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File: 79c7c6704cf4832⋯.jpg (80.64 KB, 578x271, 578:271, turkic_groups.jpg)

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File: 7664cf8e7e0b85c⋯.jpg (151.1 KB, 476x599, 476:599, Chinese_Nationalists_Commu….jpg)

6e883c  No.202743

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), was created directly by the Soviet Bolsheviks in 1921, and became in 1978 the main secret agent for banks, capitalism, Zionism, Atheism and globalization against patriotism and nationalism in the world.

CCP never represented the Chinese people, of which the Han is more than 92% of the people

CCP is a system of domination by a group of not more than 2% of Turkic Mongolians and their partner subjects from a group called Hakka, who are labelled as Guest Families. Hakka first appeared in northern China with the Mongolian invasion and occupation of China since Genghis Khan in 1206 by uprooting and using a group of poor Han victims to invade southern China

The Hakka group in China is really part of the Han in origin. They were the result of displacement, defeat, uprooting, submission and service to the Mongols who seized their lands in the central part of Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan provinces.

The subjugation of a group from Han who became Hakka started by the Mongol Empire in 1206 and by Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan who founded the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). This continued during the Northern Yuan (1368–1635). The total period of creating the Hakka was 364 years.

Most likely, before 1271 there was no such thing as Hakka. This period also created the Jin dialect from which the Hakka language gradually arose as it spread and served the Mongols as it expanded southward. Haka came to be called Guest Families because they were not really an ethnic group.

The conquest and settlement of the Americas was a project orchestrated by the Turkic Mongolian gangs, who were occupiers of Spain and Portugal (Andalusia). When they were expelled in 1492 with the Reconquista liberation of Spain and Portugal, they jumped to the Americas and occupied it and controlled it by bringing slaves and labor from Europe and Africa.

Organization, power and money in colonies of the Americas were first in the hands of East and West Asians. Miserable Europeans were to serve them in their projects. Gradually Europeans became more conscious, wealthy and organized. This resulted in the American Civil War of 1861 between European Republican Federates, opponents of slavery, against Asiatic White Democratic Confederates, supporters of slavery.

Now the position of Asiatic Whites in USA is getting weaker as the power, awareness, organization, and wealth of Europeans is growing fast. John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are clear examples of the rise of Europeans. Therefore, the Whites in America increasingly need the support their of Turkic Mongolian communists in China who were planted, made and empowered by the Soviet communists.

In addition to redirecting some of Turkic Mongolian investments in China and Japan to USA, the support of the Communists in China to Whites in America is through interfering in the US government, buying lands, bonds, companies and American politicians by Chinese communists.

What are currently happening in USA and Europe in form of conflicts between supporters of globalization against supporters of patriotism is a consequences of the East and West Asia expansion through their communists, capitalists, Zionists, banks, media, atheism, liberal democracy and fake religious organizations.


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43036e  No.202747

File: c417a551ed66b27⋯.webm (2.24 MB, 512x288, 16:9, anglin_hates_whites.webm)

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43a6ce  No.202840

There is no 'China'.

Want to trigger the shit out of chinks? Mention the fact the Han chinese have been gang raped by different races for thousands of years and the 'one china' is all bullshit.

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b85711  No.202849

File: e2e24cc075943aa⋯.jpg (641.21 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_20210124_035457….jpg)


>mfw this zogbot believes we care

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