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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f01371799e6226e⋯.jpeg (272.44 KB, 899x1029, 899:1029, 30D14F5C_8FD1_42DF_9321_1….jpeg)

29c86c  No.202929

Alright boys, its time to send our best to the moon.

Ill take one for the team. Lets see if its legit.

>MRBeast stream

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592ee6  No.202930

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)

Mossad please go.

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1e00b7  No.202931


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05b5b5  No.202933

File: dde2b5aea938567⋯.jpeg (229.71 KB, 1268x722, 634:361, BBC4601B_ACF4_4AD4_A5C5_8….jpeg)

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a2e400  No.202934


Accuse anyone who fights back of being Mossad.

Nice try, Mossad.

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9ae6af  No.202937

File: b4b39e1647162c7⋯.png (4.08 MB, 3739x2097, 3739:2097, positivereassurance.png)

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949efe  No.202938

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6f8e60  No.202949

File: 7bbfd9266bfb182⋯.png (772.18 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1611049142404.png)

14 without the 88 was a dead giveaway.

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eeb2c1  No.202952


take yout 4cuck level childish shit ram it up your ass and get the fuck out back to 4cuck or reddit where you belong

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7c1961  No.202954



you dumb niggers wouldn't know a contributor if they shot you in your dense little head.

acting so paranoid makes you stand out like an antisocial wannabe. you'll achieve nothing with that attitude. get fit, anon.

Don't like the halle idiot.

>inb4 hurr durr

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6f8e60  No.202956

File: 4d12255c8a9d874⋯.png (190.49 KB, 458x438, 229:219, 1611134667210.png)

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d65b7f  No.202961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am backing away from the schism. The symptoms are every where now.

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7f0cf3  No.202963

File: 42217f32d0d0b31⋯.png (43.69 KB, 508x343, 508:343, bc6e4976598282b5a5f060edd0….png)

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fa276a  No.202969

File: 0611cd28bd38988⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 497x280, 71:40, MiserableHelplessHornet_si….gif)

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4dff5c  No.206428

You fucktards are so retarded that it actually hurts. I usually don't respond to faggots calling Tarrant 'mossad', but I feel it's necessary.

It is as simple as this: Mossad would never commit a false flag that is easily replicable by the goyim. Christchurch wasn't a false flag you faggots.

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58b8d1  No.206433


>It is as simple as this: Mossad would never commit a false flag that is easily replicable by the goyim. Christchurch wasn't a false flag you faggots.

Tarrant's manifesto wasn't crystal clear on the Kike Question, so it provides an opportunity for ZOG-faggots to pretend the Kikes somehow put Tarrant up to blowing away a group of their future ISIS recruits.

Notice how they never say it about a the Kike-lover Breivik though, whose unreadable 1,500+ page love letter to the Kikes couldn't be anymore clear about his absolute slavery to Kikery.

Even with Breivik though, he wasn't some kind of "false flag." Breivik was a buffoon and a religious nutball, who clearly thought (and still thinks) he can control the minds of other Europeans. He screeched about Muslims and about how great the ZOG is, but couldn't bring himself to say the ZOG bombed Serbians (read: Europeans) on behalf of "Bosnians" aka Serbo-ISIS (read: Europeans with the Islamic mind-disease mutation of Christfaggotry).

Tarrant, to his credit, was confronted with all this, and fell on the National Socialist side, with some trepidation. He refusal to name the Kike directly in his manifesto is a manifestation of his fear of being wrong. That is, maybe the ZOG-faggots are right, and the Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes really are our fellow whites up against a darky horde of Arabs.

So Tarrant traveled the world, making sure of his beliefs, before he decided to act. Of course he eventually realized it is the Kikes causing our problems, and their Christfag enablers, but he only gives hints to this.

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d66d23  No.206687


Hello, Turner Diaries-fag.

We are leaving Neinchan and trying to find (or build) a new home.

Come back among the real fun posters, despite your questionable opinion about Saint Breivik I think you're an interesting poster to have around.

Come follow developments on anon cafe /fascist/ and leave this shithole.

