidates. But he did support legal immigrants. All immigrants are bad. Legal and illegal. So this was cucking on his part. Trump also backed out on a lot of shit that he didn't have to. He could have used Directive 51, the NDAA, he had so much to stop the fraud but he caved. He could have pardoned Assange and Snowden. He caved. He could have declassified everything. He caved. Then he cucked out to blacks with the platinum plan. Lmfao. And, he denounced his own supporters.

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c3e8da  No.203056

I suppose this Patriot Party may be the only chance to get a real publicly funded third party with real backing. The GOP establishment niggers will probably convict him in the senate and co-sign bills to prevent more people like Trump from running or to prevent anyone else from trying what the boomerwaffen did at the rally.

The biggest issue in American government is the fact that people are kept comfortable and also put into debt and into a position where they can't afford to lose what little they have.

<Cletus is a father of four and a trucker who has to work hard for his three bedroom home, his wife and kids, his truck, his pickup, his dog, etc.

>Luna is a jobless commie faggot who has no job and no aspirations which is why he would accept Soros money to riot in the cities.

It is a system that, by design, can not collapse because people are forced to interact with it if they just want to work and make a living for their families and be left alone.

Unironically, demographics and marxists will eventually short circuit the system as leftist niggers wanting gibsmedat will be less likely to work, meaning they have a smaller tax pool, meaning they have smaller budgets. This is why they really want automation. Automation would put a lot of right wing people and workers period out of work. This would cause possibilities for collapse or conflict but they will likely enact UBI or some other shit to pacify the people, yet again.

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c3e8da  No.203057



3. Yes. However, this multicultural shit can't last forever. This can not possibly be how it ends. Rome, Austria-Hungary, many empires throughout time, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia collapsed. For all intents and purposes, America is a multicultural empire that is in a perpetually staved off collapse but it isn't THE empire. It's A empire. And empires collapse. America is no exception.

4. I agree. I think at the very least, it'll be like the Troubles thought I hope for Yugoslavia. And if anons ran for mayor, alderman, sheriff, local and county positions, they would win and control their regions. Probably even running for government in the state level would work, leading to many anons in office. But these fucking faggots refuse to run for local office. They just go on /pol/ and bitch about how they have no options.

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c3e8da  No.203058


<hates racemixing

<comes to /pnd/

<is ethnonationalist as fuck

<sounds like an overt national socialist

<is pro-segregation

<strongly sickened by the USA corrupting Europe, the Middle East, etc

<Wants an ethnostate

<Is calling communists faggots

Yep, I must totally be communist.

I love you too. Be a good little whore and keep saging the thread for daddy.

:* <3

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c3e8da  No.203064


Interesting theory and I would love to hear it. You think the civil war talk is just kabuki to get us mad enough to hate each other so they can go "but wait, there's more" and redirect the outrage onto Iran via the media and get a war on Iran? I think the elites would rather have us fight "Russian aggression" or "Jihad in Africa" to keep the country from having a civil war. But that could be wrong if they have more safeguards against collapse like nukes. Just the fact that the US has nukes makes a civil war less possible.

The space force thing is actually another thing that will make it more impossible for a second civil war. With America having clear intentions for space combat and space colonization and SpaceX being in the USA, America has the potential to have the world using the petrodollar in some form or another for the next 250 years. Especially if it goes digital. And since the USA is very capable of surviving nuclear world war with Russia, North Korea and China combined, it will lead to a space race of countries forming space forces, companies focusing on space as a commercial market and private military corporations planning to come up with space marines or whatever the fuck. In such a scenario, the USA would rest in a leading position, having total hegemony over the world and the solar system until some gay planetwide government formed and space colonization began, with them in a key position, just like the UN, just like NATO, that would lead to independent space colonies in the far future.

There is just one problem with that and any further golden eras for the USA, Jews. Kikes control the USA so they will leech any potential the USA has. They also have fucked the US demographics so the USA will just become like Brazil in the future but more socialist/globohomo. It's kinda sad when you think of it because the amount of money spent on Africa and all these SJW programs and all the monopoly money spending bills and all the kickbacks for shlomo was more than enough for the USA to last 1000 years, form an anti-communist amendment back in the 1960s, obstruct Hart-Celler under anti-communist laws and to colonize other planets under NASA.

Even though I hate the fucking place, it is sad when you see what could have been. I'm sure there will be other empires. New nations. New peoples. New countries. New conflicts. There always are. The US is too big and diverse so that is another issue. If it was small and homogenous, it would last longer.

But America is like Rome in its prime. When one looks at Rome then and looks at it now, that decay is heartbreaking. Any decay of a successful civilization is sad. Hopefully the possibly coming future nations learn from all of this and don't try to replicate the globohomo empire. Iran has lasted for thousands of years. I wonder what their secret is because they are not ethnically homogenous entirely and they did have an empire phase. I think Iran will outlast the USA though.

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c2a5f9  No.203067

Because Americans have bread and circus.

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430fb7  No.203072

File: 5ac20da9afdcc7c⋯.png (71.41 KB, 1557x225, 173:25, sage_this.png)


This guy gets it.

