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477385  No.202916

( for diabetes persons only )

Dear diabetes patients in the USA,

(1.) Please tell us how you voted in the 2020 election.

(2.) Please tell us how you feel about your new insulin prices?

Thank You,


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148e97  No.202919

when epipens become expired the adrenaline becomes iodized. which is literally what adrenchrome is (iodized adrenaline)

this is the reason for epipens being so expensive

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92207c  No.202928


What new prices? The price hasn't changed. Biden ended a Trump order, but that order was just Trump telling companies to do something they were already doing.

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b91d7d  No.202948

You have to pay for insulin in america??

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060f6d  No.202958


If you’re not a nigger you have to pay for insulin, phones, and everything.

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92207c  No.202965


Ain't nothin' free in America 'cept Jesus.

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