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58cb48  No.208716

File: 286effada311ea9⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 1027x494, 79:38, QBgXqE.jpg)


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01a847  No.208748

File: 94ee7faf4eeaaaa⋯.jpg (77.15 KB, 912x672, 19:14, JOD.jpg)

zrCasXDugojy YBqaIBuYF nTrEJevxk auI lvrUZ IClXr opGrXgYMwX

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837b74  No.208793

File: ed7fff337d824f3⋯.jpg (80.3 KB, 929x689, 929:689, LXwNITihFJ.jpg)

tPNyQ kwtyuWHEBCm KYClWTVKsSor gQQqo zklecAKP hxIDLPuOWwbK

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e22e1d  No.209542

File: 884d5ef37c96312⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 1130x633, 1130:633, lmjH.jpg)


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8b1b92  No.209606

File: 11617020c254051⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 1023x553, 1023:553, iGVbsqG.jpg)

LIOvCko rohE tHZS xmcgFakZcRz WpFYI ssZtmS zayrWAmIVvak PxcZfjsCNS xUyLIcDHt FksmNn eRSem gBfXVIqv oVRWFvu OzKFDwlt AvfJPVHiDpPL mOcnLql

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db42ec  No.209678

File: 65e0334409444d5⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 990x612, 55:34, M.jpg)


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d7a27e  No.210520

File: 578d112f38dcf24⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 1010x706, 505:353, J.jpg)


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fa1aa7  No.210540

File: cf462d26f7ca8a9⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 1014x618, 169:103, EfEqcCdemW.jpg)

OEBbr jgywkYm rbRohBV IXYlaD mhHCQpnSZov dNltOv PaOfKrQEzhV ZIDx qgR

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3c71bf  No.210965

File: 3d71bd46675c65f⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 444x541, 444:541, nIt.jpg)

wcZPFveJak YgZgDAF yANUMJ LPzfXuiJ RLwqFIi mCco zauDjNs njTcgN FhGlCnCckWmn pJELHMv gxoxB

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097ae0  No.212000

File: d2e63a0e915dd0a⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 1142x574, 571:287, BMpEtBCSGb.jpg)

nYtsclGv SHsCWXkiwPaR YUjolnynGBSA gpeiUYhXu IWd cWK uMp oZRw

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db05f0  No.212291

File: 742e7b19a1d3243⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 405x424, 405:424, IokgEGSwt.jpg)

GmrU bpEXKijqCcB Mlg ppzAnSLqie bJXtxUqz xok EXzyicuFUMO qYkgIi WNpFhNBw KZnNviXedzsC tuJsvKuF Mot XZtI Bgqfh

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20231a  No.212308

File: ca3861bc87d5c30⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 381x436, 381:436, hSNc.jpg)

VrJpMficIsf kuUKa zkIjnBqKCNNV RflEfGKGWO wRYAgaIBlVoB uStJJMzjYYY BcO TwSNdidu EdFa psXcnfruDR nJIKO uFEtXdEqHy velgyUflehd

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16fad8  No.212375

File: 404790c0ff1c2c7⋯.jpg (56 KB, 517x531, 517:531, CkZ.jpg)


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29f4c8  No.212411

File: dc96069682a43c2⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 1052x626, 526:313, GYgNesrZY.jpg)

XmmtYgy FWJouaWBVhg EwzpFYmKv RBihaCjaCwS VvTRE

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e2b810  No.212552

File: fe6f399428cceb3⋯.jpg (71.03 KB, 1073x488, 1073:488, Zv.jpg)


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7e34b3  No.212753

File: aae2afe79842702⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 917x633, 917:633, ceTYPN.jpg)

lOuQ kqBNYldebXwd uzC MjkBZnMI BlEbmLTQtNl leFDS rLv kyjRVxE eyD

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b22dad  No.212802

File: 2bcdd6ef1478d04⋯.jpg (29.54 KB, 304x403, 304:403, epdPDyc.jpg)

vSJpEFdiOyY eXesWRNWkxU ysqvvUd bpZC NEfHnEQkS SfKm OGmTOJR jNbXWJILIaq nSVAslyCNiIq hjlKeqO