Fortunately, bread and circuses are where the enemy is weakest. Sun Tzu say…(that thing)

I like you anon, have a useful cap.

I am using cap related as we discuss and I see no faggot sagebush anywhere.

I had no idea how much seeing him shit up every single goddam fucking thread made this place as unreadable as he did; I had left b/c of that and didn't even know it.

He must be one of the best CIA faggots around; I guess we can be happy they send us the best.

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5361e5  No.203078



Don't worry boy, you halfblooded freaks will have plenty of ethnic identity once we saw you in half.

But fuck the USA, burn it and restart, it's so kiked it's beyond saving.

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6003dc  No.203100


> Biden is President

if you believe the mainstream media narrative

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430fb7  No.203107


> why you faggots won't just let mongrels exfiltrate on some…

You could do that now and we would not stop you. Really nobody's stopping it now in the first place.

If enough of you started jews might cause (more) trouble for both our groups. But that's nothing new.

I think we should at least first try for an AMICABLE divorce before we go getting our respective 'lawyers' lol.

tl;dr go for it, va a con dios.

> Mestizo detected.

< No, yo hablo espanol muy mal.

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430fb7  No.203110


> Ireland could be one nation again.

Okay I'll admit my Irish history isn't as rich as irish cream but I'm pretty sure Ireland wasn't unified except maybe during the late stages of Roman occupation of Britain up to perhaps the third generation of Normans (Henry II) causing shenanigans (lol that's an Irish word isn't it??) but hey I've been wrong before.

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430fb7  No.203112


Don't mind 77ae10.

He has been shitting up every fucking thread here for months.

I'm convinced he is responsible for driving off 45% of our traffic if not more.

It got so bad anons started developing a script just to filter him automatically.

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430fb7  No.203113


If karma is a real thing you would think we've saved up a lot of it………

yeah I mean the evil kind

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77ae10  No.203119


The more defeated you are the more queer you become. There has been nor will there be a civil war. Sorry, Moshe.

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62fa94  No.203155

File: 9cbb12d0e062050⋯.jpg (4.86 KB, 206x213, 206:213, 1578052525185.jpg)


>Beijing Biden



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3b350f  No.203200


Because white genocide is already complete. Eat shit and die with your zero effort spam threads.

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c3e8da  No.203225


<Steal a chink cargo ship


Mr Mutt, we are charging you with treason, kidnapping, boat stealing, unlawful invasion of a sovereign nation while a US citizen, treason, anti-Semitism, sedition, conspiracy to sedition, making Nazi like statements, more treason, being Hitler 2.0, hate crimes and boating tickets. How do you plead? Judge Tyrone Paco Washington-Shekelstein will now allow you to speak.

<Well sir, integration and racemixing is fucking gay and is a crime against natu-


I wish, White Anon. I really do. A racial separation would be the only thing that would allow the conditions to get them out by the thousands each day. All of us really. I wish Malcolm X had congressional support.

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c3e8da  No.203233


Oh fuck, I missed that. Viva Aridoamerica/Aztlan. I hope it works out for you guys on the Southwest.

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3b350f  No.203234


>oy vey support the spics

>let them steal white land

Commit suicide.

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738a3d  No.203236


Becauze zionist in chief aka donald said to go home and no one wants to take the first shot. In fact I'm quite certain there have been some lone wolves but the MSM will never mention them as to not motivate others to take up arms.

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97ca6e  No.203310


Because you need some sort of organization to start a war with. If you thought Trump and the Republican "Party" were going to organize a civil war, you're a retard.

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97ca6e  No.203313


>why hasn't civil war started?

>because communist propaganda machine was defeated

Sage-faggot literally believes communism is trying to destroy that interracial homosexual pornographic film called "America" he loves so much.

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8b3c9d  No.203381


It already happened, just the death count was relatively low. We're in the occupation stage now.

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984d2a  No.203395



Try again, spiclover. Your spam threads betrays your retardation.

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10939d  No.203464


The reaction to people like Tarrant and the Qniggers should have taught you that ashes and echoes was right all along. None of you niggers will ever do anything. Even IOTBW was a hair away from being shut down by you cowardly cum slurpers as being "fedposting". None of you will do anything but whine on the internet. Kikes won. It's over.

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6f5d35  No.203520


Though, deleted, my previous post… LOL

The Buchanan-Lincoln layup is still a thing, not that you would care or understand.

+26,000 times this has happened and yet you notice nothing. The fall of Sumeria due to extreme inequality. The fall of the Maya due to politics becoming religion. Do as thou wilt?

I dare you to find out. I will win with the passage of time.

When Rome fell the initial response was to claim the remaining surface area of the earth to prevent that situation from happening again. Empires do seek to last after all. Now it is going to happen again, but this time it's the entire planet. In reality it was always the 'entire planet,' or at least as far as man reigns. Welcome to planet terror. We all sink down here.

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6f5d35  No.203523

To make matters worse…

There is always a disorganized group of people who go by many names.

Thots? Woke? Cancel Culture?

They always erase the history of their people just before it happens.

Chaos reigns.

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6f5d35  No.203524

26,000 birds are screaming.