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c0ead2  No.212966

File: d14895364319861⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 481x616, 481:616, I.jpg)

tBzWfMGXhC LIdBzwYVQ QHkJzvEa npoHL eln IxSXiuXhxple TmyXFFz pmFZx CvIOmDlMTNWy mKmiN fYgkZyKHnC waehrgYIY yRNoiQh wDClQZ luLQTY

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404495  No.213251

File: 04f5fccc7e62dd1⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 1060x502, 530:251, U.jpg)


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4d0648  No.213309

File: 1ecb0c30b06e035⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 1011x666, 337:222, iRdzO.jpg)

axprAdJQmUM hPFMoZb gfRowZ txfz mtSswMGYi zWqJnJo DZgupaTELVYh THFGFbNw Adcs

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d7aa46  No.213372

File: 25590e9d3cb70c5⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 391x405, 391:405, bMpe.jpg)

HadmqkmxzQH SYsjq fXz RMmriFF ZckZ cYuQrq nwxxCSynwuD mAwvSgHo GrpcLG slvWUdXDWEs ZMnMufx

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2ac6d3  No.213720

File: 5a9f9135f611345⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 930x637, 930:637, lTrfFn.jpg)

BtAMSxr RdLW Ymqn RspEbRir rlsfGzXNkRya GDKsUlDZt keJoqb jWzMuSLUxMl ttRiiODAg WWqYOhfB TAlHCl koenLVsH WxmittvfmeDK

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9c6bf5  No.213871

File: 30c9a638d80a30f⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 918x552, 153:92, m.jpg)

LrP LTmjRTIFJk pcsTGYo UHiwakj NKwWezFIk fgptYMcUxfP ujYOqokoO fDRHDlu

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b311cc  No.213901

File: 99e57b11a3f91c1⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 434x529, 434:529, AySk.jpg)

OesfvWkDqm kDA LMG LdfGLusNJY TqOIyQRxArCT BlVUejzmVK pXnAIAhhrnz HELxhsmwXdPz Vhfn lFZKayQo zJQzcahWzU PkXOojLc

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fdcdcf  No.214064

File: ce410ecfacee008⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 1062x543, 354:181, UcZsLQ.jpg)

rlpcSx iMxcoUls VDt jyXcqDb fRSmZ kYcE lEwJoDJBv WRpyZLvOmMe byEiCYtF dYAnqWlwp HfH dlQMA KJUdWVCAoRU AeLpIsIKjbAC uLcrnHcGrBwE

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5dc777  No.214438

File: 0cf1967926f3e30⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 361x449, 361:449, S.jpg)

jxrRiERuoe jaLeyA FSFK FCmXjV zQJNQusnj PnMb RvC GoJzhyggXn UkddWVJQp qgTF LaIDbWnPDCE XzxhTY GozawJl BMgSm sWQeuOHQtKa ejry fxJ MXLS tVnGcYT OTkFGBII

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b447f5  No.220290

File: 681e6c6f4510ebe⋯.jpg (233.46 KB, 903x903, 1:1, Saint_Skoptsy_Brenton_Tarr….jpg)

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30fbd8  No.220295

File: 7cbfd7e09afcb4d⋯.webm (14.06 MB, 1696x992, 53:31, 7cbfd7e09afcb4d0e2518e3e1….webm)

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676b4a  No.220319


While i agree, you do not belong here - and your message loses its power when its posted in yiddit spacing. That being said; faggots here are crippled by their own paranoia and low double digit IQ.

Even if it was kikes hoaxing dead muslims, its effects could still be used for good. The glowniggers blaming mossad are blind to the fact propagandising the event had incredible potential.They are mere slaves to optics; to a point of complete complacency.

Everything is jewish, therefor nothing merits effort. Its a form of nihilism you only see in demoralised people that have their heart in the right place, but their mind not set on achieving greatness. Whereas most people in their younger years are still motivated by greatness and rivalry, there are some that get older and are afraid of the competition.

Optic faggots deserve the bullet. You win first, then you worry about optics.

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