7 snakes are hissing.

An owl in an apple tree.

Yea, that's a tasty jam.

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4f104c  No.203538


free extra response to thread


schizo maybe

civil war 2 debate isnt necessary, it's slowly coming up across the united states. no need to beg when it's coming

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4f104c  No.203539


the sage seether wont bug off

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1a6466  No.203568



How am I misconstruing anything? OP asked why the civil war hasn't started, and Sagefaggot literally goes about screeching "Cuz deh Judeo-Bolshevik propaganda failed!" This is him doing two things:

1. Saying the ZOG is trying to start a civil war in that thing called "America" (it isn't).

2. Celebrating the ZOG somehow failed. As in, the forces of JESUS are somehow preventing that homosexual interracial porno movie called "America" from balkanizing like Yugoslavia and the USSR. "White Jesus has defeated Zio-Bolshevik propaganda and has deemed that America shall continue existing."

Sage-faggot is a fucking Kike-lover in the extreme. They love "America," they love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes. They come here to say the stupidest shit imaginable, because they think the masses of the White Nation are so fucking stupid, they will believe anyone who sprinkles words like nigger/kike/spic in their posts.

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f1bbce  No.203584


It hasn't happened yet because our forefathers built such a comfy world for us not enough people are feeling the pain yet.

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e6a924  No.203603


Good luck trying to form a functional militia when your recruiting pool is filled with Jamals, Pedros, Karens, and Agents.

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984d2a  No.203607


Sage because it causes you physical pain.


>How am I misconstruing anything?






Reported, then. Commit suicide.


<everyone who sages a thread is the same person

Just kill yourself. You don't have an argument. You have nothing. Jews don't want civil war.

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5f1aaf  No.203896

We might be heading that way if the last five years wasn't hijacked by alt-right, civic nationalist traitors.

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3f98f0  No.203898

Death to the jews. Kill them all.

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defdd9  No.203910

Americans need to go to war against the jews. No more killing each other while the fat stinking jew profits from the misery. The jews should have been wiped out thousands of years ago.

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defdd9  No.203911


It's all just a cohencidence they are all run by jews I guess. Please stop calling them traitors when they are clearly jews that are serving jews. It's retarded.

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c1f841  No.203914


>the last five years wasn't hijacked by alt-right, civic nationalist traitors.


>It's all just a cohencidence they are all run by jews I guess

Things That Are Jewish or Jew Controlled

* Trump

* Republicans

* Democrats

* The Alt-Right

* The Internet

* This Board

* OP

* You

* Me

* Doing things

* Not doing things

* Everything you ever read

* The air your breathe

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7c13b4  No.203990


>no argument

>reductio ad absurdum fallacy

Thanks for confirming everything they said is true.

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1a6466  No.204178


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes, only a Jewish communist would oppose the ZOG!

Kill yourself, ZOG-fagot.

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006780  No.216125

File: c9c88d16d3f9d05⋯.jpeg (125.92 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 1776.jpeg)

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00a132  No.216970


>Why the fuck hasn't the civil war happened by now?

It is happening, you simply are not allowed to fight.

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e82770  No.216983


It would be enough to make a fella kill himself, if that also wasn't part of the jewish plan

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c097f2  No.216986


Good job bumping the spam thread.

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2d0655  No.216989


> Why the fuck hasn't the civil war happened by now?

One of the two sides is still waiting for its leader to appear.

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c097f2  No.216990


>oy vey goyim never do anything ever

>you have to KEEP WAITING for us to appoint a leader to your honeypot

Fucking shill.

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0e5139  No.217044


A blessedly woke and insightful post. Trump fucked up. Now, the right (and by the right I mean everyone right of center, including boomercons, which frequently function as useful idiots in the political sphere) not only has no leader, but no breathing room. So sad.


Local politics might be the only option, but the plague of jews and retards is moving everywhere and is very hard to stop in (what is functionally a farcical) democracy. We have shit brained californians moving everywhere (of which I happen to be one), evil scheming jews from nyc moving to florida (and everywhere else) dumb libs and nigs from chicago, again going everywhere, etc. etc. Couple this with a porous border, and we're fucked. At least in AH and Rome, each ethnic group had its little enclave. Due to the relative ease of mobility, we have a true "melting pot" with very few areas being ethnically American.



not much else to say here other than I'm not sure whether jihad on our shores would really make the people angry. Honestly, if a lib city got hit, Americans would probably cheer.

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da95b3  No.217052

File: f8bd7b14dbc4b64⋯.jpg (147.13 KB, 500x560, 25:28, mexicans_are_trash.jpg)

File: c7844b1106588e5⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mexican_mutt_realizes_they….jpg)

File: 61ef3bbba41ca9d⋯.png (831.99 KB, 1138x640, 569:320, How_to_rid_of_Amerimutts_n….png)


>retarded shitskin beaner

>mutt beaners and niggers are Europeans because they don't have any "culture" thats created by them

>Beaners and niggers "culture" is all copied from recent European immigrant cultural trends from the past 70 years

Go be a subhuman beaner mexishit somewhere else you no soul tar face.

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